/r/ADHD - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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ADHD 2023
2024, November
4547 Children with higher IQ scores were diagnosed l...
3756 My auditory processing disorder make me feel r...
2199 My ADHD journey is over
2197 Psychiatrist recommended I be a housewife.
1988 Was referred to as a "Unicorn" today
1911 Do you feel like a child in an adult body? How ...
1882 Something I've done for 6 years eluded me for 1...
1742 Mind blowing realization: you don't have to pic...
1423 Stufy: IQ Levels Lead to Different ADHD Diagnos...
2024, October
6309 I have been brushing my teeth for 50 days strai...
3077 Took Adderall for the first time and I feel lik...
2738 I think time blindness for us with ADHD makes i...
2463 I got accused of not listening when she had my ...
2365 I advocated for myself and in return was called...
2351 When you disappoint your date by googling sea s...
2331 Does ADHD make you really get involved in somet...
2105 What is the most adhd thing you have ever adhd’ed
2024 ADHD = knowing you’re smart but feeling stupid ...
1924 Everything I learned about “The way you start t...
2024, September
3634 I removed all distractions and stared at a wall...
3392 Found an ADHD cleaning hack that has dramatical...
2862 I left my fucking stove on today.
2771 Someone on here once suggested just not folding...
2263 Psychiatrist office forgot about me
2198 Which “sleep hygiene” rules do you shamelessly ...
2192 Taking a day off from Vyvanse after six weeks a...
2083 You ever feel like you literally forget your wh...
2081 ADHD Reward System That Actually Works
1962 My service dog passed away and I’ve lost my wil...
2024, August
7224 Reminder: If you made it to adulthood with late...
3463 Being Japanese with ADHD is a nightmare
2445 I tried Adderall for the first time today and I...
2242 Raise your hand if you procrastinate going to s...
1823 What are your top 3 ADHD Life Hacks?
1792 RSD is the bane of my existence
1708 I fking love alcohol and it scares me...
1607 Does everyone with ADHD have an internal monolog?
1576 Jobs you thrive in *because* of your ADHD?
1574 Can anyone with ADHD actually sleep??
2024, July
3067 1% of your day is 14 minutes
2770 Professor mentioned her ADHD casually in a meeting
2506 How in God's name do you explain "my brain didn...
2105 Does showering also require immense discipline ...
1956 Word vomit?
1811 Sex while having ADHD can sometimes feel like h...
1612 What was your most expensive adhd tax?
1533 I pretended to be in college for an entire seme...
1369 does having adhd put you at a higher risk of ha...
1353 How many of y'all are have an official diagnosi...
2024, June
2913 My mom answered 0 on every ADHD testing questio...
2808 Tell me what your *real* hobbies are
2729 You don't need your glasses. Everyones sight is...
2195 Fired when they found out about my ADHD
2016 What statement proves to you that someone knows...
1868 Are you guys way more productive at night than ...
1691 How do you get up in the morning?
1687 Men want to date me until they realize I have a...
1556 Do many of you "bed rot"? Feel so alone and wor...
1465 School called and don’t want me to pack fresh f...
2024, May
3303 Good News Everyone! My Boss has Discovered the ...
2277 Any of you constantly have music playing in you...
2051 On today's episode of ADHD:
1939 After socialising, do you ever start “reflectin...
1865 “I have adhd and it causes chronic fatigue”
1836 "Everybody seems to have ADHD these days"
1774 Where do ADHD symptoms end and actual laziness ...
1743 It's crazy how much executive function is requi...
1711 I so successfully gaslighted myself into believ...
2024, April
4450 Bruh…This disorder can be funny at times
3406 ADHD has completely ruined my life.
3179 Older ADHDers, do you feel your spark is gone?
2966 Do you feel younger than you actually are ?
2628 The "fitted sheet" phenomenon
2080 Dentist told me to drink beer instead of Adhd meds
2055 adhd can make you GOOD at driving too
1915 I (26 f) have zero willpower to get things done...
1763 19 years old, can't read anymore.
2024, March
5543 Reminder: Your ADHD diagnosis comes with a free...
2628 Tired of people acting like ADHD is a trend
2510 Are you upset with your parents for not recogni...
2318 Music... Do you fellow ADHD'ers need music cons...
2296 I asked someone out, they gave me a hard 'no'. ...
2215 I feel bad for asking this but how do some of y...
2123 How to stop fantasizing and just do?
1699 Saying people with ADHD cant get high on stimul...
1670 Do you find everyone boring?
1637 I love researching, anything and everything, an...
2024, February
2653 I hate the lack of representation for inattenti...
2521 The greatest (iPhone) ADHD hack I accidentally ...
2321 What jobs are well suited to people with ADHD?
2191 I Learned of a Possible side effect of my ADHD ...
1896 Masturbation is easy, sex is hard (???)
1898 How Often do People with Undiagnozed ADHD Get G...
1806 Alright let’s talk about showering
1780 My dad found out he has ADD when attending my d...
1718 just found out i don't miss people
1576 I’m so damn tired….
2024, January
4331 I accidentally hired a carer...
3551 Vyvanse is working too well. I hate the life I’...
2859 are you a mind wanderer? [1890's ADHD]
2415 i hate how people without ADHD don't accept "i ...
2044 Realized the difference of living with ADHD vs ...
1986 Forgot my meeting and cried in public and then ...
1917 I think tiktok is dangerous for people with adhd
1664 Friend sent me a link to podcast called “Antide...
1627 This shortage really shows nobody cares about ADHD
1380 I cannot wrap my head around the 9-5.