/r/AskReddit - top ten submissions for each month of 2021
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AskReddit 2020
AskReddit 2022
2021, December
61320 [Serious] [NSFW] What's something that a friend...
60075 What is something that was used heavily in the ...
51381 What is your job and how much do you get paid?
51241 New Zealand just recently announced that anyone...
51008 Breaking News: Betty White has passed away at a...
48934 [Serious] What's a scary science fact that the ...
48615 Whats criminally overpriced to you?
47733 What ruins a movie instantly?
47033 If you were handed 10 billion dollars right now...
46656 What screams "I am not the badass I pretend to ...
2021, November
61789 What’s a really fucked up thing you’ve witn...
60781 Murder attempt survivors, what happened?
57769 What is a subtle sign that someone is really in...
53842 What had so much hype about it, but was actuall...
52136 What is something you call by a company name in...
52048 What are you in the 1% of?
50291 What is clearly a myth but is deep-rooted in ou...
48068 As you get older, what's something that becomes...
46897 Which song is in your opinion 100% perfect?
46753 What’s legal but if you do it you still look ...
2021, October
147195 How is everyone enjoying Reddit while Instagram...
59703 What useful unknown website do you wish more pe...
59321 What is NOT a bullet you dodged, but a huge tac...
51194 What scam is so normalized that people don't ev...
49308 If brands were brutally honest, what brand woul...
48840 What is something common that has never happene...
47227 What job or activity do you normally associate ...
45837 What’s that one disgusting thing that everybo...
44124 What is slowly dying off or disappearing?
42388 What is something that a fictional chacter said...
2021, September
60702 What are some of the darker effects Covid-19 ha...
55576 What is perfectly legal, but creepy as hell?
52569 Tattoo artists of reddit, what is the most fuck...
51805 What is something you did once and never again?
50522 What is an example of pure evil?
49436 What’s a job that you just associate with jerks?
48878 If god came to you and gave you permission to c...
47468 What is overly sexualized, but shouldn't be?
47321 You’re resurrected in 1000 years. What is the...
46762 What is easier to do if you're a woman?
2021, August
73257 Men of reddit, what is a great sex tip you have...
70872 What improved your quality of life so much, you...
69407 What is the most disturbing thing to know?
68273 If we could set up a Truman Show scenario where...
66165 What's the weirdest thing you've seen happen at...
65724 Make a wish employees What was the most strange...
63322 What single human has done the most damage to t...
63202 What is the weirdest thing you find extremely a...
60676 What do you consider the biggest threat to huma...
59949 What is a supernatural event that happened in y...
2021, July
91039 Have you ever been drunk or high and came up wi...
86845 What wedding moment made you think: “They are...
82550 What moment made you say “Yep, I’m definite...
81289 Assuming athletes would be nude at modern Olymp...
72271 Which actor crushed a role so hard that nobody ...
69847 To the people who record themselves crying and ...
68170 When did you realize your “friends†were ac...
64988 Women, what are some questions you’ve always ...
64432 What has no reason to exist in 2021 and yet it ...
63565 people who take walks at night, what's the scar...
2021, June
80992 "God gave man a brain and a penis. And only eno...
77972 Your consciousness is sent back to when you wer...
73296 What are you the 1% of?
69535 What the scariest true story you know?
68276 People who work at 5 Star Hotels: what type of ...
67617 Ladies: What is a dead give-away that a man wat...
67158 What is far deadlier than most people realize? ...
64516 Dungeon masters of reddit, what is the most USE...
63254 What do people think makes them look cool, but ...
62407 What’s your favorite question to ask someone ...
2021, May
90365 [Serious] Therapists, what is something people ...
87693 People who quit their jobs on the first day, wh...
85721 So, what’s your plan for seducing Bill Gates?
82074 People who choose to be kind everyday despite o...
79477 Overthinkers of Reddit, what unlikely scenario ...
79083 What’s a quote that permanently changed the w...
75630 What's the dumbest rule your school ever enforced?
74695 What movie is so good you'd recommend it to all...
72600 What's the most fucked up thing someone has tol...
70019 Those who have been to a ruined wedding, what h...
2021, April
116418 People who have Only fans, what is stopping you...
111401 You're offered the ability to absorb the knowle...
98016 As a 20-30 year old, you are offered the chance...
95186 How do you feel about ’how would you feel?’...
85037 What Bible story would qualify as a Florida man...
78420 What was supposed to be "The Next Big Thing", b...
76989 Doctors of Reddit: What happened when you diagn...
76681 What is a lifehack that seems fake, but is a tr...
76289 You’ve been kidnapped. 30 mins later your kid...
76250 Men who have sold/donated sperm and gave permis...
2021, March
102822 How the F do you make friends as an adult if yo...
98703 How would you feel if Reddit added a feature wh...
93534 Elon Musk is now worth $197 billion, how do we ...
79292 You are teleported back to 2001 terminator-styl...
75986 "Once you were old enough, what were the dark f...
75840 What is your opinion on Aimee Challenor?
73604 What’s cool now, but probably won’t be in 5...
71398 What are some GREEN flags early on in dating th...
68583 If an alien offered you a one week trip across ...
68576 Doctors of Reddit, what was the worse thing you...
2021, February
101662 How would you feel about a TV show similar to "...
90087 People who take massive war crime level dumps i...
88340 If you could take a pill to skip sleep, allowin...
82131 How would you feel if people arrested for domes...
80205 [SERIOUS] What is the Creepiest or most Unexpla...
73535 What fan theory do you 100% accept as true?
67385 What is a seemingly mundane question you can as...
65726 Garbage men/woman of the world. What's the best...
63857 How would you feel if there was a reality show ...
63722 Which celebrity got cancelled and you genuinely...
2021, January
196369 How would you feel about Reddit adding 3 NSFW f...
174172 How would you feel about a "if you accidentally...
143991 People of Reddit, how would you feel if there w...
116744 At 9:21 tonight, it will be the 21st minute of ...
103608 Former Flat Earthers. What made you come round?
98226 How would you feel about school taking up an ex...
96269 Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “If you can’t...
92196 What are subtle red flags at a job interview th...
82205 If you have never posted something using your 1...
82125 What is a NOT fun fact?