/r/BikiniBottomTwitter - top ten submissions for each month of 2020
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BikiniBottomTwitter 2019
BikiniBottomTwitter 2021
2020, December
79318 Such a mystery...
77225 My goal for this year was to finish this painti...
69697 America ain’t so tough
60041 How have we been so blind??
56871 watch now, only on krusty krab +
54729 Game:
54310 2020:
47813 Some people seriously need to invest in a can o...
44807 When you walk into class and forget you have an...
44152 Start small guys
2020, November
66382 I’m sorry mom
65403 Disownment
63280 Take your time
63165 Laugh at us, LAUGH
59593 —
59041 Survey says..
57374 Another year, another failed attempt...
52677 Hang on a sec
52390 I’m ready! I’m ready!
52255 Take that Steam!
2020, October
69104 Just take a deep breath
66686 It's just a joke don't hurt me pls
65402 Me in 40 years
64720 Try to steal this one
58922 Kinda ironic
56523 This is not Okie-dokie
53157 Its like two different people
53118 Dark mode friendly meme
52716 Oh shit
52577 Me watching SpongeBob be like:
2020, September
71775 So thanks, thanks for nothing
70941 Please let me live my life
69270 patrick vented!
65270 I feel uncomfortable
62643 here we go again
59863 Wait until dad is back from his business trip
59488 Every night
56576 That feeling
54143 *sadness intensifies*
51884 WE GET IT
2020, August
69999 It sadly be like that
61446 Here is my ticket to hell
60948 Who ordered eggs benny
59633 Key holder
59443 Loud af
57791 The site was better when the only option was gold
57743 I didn't understand this as a kid
55695 2019 wasn’t all that bad
55635 Cuties in a nutshell
55277 Ghosts are scarier
2020, July
127710 Just wear a mask
90798 I painted a circle canvas to look like a window...
74411 You weren’t supposed to do that
63111 Party Time
61129 Uh huh, sure.
59777 They're good friends though
57866 Write that down! Write that down!
57186 Why you do that
55895 every freakin time
55767 Compensate essential workers
2020, June
81870 The size has grown
78897 me💦irl
73673 We’re press!
72246 Its an attack on all senses
71172 I need it
69965 I'm on patrol!
62485 Elsa Perfect Face
62239 Society right now
61242 No recovery time needed
60690 Better camera? That's all you had to say
2020, May
96988 Not mine but it's pretty relatable
73477 Give it up for day 93!
66896 It’s free real estate
66703 The education hierarchy system
66392 Premium episodes
64325 its always at the worst time
60232 ToDaY iS tHe OnLy DaY yOu CaN uPvOtE tHiS
57001 The day I lost my identity
56222 That’s a little scary
55266 Gee, you think you know a squirrel
2020, April
111502 Today’s my 25th birthday, my husband is a pas...
91612 Working from home
85711 Noice
73334 USA U. S. A. 🇺🇸
63969 They go crazy after that one speech😂😂
63311 It do be that that these days.
60590 I can't be the only one right ..?
58436 Whenever this quarantine is over we can get bac...
57208 Shake like it's 1999
56908 Can you take hats in a dignified and sophistica...
2020, March
76716 I’m doing my part
75576 in 300 yards, turn right
70394 Well what else am I supposed to do??
69684 Never worked
64514 I did it all, its still not moving.
63286 Fun time’s over, pal
61883 The Shanghai Shivers
61431 truck
61354 Extra! Extra!
2020, February
83203 It ain't much, but it's honest work
82401 If only I would have learned
72797 Bruh
72353 Spongebob did it better
68531 At the coffee shop
68315 They're called "sentence enhancers"
65161 Happy annoy Squidward day!
60109 We’re just so in love.
55623 delicious
2020, January
90039 Happy new year!
84809 Its always a chain reaction
73821 After my post yesterday someone sent me this
68001 Yes ma'am!
66634 Just take yo’ damn upvotes and shut up
64351 OCE meme
63366 *sad deaf noises*
57519 Amish guys
57253 Astronomy is cursed
57130 So accurate for the place I work at.