/r/BlackPeopleTwitter - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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BlackPeopleTwitter 2023
2024, November
75131 Just a slap on the wrist
72430 Sit down, class is in session.
68180 What’s the excuse now?
59304 Dems try to actually be useful challenge
53062 Rules for thee, but not for me
52555 We could’ve had it all
51799 I go from legal driver to legally blind real quick
49916 She was probably shadow banned
47363 The lies are getting out of hand
46960 Or that mutant nigga in his belly from total re...
2024, October
59360 Shon did the math
56887 Granddaddy got that shit ON
53653 Time to take Planet Fitness down for good
52299 This outdated system didn't occur by mistake
49833 Rolling in his grave fs
49483 Even Trump said “ nigga what?” ?
48474 What did mom expect him to do with that informa...
45788 Can’t even wear a long sleeve in this mufuka lol
44862 Now a word from our sponsors
44633 I paid $300 for this room, what you mean I can’...
2024, September
83753 So THIS is was what crossed the line?
77861 It’s never changes
71969 MAGA is imploding
68692 Please don't
59735 When the nepo-staffers gotta work
59505 Oh do tell ?
58740 The system was stacked against them
58371 Calories are as American as apple pie
56117 The perfect disguise
55055 Not a winning strategy
2024, August
92838 The Family Matter
67619 I guess Joe decided to go out with a bang
61092 How do these people funyuns?
59096 The Obamas finally willing to go low could be a...
56972 Real Sisterly Bond
54372 Amazing genetics
53838 know them kids were sad asf when he stopped com...
51210 Big clock energy
50838 No answers on the other side
49980 I was not familiar with your game
2024, July
75037 Those skits never miss
68645 The party of "fuck you, I got mine"
64903 "I know Donald Trump's type"
64208 Character flaw
58252 Add it to the employment list.
55215 Elon allowing blatant racism on Twitter.
54313 Democrats will continue to play by the old rule...
49895 The New Yorker, July 22
48561 Please , Kamala , do it for the people
45632 Kamala for the win
2024, June
72759 My man was glad the dash cam was on
48519 No more taking the high road
45699 Post-debate Waffle House
44658 People are finally starting to pay attention
40587 The highest form of Black Privilege ?
40334 happy juneteenth my people
40279 "Snitches get stitches is our company motto" - ...
38075 Crazy how people still think he should be presi...
37456 Make Racists Scared Again 2024
37269 We tip our caps.
2024, May
55087 Legs cost more than your whip
53238 Permanent disenfranchisement is cruel
49987 She ain’t pull one punch in that response. Stra...
39874 Bro bro has sampled chocolate before
39760 ?????? seriously tho who is giving Drake this t...
39141 they be knowing
33480 She just told it straight to his face
33459 Look, I get it
31259 You know what, I wouldn't even be mad at it
28534 Boomers just be saying things
2024, April
43385 New Taylor Swift album out
42655 Trump is a hypocrite
41582 A picture is worth one sound
32557 Nahhhhh hol up
29844 Ain't too proud to beg.
29242 Who wants to give they child a half eaten banan...
28179 Rap game is no different from Hollywood
25882 Have a baby by me, baby be a millionaire
25451 Can someone explain this to me like I'm 5?
25307 She’s a tree thugger
2024, March
33119 Great Grand Zaddy
33025 She wanted a cheque, not a reality check
29484 After careful consideration, the hiring manger ...
29008 Putting the "dead" in deadbeat dad
27293 They failed her
26628 He got game
24070 Why waste time killing someone you don't like a...
24126 Shits wild
23325 You know what I need, want you to see everything
22339 Megan changed some mangaka's life that day
2024, February
36554 She couldn’t see the forest for the trees smh
32431 Holy shit this is real ?
30862 When the L” ends up being a “W”
28742 He's always the only male in the entire building ?
27859 Priorities all messed up smh
25482 AJ Brown didn’t hold back
25194 ‘I’m in a 100,000 square foot house all by myse...
24993 Squirrel said ACAB
23941 Eat. The. Rich.
23802 I guess it’s the thought that counts…
2024, January
53275 T-Pain covers “War Pigs”
51036 Self-aware
42797 Woke up the next morning, Nikki wasn't there
32436 Her tests got handed back face down
32195 November is coming, don’t be foolish.
29112 Way too many criminal apologist defending this man
26353 Popular opinion
25622 This stale piece of white bread legit said "we ...
24813 Greed never ends...
24156 His dad also escaped slavery and fought for the...