/r/ChildrenFallingOver - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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ChildrenFallingOver 2023
2024, November
1580 Just gravity doing its job.
1435 Let Freedom Ring
931 Radical kiddo
827 Nobel prize winner kid falls from glory
573 MIT graduate engineers a new way to go down the...
554 Watch out, watch out
550 MENSA kid fails to heed warning from father
469 Toddler tries too grab ball and...
460 Dumbass kid trips over his own foot.
438 My daughter giving the dog some love
2024, October
3536 The show must go on
1780 I present to reddit, my son.
1332 Ready for the olympics.
1205 "Oh jeez... OH!"
919 Why one scorpion, when You can have four.
580 Ready for the women's soccer league
467 I’m on Top of the Stool!
460 Skip it
432 You gotta fall a few times to succeed
301 Kids being kids
2024, September
18515 Sprayed to the ground
3183 Children try a trust exercise
2379 Bro fought so hard
1699 One step at a time...
1367 I’m glad I don’t have those tables
1125 Stupid and innocent
1002 The pile-up was regrettable but they nailed the...
801 bro really forked up here
740 Angry birds Go or Mario kart in Real Life Part 2
730 Work from home peek-a-boo
2024, August
8550 Go show mommy
1702 Found in the wild on FB
1617 Taekwondo Competition
677 Stawp!!
640 Classic (Couldn’t Found This After 7 years)
505 ?? This is scary
487 So close
463 Me taking a kid out in 1990
409 He's Okay
331 Ope not quite…
2024, July
12076 Good start to the trip!?
8560 Thanks a lot HORSE.
1709 You can feel the siblings love
1537 Kid cant wait to hurt himself
1513 Falling over and over again
1370 Efficient use of the first unguarded moment
1011 Hit a home run and maybe ran home.
717 Daddy rawrs
672 Shamone
662 Boy falling off a bench found in Philadelphia P...
2024, June
20017 Darn it Kevin.
2857 Nice flip
1890 Poor broski
1656 Compilation of the century
1566 hes still a g no matter what
1194 Angry birds go or Mario kart in Real life
1151 Square up
854 Instant fatality
761 Bothersome child
698 The last guy just wanted to fit in ?
2024, May
4156 where did she go?
3292 Kid these days
2293 I just found this way too good ?
1029 Wait for it....
644 Finally! The last piece of the puzzle!
529 That was indeed rather unexpected.
438 Slip
418 I´m doing gymnastics
410 Not even close
386 With a little help from a friend ...
2024, April
6566 Not quite a UFC knockout...
1592 And her fear of pinatas is born
1134 this is the best fall that i‘ve seen in a long ...
878 “That was a close one.”
710 iNnOcEnT bOy tRiEs tO iMpReSs GiRl anD FaLLs tO...
667 Beautifully executed
486 The one time I choose to record something for m...
451 he thought he would get lucky twice
418 Lemme take a quick nap
357 NoOoOo
2024, March
5245 Micro Human on the loose
2997 The betrayal?
2549 Poor little girl! ?
1705 Watch till the end
1229 Perfect example of waiting in silence for the “...
649 Might as well just go for a swim at this point
590 Part Deux: Same kid, different day. Because why...
560 Baby hit into wall looking for his elder brother
646 Falling asleep…
458 Karma never fails to amaze me
2024, February
3029 there was a slight misunderstanding
2196 Kid gets knocked over by a meat cart in an Alab...
2123 Real pain!
1883 Thank God her head landed in the toy basket.
1561 Playing on the airport seats
692 Oof
556 Someone hasn’t quite mastered shoes yet ?
574 Great Slam Dunk
544 It's time
533 Not a fan of vacuums I guess?
2024, January
5813 Near death experience ???
3446 yesyesnono
2759 Bro does not want to lose
2200 When in doubt improvise
1964 Water
1598 Illegal head to head contact and ruffing the pa...
1425 Ssh, mommy needs more followers
1328 I can’t stop laughing at this video
1530 the cat did it with the power of thought
1048 My niece's impeccable soccer skills