/r/DadReflexes - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << DadReflexes 2023
2024, November
no posts
no posts
2024, October
Flip flop save to avoid a 6ft fall into a culve...
2020 Flip flop save to avoid a 6ft fall into a culve...
2024, September
Saved by a pillow
12274 Saved by a pillow
One hand.
6459 One hand.
Father brad lewis saved his youngest son from f...
622 Father brad lewis saved his youngest son from f...
2024, August
Holy Shit
9030 Holy Shit
Walz saves son's head from teleprompter pane
7016 Walz saves son's head from teleprompter pane
Galati, Romania
2609 Galati, Romania
Dad Aura +1k
1359 Dad Aura +1k
When your dad is a frog
37 When your dad is a frog
2024, July
Dad reflex still on while taking a nap
12690 Dad reflex still on while taking a nap
I get the feeling this isn’t the first time thi...
504 I get the feeling this isn’t the first time thi...
2024, June
Dad saves kid from being run over by toy car
2093 Dad saves kid from being run over by toy car
Bus conductor 6th sense Dad reflex saves man fr...
338 Bus conductor 6th sense Dad reflex saves man fr...
2024, May
Dad blocks a broken bat
10382 Dad blocks a broken bat
So close.
2288 So close.
Dad Saves Baby from Flying Dinner Roll ? ?
97 Dad Saves Baby from Flying Dinner Roll ? ?
2024, April
no posts
0 no posts
2024, March
Dad saves kid from basketball with his knee sin...
4116 Dad saves kid from basketball with his knee sin...
2024, February
Baby falling over
9911 Baby falling over
2024, January
Maybe younger for a dad but still.
1036 Maybe younger for a dad but still.
Bike or baby?
43 Bike or baby?