/r/DoesAnybodyElse - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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DoesAnybodyElse 2023
2024, November
497 DAE not wear makeup
480 HAE gotten increasingly reclusive over the years?
418 DAE: Does anybody else randomly remember cringy...
339 DAE immediately click off a youtube video when ...
336 DAE want kids but Don’t
334 DAE take their eggs out symmetrically so the co...
286 DAE get repulsed by men who use the urinal and ...
243 DAE feel like empathy towards animals is ruinin...
195 Does anybody else that wears glasses value taki...
193 DAE notice that they cry more to music and TV s...
2024, October
539 DAE Use Dude as a Gender-Neutral Term?
489 DAE find it weird that people take showers in t...
439 DAE grow up not being allowed to see or hear an...
320 DAE use always condoms for sex as a married cou...
290 DAE have this weird penis shape?
283 DAE use their hands to wipe water off their bod...
285 DAE get anxiety when they have to go outside an...
262 DAE feel like they've gotten more fearful as th...
246 DAE make themselves look ugly on purpose to avo...
242 DAE listen to how a song sounds rather than the...
2024, September
1195 DAE feel sad for shops that are set up to fail?
970 DAE realize that trump haven’t acknowledged and...
573 DAE find male gynos kind of weird?
373 DAE wish that they could take a break from life...
305 DAE get summer depression instead of winter dep...
241 DAE not like eating peoples cooking out of fear...
245 DAE not switch hands when cutting their food?
239 DAE get this sad or depressing feeling after va...
224 DAE feel physically attracted to both sexes but...
220 DAE make sure they wash their feet with soap in...
2024, August
659 DAE eat rice with a spoon?
623 DAE not shower every single day?
592 DAE leave the do not disturb sign on the door f...
506 DAE have a dad who points out how big their boo...
470 DAE likes to sleep naked?
468 DAE check the toilet paper after wiping?
438 WAE not allowed to sleep in?
424 DAE pronounce certain words "wrong" even after ...
417 Does anybody else know they wouldn't last even ...
404 DAE feel like shit / feel sick after taking a n...
2024, July
2091 DAE not care who gets however many abortions?
601 DAE have some of those cramping poops where you...
509 DAE think it’s rude to sleep and/or put in earb...
438 DAE not understand the appeal of MrBeast?
429 DAE have to wear panty liners everyday?
400 DAE find anime incredibly cringe and hard to wa...
393 DAE gamble casually without overdoing it?
312 Does anybody else feel like dying in their sleep?
288 DAE wonder what it’s like in the timeline where...
228 DAE Find it irritating when someone turns every...
2024, June
1006 DAE wish “light” or “low sugar” lemonades, juic...
765 DAE keep a fan on at all times to keep the air ...
686 DAE find the term "baby daddy" icky?
684 DAE refuse to swallow…?
633 DAE feel like extended sex scenes in (otherwise...
616 DAE masturbate out of boredom?
601 DAE feel dirty on their period?
568 Does anybody else feel like World War III has a...
558 DAE favor weed over alcohol as they're getting ...
552 DAE get viscerally disgusted by intimacy or sex...
2024, May
1416 DAE get internal ick anytime they see someone u...
1319 DAE not understand what the big deal is with Ta...
754 DAE have one large single playlist with music t...
605 DAE make a random noise or say something weird ...
586 DAE not have any plans of unaliving themselves ...
553 DAE prefer to keep their phone on silent or vib...
516 DAE find they cannot deal with second hand emba...
374 DAE type out really long comments or replies an...
368 DAE not pee in front of their partner?
363 DAE pop their butt cheeks to the music they're ...
2024, April
755 DAE shave pubes with a boner?
330 DAE smell odors that no one else smells?
317 DAE sometimes type out a Reddit comment, then j...
258 DAE need a “buffer zone” in the morning between...
212 DAE think naked babies in family photoshoots ar...
209 DAE always feel the need to have subtitles on w...
192 DAE add 'lol' at the end of a sentence because ...
160 DAE find themselves drawn to the window to watc...
154 DAE feel like they are in work mode more than a...
149 DAE not eat breakfast foods for breakfast anymore?
2024, March
765 DAE feel like no matter what job you have, you ...
488 DAE think women are more attractive than men
413 DAE fold the toilet paper, instead of scrunch i...
361 DAE watch the flight attendants attentively whi...
353 DAE masturbate their period cramps away?
346 DAE absolutely despise going in public anymore ...
277 DAE feel like Google search results are terribl...
266 DAE find it infuriating when people go in publi...
223 DAE regret not trying hard enough from a young ...
217 DAE experience coffee as one of the few sources...
2024, February
825 DAE open reddit every morning hoping Trump died...
551 DAE feel more happy when it's rainy or cloudy o...
465 DAE else not understand why Taylor Swift is any...
459 DAE feel absolutely drained by a 40h work week?...
389 DAE think men peeing sitting down is totally ac...
332 DAE practically never vomit.
281 DAE not use a washcloth/loofah while showering?
253 DAE find it a bit bizarre how much, in the US a...
230 DAE think it should be illegal to use speakerph...
205 DAE absolutely despise the amount of cologne pe...
2024, January
441 DAE feel like life has been horrid this decade
380 DAE notice that limos aren't popular anymore?
387 DAE just fucking love the dad bod?
337 DAE only want to be rich so they don't have to ...
322 DAE stop shaving their woohoo to avoid making b...
271 DAE ever think really deep into the fact you ar...
270 DAE absolutely adore the scent of their partner...
256 DAE feel more and more repulsed by porn the old...
242 DAE: Remember when Reddit had a huge issue with...
213 DAE with poor vision think about how screwed th...