/r/Fishing - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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Fishing 2023
2024, November
3866 Nobody would believe this if it wasn’t recorded...
2789 Since you guys seemed so intrigued, here’s more...
2575 Large largemouth bass
2241 Deployed Psyduck again and caught a nice one
1754 Check out this fishing lure I just painted with...
1636 In Japan, raft fishing lets you spend a day out...
1580 My new personal best , 10 pounder
1497 Beast
1432 First fish on his new Zebco 33. Happy Thanksgiv...
1366 I love spearing these guys. Their blue meat is ...
2024, October
6159 I spend way too much time when I’m not fishing,...
5572 My 102 yr old grandpa caught his PB today!
4254 Another beautiful 5 lb male
3826 My son just finished treatment for leukaemia on...
3479 Florida Man doing Florida Man things during Milton
3231 The PB and the record I'll likely never break i...
2796 12 university students, 109 perch
2322 Took my son fishing
2179 Finally I caught big mama
2088 Texas creek Catfish
2024, September
3415 Huge Bass I caught today
2182 Caught with a Disney princess fishing pole. Had...
2068 He has asked to go fishing everyday since he ca...
1831 New Carp PB
1700 Sawfish. I can't believe my luck! As we were ge...
1618 I finally landed one
1546 Caught my PB pike while a marathon was happenin...
1547 I never really pay any mind to fishing line cau...
1518 Happy Labor Day
1483 Insane
2024, August
3038 I set the hook to hard.
2792 My boyfriend and I caught one in the wild
2279 Trophy 48lb Lake Trout
2147 No one would belive me if I didn't have proof. ...
1914 Grandpa the 102 yr old fish raider got another ...
1610 Boyfriend taught me to fish, bought my own rod ...
1535 55lbs Brought Me Into The Water
1516 Tuna weighing 1479 lbs (679 kg), caught on a fi...
1420 Why do bass weigh so little (comparably) for th...
1402 Age is just a number for gramps. At 102 he's st...
2024, July
1826 Huge tarpon on a swim bait. Huge moment for me....
1721 My pb, not huge, but not tiny
1698 Dad just sent me this photo
1561 Found this gem at the local boat launch
1350 Any time I catch a bluegill this huge 7+ lb lar...
856 Mating?
846 Claw machine full of Rapalas?!?
823 First ever sturgeon (in the put and take tho)
805 Sight fishing at its finest, juvenile peacock bass
733 Decent Bluegill. Not the best one in the pond b...
2024, June
4277 Giant squid caught jigging in the philippines
3541 Got to meet Jeremy Wade
1830 Catch and cook bass because I accidentally kill...
1808 Rate my setup
1622 Only other guy on the reservoir this am stood t...
1612 Anybody else take their babies for the fun?
1452 What sound does a screaming reel make phonetica...
1347 My arms now hurt
1309 Bigmouth Buffalo in a drainage ditch that flows...
1304 Fish of a lifetime
2024, May
3510 At 102 grandpa is still out fishing me with a w...
2657 Finally landed this giant fella. Any guesses of...
2630 Gator stole my tackle box
1840 One for the wall
1477 A lot of people don’t believe I caught this
1448 Absolute unit of a bluegill
1430 Fishing in Uganda (January 2024)
1414 Satan helped bring it in so I included her in t...
1385 Best one so far today
1335 My pb wiper from a couple nights ago, also my 6...
2024, April
2012 Nice pike for the season opener in Paris
1533 50 miles from shore and a bird landed on my cli...
1221 Caught my first fish ever!!
991 New PB Pike 110cm
899 Can anyone tell me what kind of fish I caught?
882 My girlfriends first creek bass
835 Wife out fished me for Easter
736 Caught my first fish
725 Father caught a 8 pound monster
678 5 years ago I posted my dad's favorite picture ...
2024, March
3627 Posting here because none of my friends fish an...
1705 I didn’t realize what a big deal this fish was ...
1140 Florida exotics
1071 First time fishing and this was my first cast
1071 Thanks for all of your advice. The kids had a b...
957 Wind picked up. Got pretty sketchy water is abo...
814 Dad caught his first Swordfish today at age 83
753 Dad got a bonefish in 30 feet of water
770 Proudest moment of my life!
697 Cool unexpected catch of the day.
2024, February
1846 Steel weights found stuffed inside Kansas state...
1067 Help identifying this fish please. Caught in th...
970 My 12 year old boy caught his first steelhead.
943 Questioned about marijuana by a Game Warden yes...
697 Red King Crab caught hand lineing for halibut. ...
681 45 Miles out in the ocean and we catch a pair o...
671 First pike, I’m 6’5”
579 This ain’t the bass I was hoping for
560 The Silver King, caught on a whopper plopper in...
549 My first time fishing by myself and I got this ...
2024, January
1373 Anyone know what this is? Caught in Egypt
1367 This old picture of me fishing in Baghdad is ol...
933 HOW MY 2023 NEW YEARS EVE WENT !! 2024 is MY YE...
886 i might have messed up letting this go without ...
878 Grandpa had a day out at the pond today
789 Not my biggest fish but one of my favorite pict...
664 If the ocean gives me a fish am I allowed to ke...
587 What type of fish is this?
556 I used to think this was a super rare sight bef...
547 goofy looking trouts