/r/Jokes - top ten submissions for each month of 2014
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Jokes 2015
2014, December
30861 TIFU by mixing up by wifes sandwich order at Su...
17793 Joke from my daughter
7884 I was in a job interview today when the manager...
24987 A Joke About Kim Jong Un
7506 We should've known about the failure of communism
6979 I have a bumper sticker that says, "honk if you...
6869 On his 74th birthday, a man got a gift certific...
8877 Blonde Joke
5366 From my 7 year-old son: What rhymes with 'boo' ...
5915 How do you get a sweet little old lady to say F...
2014, November
11955 Crazy ex-girlfriends are like a box of chocolate
10334 While teaching a class,
7910 During my prostate exam I asked the doctor, "wh...
7390 I saw Denzel Washington on the street today.
6006 How to be insulting
6846 My wife always accuses me of having a favorite ...
5350 Two Fleas on Vacation (nsfw)
5154 Hillbilly Stripper
5667 I've been fired from work for putting in too ma...
5322 There's a support group for people addicted to ...
2014, October
8303 Stanley...
8713 Food is like dark humor
9904 My girlfriend just text me, 'thespacebuttonisbr...
8220 Why was Han Solo so suspicious when he put his ...
5968 Newfie Hooker
7481 A rapist and con artist get caught by the sheri...
7312 I tried to force feed my child...
5005 During a funeral...
5140 Dirty limericks? GO! [NSFW]
4269 A couple goes to a sex therapist..
2014, September
11788 I have an EpiPen.
12783 So a gorilla dies of old age at a zoo...
11785 Just asked Siri.
6993 I had a bukkake party last night.
5319 • My friend's dog died the other day so I sur...
6053 How many divorced men does it take to change a ...
5814 A police officer pulls over a speeding car..
6014 Accordion to a recent survey, replacing words w...
5063 The Nintendo 64 turns 18 this week...
8756 My penis was in the Guinness book of world reco...
2014, August
20877 A family walks into a hotel... NSFW
8124 A Jew and an Arab go into a bakery...
8439 I've translated a popular Russian joke to Engli...
7973 This is probably the best joke that I -a dad- h...
8646 Bill Gates in an airport lounge
6052 Top 20 worst jokes ever !!!!
5186 A couple wants to have sex but their son is in ...
5842 Told by a 7 year old boy: How do you drop on an...
5713 How old do you think I am?
6685 I give to you a joke I made up when I was seven...
2014, July
12820 Getting Married in Heaven
15994 Two Italian men get on a bus...
10657 On his death bed, an old jew says to his wife:
9276 Two priests are out driving one day..
5521 A woman awakes in the middle of the night to fi...
8179 LPT: How to pick up girls
4838 After his team was eliminated from the World Cup,
4314 A bear joke
4930 Today I saw a little boy wearing rags sitting o...
5787 Why did America remove the "u" from "colour"?
2014, June
7466 A young boy enters a barber shop..
6610 A man walks into a library and says to the libr...
4178 forgive me father for i have sinned...
3725 Women only call me ugly until they find out how...
3125 A long time ago in a faraway kingdom the queen ...
3093 What did the tectonic plate say to the other te...
3052 A man walks into a bar...
2858 I just invented a new word:
2736 The wife came early and found her husband makin...
2740 Why did I get divorced?
2014, May
5491 The new father
4364 A physicist sees a young man about to jump off ...
3679 My favorite clean joke - the Old Man and the Fe...
3387 A little girl asks her grandad...
3308 A Pirate Joke that doesn't end with "ARRRR."
3163 The CEOs of Budweiser, Coors, Killian's, and Gu...
3129 I have a bumper sticker that says...
2795 A Michael Sam joke
2707 All the organs of the body were having a meetin...
2632 The Jewish Samurai
2014, April
5084 Just heard Dad tell this joke to Mum.
4365 Why do teenage girls hang out in odd-numbered g...
2884 My doctor wrote me a prescription for "dailysex...
2623 I almost got caught trying to steal a board gam...
2518 My first joke on reddit. Hope it hasn't been to...
2512 What's the best thing about fingering a gypsy o...
2426 A Private is standing outside smoking
2326 A lady and her butler
2217 What is the most sensitive part of your body wh...
2203 A drill instructor was yelling at a new recruit
2014, March
4803 My girlfriend said if this gets 100 votes we'll...
3443 What body part grows ten times its size when st...
3424 My doctor said if I get 1000 upvotes he will pe...
2766 Who is this Rorschach guy???
2679 I made this joke up when I was eight. I'm very ...
2578 A woman says to her lawyer "I want to divorce m...
2419 Getting on a plane . . .
2398 Why did the hipster drown?
2380 How do you get 30 drunk Canadians out of the pool?
2241 The Talking Clock
2014, February
3100 A cowboy appears before St. Peter...
2784 My wife treats me like GOD!!
2579 How many programmers does it take to screw in a...
2535 A wife texts her husband
2506 Sam walks into his boss’s office.
2284 Your elbow
2262 A lady goes to her priest one day and confesses...
2162 An elderly man was stopped by the police around...
2090 How many Broncos does it take to change a tire?
2089 A blonde finds herself in serious money trouble...
2014, January
4100 So a blind man walks into a bar..
2716 Nobel award winning physicist and his limo driver
2584 So the Bears were looking for a new quarterback.
2519 Do you drink beer?
2491 A man is sitting at home and a police officer k...
2413 I've just ordered a chicken and an egg from Ama...
2137 A man dies and goes to hell.
2076 Sunday Morning Sex
2042 A blonde woman was speeding...
2028 The Sexist Professor