/r/JusticePorn - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

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2024, November
no posts
no posts
2024, October
Child rapist and killer Robert Fisher dead in N...
1643 Child rapist and killer Robert Fisher dead in N...
2024, September
Man steps on stingray gets stung
1316 Man steps on stingray gets stung
Motorscooter man tackled
942 Motorscooter man tackled
2024, August
Uber Dad manages to knock down 2-3 riders who a...
3722 Uber Dad manages to knock down 2-3 riders who a...
Father kills his son's rapist on live TV while ...
1915 Father kills his son's rapist on live TV while ...
2024, July
London phone thief arrested, police declare his...
2995 London phone thief arrested, police declare his...
Thief Couple attempt to rob Bakery in Brazil. B...
1551 Thief Couple attempt to rob Bakery in Brazil. B...
U.S. marshal shoots carjacker near Sonia Sotoma...
234 U.S. marshal shoots carjacker near Sonia Sotoma...
2024, June
Cyber terrorist who reported fake 911 calls acr...
1383 Cyber terrorist who reported fake 911 calls acr...
Man on trial for driving without a license call...
393 Man on trial for driving without a license call...
Man messes with the wrong security guard after ...
257 Man messes with the wrong security guard after ...
2024, May
As a punishment for stealing, he was asked to t...
2312 As a punishment for stealing, he was asked to t...
U.S. Law Enforcement Cracks Down on Over 3,000 ...
134 U.S. Law Enforcement Cracks Down on Over 3,000 ...
Holding up traffic to road rage
129 Holding up traffic to road rage
2024, April
He raped a woman so brutally she was left paral...
4544 He raped a woman so brutally she was left paral...
Road Rage leads to car being towed away. It's u...
1193 Road Rage leads to car being towed away. It's u...
Sweet squeel of justice
1027 Sweet squeel of justice
“Sovereign Citizen” gets demolished by fed up j...
263 “Sovereign Citizen” gets demolished by fed up j...
Theft suspects hit by car in West Hills while r...
112 Theft suspects hit by car in West Hills while r...
2024, March
Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years for multi-b...
835 Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years for multi-b...
Woman Fatally Stabs Convicted Sex Offender Who ...
292 Woman Fatally Stabs Convicted Sex Offender Who ...
2024, February
Girl throws lemonade at employee, employee quic...
5515 Girl throws lemonade at employee, employee quic...
Killer dad who smashed his adopted daughter's h...
1060 Killer dad who smashed his adopted daughter's h...
Father in gender-reveal that sparked fatal 2020...
748 Father in gender-reveal that sparked fatal 2020...
2024, January
Robbers attempt to rob a couple but fail miserably
1797 Robbers attempt to rob a couple but fail miserably
Brazilian police don't play about thieves
1770 Brazilian police don't play about thieves
toxic avenger stops beach dumpers
1686 toxic avenger stops beach dumpers
bandit has its face thrusted with piece of wood
1380 bandit has its face thrusted with piece of wood
Alleged sexual predator punched in the face by ...
463 Alleged sexual predator punched in the face by ...