/r/MurderedByWords - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << MurderedByWords 2023
2024, December
Pardon him from the death penalty?
190786 Pardon him from the death penalty?
The claim for my condolences have been denied.
164000 The claim for my condolences have been denied.
A doctor’s letter to United Heathcare for denyi...
149716 A doctor’s letter to United Heathcare for denyi...
Here’s to free speech!
145818 Here’s to free speech!
Don’t you think both are tragedies of humanity ...
126512 Don’t you think both are tragedies of humanity ...
68,000 Americans
125308 68,000 Americans
"...But sometimes drug dealers get shot"
122494 "...But sometimes drug dealers get shot"
Sorry bout your heart.
118256 Sorry bout your heart.
Fuck you and your CEO
110614 Fuck you and your CEO
He's escalating it! MORE POPCORN
101494 He's escalating it! MORE POPCORN
2024, November
Bernie Sanders, gently pushing the pillow in th...
142666 Bernie Sanders, gently pushing the pillow in th...
I'll just leave this here... and see what happe...
129709 I'll just leave this here... and see what happe...
Nicest way to slay...
119128 Nicest way to slay...
"Victimized by the Patriarchy"
117958 "Victimized by the Patriarchy"
Breaking stereotypes
116283 Breaking stereotypes
irrelevant daughter
116034 irrelevant daughter
A big difference
109448 A big difference
What about being a good father?
109237 What about being a good father?
Mlon Eusk really has no shame
105620 Mlon Eusk really has no shame
Mask drama destroyed
90782 Mask drama destroyed
2024, October
I like this guy's style
131535 I like this guy's style
Ih hope he gets it.
113225 Ih hope he gets it.
Murdered by the bible
104490 Murdered by the bible
Socialism is cancer
102107 Socialism is cancer
all time community note
95724 all time community note
 Selective Divine Intervention?
88570 Selective Divine Intervention?
It really is this simple
86948 It really is this simple
Richest man on earth by the way.
85332 Richest man on earth by the way.
It sounds logical
80582 It sounds logical
It's so harsh but so true.
78205 It's so harsh but so true.
2024, September
 Birth Without Care
101937 Birth Without Care
The whole family is messed up.
92606 The whole family is messed up.
Jobs most Americans wouldn't do...
88468 Jobs most Americans wouldn't do...
Average Trump supporter
82537 Average Trump supporter
I didn't know that conservative women do it in ...
80936 I didn't know that conservative women do it in ...
Don’t know if this is a murder or a burn but damn
77872 Don’t know if this is a murder or a burn but damn
Weakling Tate
74852 Weakling Tate
Stealing welfare
73562 Stealing welfare
Be careful who you vote for
72542 Be careful who you vote for
 Checkmate from Germany ??
72159 Checkmate from Germany ??
2024, August
Dudes who obsess on this stuff all too common i...
103547 Dudes who obsess on this stuff all too common i...
That should do it
96277 That should do it
Conservative tries to hit all the hot buttons, ...
73613 Conservative tries to hit all the hot buttons, ...
They've been called worse
71551 They've been called worse
Truly the protector of free speech.
67859 Truly the protector of free speech.
Many such cases around.
67447 Many such cases around.
Absolutely Bodied
63797 Absolutely Bodied
Still can’t grow a beard, tho.
58632 Still can’t grow a beard, tho.
The wings aren't even that good
52982 The wings aren't even that good
Musk's daughter Vivian is out for blood
51553 Musk's daughter Vivian is out for blood
2024, July
Charlie is public property, he gets owned by ev...
59361 Charlie is public property, he gets owned by ev...
My buddy’s response to a homophobic review on h...
47073 My buddy’s response to a homophobic review on h...
Southwest Throwing Shade
41146 Southwest Throwing Shade
This sounded better in the original German
20024 This sounded better in the original German
Even the Royal Family can get burned.
19732 Even the Royal Family can get burned.
Oh, it’s the STATE that’s the reason your kids ...
19098 Oh, it’s the STATE that’s the reason your kids ...
Polly want a cracker
18731 Polly want a cracker
Why would he have a problem with that?
16301 Why would he have a problem with that?
Also…she is absolutely still wearing makeup
15154 Also…she is absolutely still wearing makeup
Trump fans really don't have the right to call ...
13826 Trump fans really don't have the right to call ...
2024, June
Murder of the century.
54015 Murder of the century.
Comparing sex to assignments
41484 Comparing sex to assignments
Matt knows the truth
39554 Matt knows the truth
Thinking you are built different
38734 Thinking you are built different
No one thinks more about gay people than homoph...
38355 No one thinks more about gay people than homoph...
He could have saved $8
27925 He could have saved $8
It sucks when the actual people you’re talking ...
27487 It sucks when the actual people you’re talking ...
Going for that 100% on the survey!
26672 Going for that 100% on the survey!
Are the ghosts in the room right now?
25367 Are the ghosts in the room right now?
Emotionally stable much?
24220 Emotionally stable much?
2024, May
Open mouth, insert foot.
65083 Open mouth, insert foot.
When you're so eager to look intelligent you ca...
60500 When you're so eager to look intelligent you ca...
A whole shopping cart!
44555 A whole shopping cart!
Yeeeaaaaah Boooooooi!!!
35175 Yeeeaaaaah Boooooooi!!!
Say shit just to say shit
32516 Say shit just to say shit
?’I hAVe aN iMmUnE sYsteM’
31833 ?’I hAVe aN iMmUnE sYsteM’
Experts in the field may not be available.
27711 Experts in the field may not be available.
Going all in on whining…
26660 Going all in on whining…
Swipe for the kill
26539 Swipe for the kill
A misogynist kicker vs. The Swities
23836 A misogynist kicker vs. The Swities
2024, April
Feels like this belongs here
61332 Feels like this belongs here
Mic Drop Murder Level: Biblical.
43000 Mic Drop Murder Level: Biblical.
Who measures these kind of things, and why?
40934 Who measures these kind of things, and why?
Dolphins wear pumped up kicks?
38477 Dolphins wear pumped up kicks?
Physician, heal thyself…
33450 Physician, heal thyself…
MGK Ironic Suicide / Murder. Bless his heart.
32005 MGK Ironic Suicide / Murder. Bless his heart.
What is this new fangled email you speak of...?
31867 What is this new fangled email you speak of...?
The most elegant murder I have ever seen
31402 The most elegant murder I have ever seen
Bulls Milk
28651 Bulls Milk
Have you heard of acting
28588 Have you heard of acting
2024, March
no posts
no posts
2024, February
no posts
no posts
2024, January
Build up instead of tearing down
28584 Build up instead of tearing down
Truly mindblowing
25948 Truly mindblowing
You happened
25461 You happened
Stick that up ya!
25024 Stick that up ya!
Don't run from your emotions
24458 Don't run from your emotions
Bad weather stops play
23366 Bad weather stops play
Mayday! mayday!
21583 Mayday! mayday!
It's clear as can be
20362 It's clear as can be
Red States feel the Burn!
18065 Red States feel the Burn!
bango-baby (murdered on twitter)
17927 bango-baby (murdered on twitter)