/r/Perfectfit - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
sfw subreddits
2024, November
21131 My wedding ring fits right inside my husband's
17587 If it's not meant to work, it should not fit
7967 Cybertruck in a garage
3800 Food container perfectly fits in the center con...
3281 This steam rack fits the Mac mini perfectly as ...
2048 Water flavor tablets in my water bottle
1706 Purrfect box
1460 This quesadilla I made for my daughter fits per...
1183 Airman’s Coin inside of a restaurant table.
817 We searched everywhere for our missing fried eg...
2024, October
11779 Square Watermelons in a Japanese farmer's truck...
8043 They're made for each other
6184 My brand new washer/dryer in my 100 year old ho...
5801 found a fit (my first!) at the office today, an...
4283 Cigarette fits perfectly in a bullet casing
2965 Measured to make sure the bed fit, forgot about...
1628 I found one at work today!
1035 He fits
1019 The Panda Express food in the reflection
1013 Proof that the Skoda Octavia was designed with ...
2024, September
6743 hidden spot
6683 The way this banana’s curve perfectly matches t...
6615 Calf and cow line up perfectly
4845 My shower door in my hotel room
2714 Salt cap on energy drink can
2221 Accidentally discovered this
2131 This toonie fits perfectly in my watch face
1370 Not sure if this counts, but I parked and notic...
1357 This cracked rock fits back seamlessly as if th...
836 This turkey deli slice on my bread
2024, August
1215 I commissioned this acrylic case before we move...
1063 Shadow fits perfectly
664 Got a plate stuck in my colander and I have no ...
639 A steel fitter, I finally found one!
563 The way my lift gate passes my ball hitch
531 there’s room for extra up top
428 This xbox fits PERFECT
429 My laptop charger and the wall
402 I'm never getting this dime back
399 This shadow is perfectly lined up
2024, July
675 So satisfying
542 The Fit.
525 It fits
469 Lost the little plate that's supposed to go in ...
447 So I get to enjoy this perfect fit every day at...
423 The sun lined up the door perfectly onto the rug
408 Through the ledge
383 My bathroom scale is the exact size as one of t...
360 Damn girl, nice mane!
326 A giant penny and the vans cupholder
2024, June
2589 What would you do?
1262 New washing machine fitted today, didn’t even t...
710 Wafflehouse fit
621 These take away containers fit into the grooves...
521 A perfect fit is not always a good thing.
487 How do I un-fit this…
456 Plop
421 If it fits, then it fits
409 I would not have guessed if you asked, but the ...
374 Went to IKEA, forgot to measure the wall. Turns...
2024, May
3556 This plate inside my pot (advice appreciated)
3399 Coffee mug in the cupholder
2204 Dropped a tuna can in the sink
1957 I purchased some hair product, put it in my car...
1800 Brilliant Design Or Brilliant Accident?
1671 Italian drink not sure the name
726 Perfectfit Kitchen Organisation
641 Great place to sit
637 Well there you go
614 My Shower Beer Cubby
2024, April
1721 Does this count?
1309 At a hotel in China. By the way, these are the ...
1107 Mr. Burns and my Apple HomePod
1011 I make the same smoothie every day, I've gotten...
992 Since you people didn't like me name-dropping t...
730 This bed frame fit perfectly in my truck bed
525 Finally found one!
497 Now he has to flip the house
411 Most impressive!
245 Found my first one!
2024, March
3928 It doesn’t fit in this sub, but also it fits in...
1061 I let a few empty litter boxes pile up. But thi...
902 saw this on r/diy perfectly fitting couch
763 Waffer biscuit matches a building perfectly
645 I ordered grilled cheese and it came in a perfe...
607 This truck fits juuust right
544 These books fit perfectly inside this section o...
469 My pipe tobacco tin perfectly fits in my couch ...
414 New building in my city has a perfect parking s...
412 Wife didn’t believe this community existed when...
2024, February
3403 Wait a second
2994 Facebook friend making grilled cheese. Was a r/...
926 Popeyes ran out of container lids. Upside-down ...
766 The Age of Empires has been designed with a not...
760 And it's not even a fluke
512 Was making frank & beans when…
508 My ring perfectly fits into this random cardboa...
479 Does this counts?
418 Ahhhhhh found one
420 First thing I notice on my sister's new house.
2024, January
8711 Fire the electrician though
3353 I couldn't believe it.
2541 I was stocking embalming chemicals at work and ...
1207 This awkward little cubby fits my mini fridge p...
752 Perfection
586 Stolen.
519 Hoovering…
479 Like a mortar shell
457 Changing my wife’s car oil discovered Gatorade ...
437 Cake plate perfectly fits in a sink... And now ...