/r/PraiseTheCameraMan - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << PraiseTheCameraMan 2023
2024, December
PTCM for capturing an on ice perspective of Ice...
7264 PTCM for capturing an on ice perspective of Ice...
PTCM for getting the shot while running away fr...
4537 PTCM for getting the shot while running away fr...
2024, November
PTCM for not fearing the danger of being swallo...
1155 PTCM for not fearing the danger of being swallo...
2024, October
Keeping the casket center frame, through the tr...
17236 Keeping the casket center frame, through the tr...
Russian soldier shoots down drone which is kept...
13030 Russian soldier shoots down drone which is kept...
Jogger keeps an owl completely in frame when it...
8681 Jogger keeps an owl completely in frame when it...
Cameraman perfectly keeping the fast aircraft i...
7973 Cameraman perfectly keeping the fast aircraft i...
PTCM manages to get steady shots of a Hurricane...
6522 PTCM manages to get steady shots of a Hurricane...
Cameraman Sticks the shot during a massive expl...
3344 Cameraman Sticks the shot during a massive expl...
Exquisite framing on this footage of WWI and WW...
1585 Exquisite framing on this footage of WWI and WW...
2024, September
Cameraman tracks a cat that ran into the stands...
75411 Cameraman tracks a cat that ran into the stands...
PTCM for placing the camera at the cat’s level ...
35961 PTCM for placing the camera at the cat’s level ...
Cameraman Tracking perfectly
11457 Cameraman Tracking perfectly
PTCM for not panicking or screaming like a bans...
4173 PTCM for not panicking or screaming like a bans...
I posted this elsewhere and realised how awesom...
3486 I posted this elsewhere and realised how awesom...
PTCM for tracking both the bald eagle and the f...
1622 PTCM for tracking both the bald eagle and the f...
2024, August
Missile strike near Dnipro. Camera Girls timing...
15165 Missile strike near Dnipro. Camera Girls timing...
Cameramen from a helicopter! Insane tracking
10113 Cameramen from a helicopter! Insane tracking
PTCM For tracking a bald eagle while it catches...
6576 PTCM For tracking a bald eagle while it catches...
[Imry Haveli] A good camera operator is the dif...
5051 [Imry Haveli] A good camera operator is the dif...
Cameraman has to roller skate the same speed as...
4130 Cameraman has to roller skate the same speed as...
Very focused on action and drama at the same time
2666 Very focused on action and drama at the same time
Praising zoom abilities
1679 Praising zoom abilities
Stable, good framing, and beautiful scenery
1138 Stable, good framing, and beautiful scenery
2020 Portuguese Grand Prix - Bottas Q1 - Single...
504 2020 Portuguese Grand Prix - Bottas Q1 - Single...
Camera Man knew where the action was, wonder if...
154 Camera Man knew where the action was, wonder if...
2024, July
Props to the cameraman capturing an overhead, s...
4160 Props to the cameraman capturing an overhead, s...
Cameraman in a french Rafale caught another fre...
2736 Cameraman in a french Rafale caught another fre...
For holding onto a serious rig while skiing sid...
2537 For holding onto a serious rig while skiing sid...
Keeping it pretty steady even with the extra su...
1475 Keeping it pretty steady even with the extra su...
Great tracking of a fast deer on the loose from...
671 Great tracking of a fast deer on the loose from...
The Royal Flying Doctor, with an airborne polic...
485 The Royal Flying Doctor, with an airborne polic...
For tracking the jet so perfectly
103 For tracking the jet so perfectly
Excellent work staying with a tumbling rally ca...
102 Excellent work staying with a tumbling rally ca...
Paul Dowsley (Channel 7 Australia) captures an ...
47 Paul Dowsley (Channel 7 Australia) captures an ...
2024, June
For flying with this man in the abyss
9546 For flying with this man in the abyss
Cameraman saves a reporter from getting nailed ...
9264 Cameraman saves a reporter from getting nailed ...
CameraMan kept recording every move of an airplane
2714 CameraMan kept recording every move of an airplane
PTCM for being completely unbothered and gettin...
1656 PTCM for being completely unbothered and gettin...
Managed to keep a failed rocket launch in frame
1501 Managed to keep a failed rocket launch in frame
Mesmerising tracking
1492 Mesmerising tracking
Going off huge ramp with the snowboarder
1336 Going off huge ramp with the snowboarder
Perfect track on a perfect play
1050 Perfect track on a perfect play
For following the snowboarder through the entir...
653 For following the snowboarder through the entir...
Filming backward while snowboarding
544 Filming backward while snowboarding
2024, May
The camera man carrying Slimane's live performa...
6834 The camera man carrying Slimane's live performa...
PTCM for getting this sick action shot of a car...
4608 PTCM for getting this sick action shot of a car...
PTCM for keeping up with his speed while keepin...
4048 PTCM for keeping up with his speed while keepin...
Camera man captures footage of a flying Tomahaw...
2369 Camera man captures footage of a flying Tomahaw...
Cameraman captures half court shot and announce...
1886 Cameraman captures half court shot and announce...
Fearless cameraman! Didn't move a single step.
1501 Fearless cameraman! Didn't move a single step.
Cameraman must be as talented or athletic as th...
1261 Cameraman must be as talented or athletic as th...
Cameraman has to keep snowboarder in frame goin...
903 Cameraman has to keep snowboarder in frame goin...
Talk about staying with the shot
861 Talk about staying with the shot
Cameraman has to go off 70 ft jump with the ath...
762 Cameraman has to go off 70 ft jump with the ath...
2024, April
Fearless camera man gets dangerously close to a...
4400 Fearless camera man gets dangerously close to a...
PTCM for standing directly in the path of a Bri...
3179 PTCM for standing directly in the path of a Bri...
Train engineer films tornado til the last second.
2995 Train engineer films tornado til the last second.
I am a filmmaker and I shoot a lot of commercia...
1479 I am a filmmaker and I shoot a lot of commercia...
For not during a live broadcast of a burning bu...
103 For not during a live broadcast of a burning bu...
2024, March
The cameraman crossed with the same smoothness ...
21297 The cameraman crossed with the same smoothness ...
PTCM for framing him perfectly
7353 PTCM for framing him perfectly
PTCM for filming a rocket launch and baseball g...
372 PTCM for filming a rocket launch and baseball g...
2024, February
Cameraman capture a crazy shot of a helicopter ...
18413 Cameraman capture a crazy shot of a helicopter ...
PTCM for waiting till last movement before moving
1338 PTCM for waiting till last movement before moving
2024, January
Camera operator showing off his skating skills
15745 Camera operator showing off his skating skills
from bad camerawork to perfect framing
10181 from bad camerawork to perfect framing
NFL sidelines camera Op
8040 NFL sidelines camera Op
Instead of running and hiding, this cameraman k...
4158 Instead of running and hiding, this cameraman k...
PTCM for doing this entire scene without cuts!
4765 PTCM for doing this entire scene without cuts!
Cameraman doing his camera job in a flooded office
2186 Cameraman doing his camera job in a flooded office
PTCM for capturing the closeup helicopter firef...
1633 PTCM for capturing the closeup helicopter firef...
Top tier videography
1203 Top tier videography
PTCM for having the perfect follow cam shots
781 PTCM for having the perfect follow cam shots
Keeping steady and maintaining distance while s...
34 Keeping steady and maintaining distance while s...