/r/Showerthoughts - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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Showerthoughts 2023
2024, November
11452 There's a bunch of wild animals we've never sel...
10789 The USB-C quietly sneaked in and became the dom...
10266 If penis size were as important to women as man...
10241 One day of the year, nobody knows what, is the ...
9134 The amount of idiots in the world is directly p...
8800 Coffins should be biodegradable.
8626 Tall people get hotter showers.
7655 You know you’re old when people start calling y...
7635 If you claim that a video was generated with AI...
7532 The only thing that makes speed bumps work is y...
2024, October
22817 Employers would be more amenable to remote work...
17051 Institutions can't save money using thin toilet...
11458 When you take two parking spots, you're only bl...
11149 You only know you’ve fallen asleep once you’ve ...
10559 Kids under 5 aren't being silly when they tell ...
10250 Solid train infrastructure would be really usef...
9990 Somewhere, there's a tree growing wood for the ...
9844 My son goes to the same park I did as a kid. Th...
9336 All "motion" on a screen is an optical illusion...
8260 It's super easy to permanently change your life...
2024, September
12254 Our knowledge about serial killers is only from...
12242 A plastic, screw-top bottle of Coca-Cola would ...
10398 Dinosaurs existed for almost 200 million years ...
10164 It's more socially acceptable to spread misinfo...
9467 Why don't auto parts stores sell joke products?...
8176 The Predators in the Predator movies are the ri...
7497 It must be very awkward to solemnly say your la...
7497 Because of all the "keep social distance" stick...
7411 Most love triangles are actually love bipods. A...
7010 Incognito windows went from being used almost e...
2024, August
24318 People don't really realize how impressive came...
16202 If Disney can’t be sued by customers who have u...
13619 There are probably a small percentage of identi...
13085 Anything that contains mushrooms isn't technica...
12678 Because of AI video generation. Throughout the ...
12667 The average woman sees more blood in her lifeti...
12542 If, as a teenager, you suddenly woke up with al...
11567 No matter how big a number is, it is always clo...
11495 If you could stop time, you would not be able t...
11072 It's nice that water has such a low viscosity. ...
2024, July
21683 If time travel was possible, “moments” would ge...
21410 The lack of teenage pregnancies at Hogwarts is ...
18305 A skull found on Mars would raise a lot of ques...
17204 "Room temperature IQ" is a much bigger insult o...
15984 If there ever is an actual apocalypse billionai...
15852 If you smell your own fart, you’re just putting...
15235 Housing has become so unobtainable now, that so...
12239 Crazy Rich Asians actually failed to show perha...
12028 It's cheaper to buy women's underwear new than ...
11079 If you time-traveled back to ancient Greece, yo...
2024, June
23356 The average lifespan is 76 years. Middle age is...
18974 As biological responses go, going weak in the k...
16759 Excessive tipping culture has taught people how...
15730 If society ever collapses and we have to start ...
15681 Gamers have an enormous amount of geographical ...
14857 No one ever mentions the fact that people above...
13392 What if everyone stopped tipping? Would it forc...
12305 "Hit the gas" is a colloquialism that may endur...
11435 If you live alone, there are probably many days...
10670 We'd all get a hell of a lot more done if human...
2024, May
16916 Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average pe...
12642 It’s a shame sleeping extra doesn’t roll into t...
12442 We apply deodorant under our armpits but not fo...
12273 We’ve all just accepted that our phones listen ...
12033 General concensus is that if you can't afford s...
10186 You almost never have to buy shoelaces anymore ...
9461 Kids think adults have all the freedom and adul...
9274 Giver of a blowjob trusts an awfully lot on the...
8595 When you buy a dashcam, you're betting on other...
8582 You don’t really see the giggly stoner stereoty...
2024, April
9131 The largest number you can think of is still cl...
5831 We’re so lucky that we can’t accidentally turn ...
3274 Cattle population is estimated to be around 1 b...
2822 All clothes are unisex if you are confident eno...
2212 Bluey is great show because it teaches parents ...
1022 Some people take drugs to start hallucinating, ...
960 Calling someone a primate isn’t really an insul...
849 The exact spot you're sitting at was once a nig...
813 As our generation is busy colorizing photos fro...
527 Ironically, sex brings children which takes awa...
2024, March
19191 Hitting a bong is using all four elements at once.
17356 A 100% winrate is much less impressive than 99.9%
13981 Young people’s goals have shifted from having a...
12417 After some years, there will be WhatsApp groups...
11758 People are vastly overestimating their capacity...
11617 For being in extremely high demand it’s strange...
11016 The fact that a gallon of liquid is able to pro...
10525 It’s actually such a crazy coincidence the Moon...
10503 We can't seem to come up with a disposable drin...
9628 You can't fuck yourself with a poral gun becaus...
2024, February
13111 We’re told anything on the internet is there fo...
11419 Most people who don’t have an office job think ...
10070 It’s unfathomably easy to ruin your entire life
9667 From an intergalactic perspective, wood is rare...
9209 Since Wall-E knew how to repair himself, he kno...
9070 You can tell music was from the 60s, 70s, 80s a...
8652 You have to go to university to learn any math ...
7867 Sweatpants were made for physical activity, but...
6639 The Speed Of Light is only fast enough to be us...
6586 Most job interviews are harder than the job itself
2024, January
23675 There are almost 7 billion smartphones in the w...
13012 You have a better chance becoming a multimillio...
12861 There's more people who wake up at the same sec...
11925 People who think the moon landing was faked nev...
11673 You know the ultra wealthy are boring because n...
11534 The most socially accepted sorting by race is p...
11378 A majority of people’s LAST word of the year is...
10767 You forget how much force it takes to walk unti...
10686 Fish is the only food that is regularly accused...
9989 soon the 20-something-year-olds will also fall ...