/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits
2024, November
A tip for anxiety writing music. Creating witho...
85 A tip for anxiety writing music. Creating witho...
Watched the film "Yesterday" and I noticed they...
62 Watched the film "Yesterday" and I noticed they...
Hybrid drums FTW
51 Hybrid drums FTW
Drums are my kryptonite. Overcoming the limitat...
44 Drums are my kryptonite. Overcoming the limitat...
What books should I read if I am trying to beco...
44 What books should I read if I am trying to beco...
Mixing hacks and tips when you only have headph...
32 Mixing hacks and tips when you only have headph...
How to get really shitty 00s metalcore/deathcor...
21 How to get really shitty 00s metalcore/deathcor...
how do you arrange your songs?
18 how do you arrange your songs?
Tips for better sounding distortion for heavy m...
17 Tips for better sounding distortion for heavy m...
[Fun] What are your production idiosyncrasies?
16 [Fun] What are your production idiosyncrasies?
2024, October
Yall ever tried to re record something and it j...
90 Yall ever tried to re record something and it j...
[UPDATE] My band is going into the studio with ...
74 [UPDATE] My band is going into the studio with ...
Does Having Multiple Music Styles Hold You Back?
75 Does Having Multiple Music Styles Hold You Back?
My band is going into the studio with a produce...
48 My band is going into the studio with a produce...
Support band set etiquette?
36 Support band set etiquette?
Made a 20+ Scale MIDI Melody Generator - Comple...
34 Made a 20+ Scale MIDI Melody Generator - Comple...
Is it at all acceptable not to formally master?
30 Is it at all acceptable not to formally master?
For You Parents Who Are Musicians: Adult Perspe...
24 For You Parents Who Are Musicians: Adult Perspe...
I used to be a typical stubborn piano player ab...
25 I used to be a typical stubborn piano player ab...
Recording Distorted Guitar
22 Recording Distorted Guitar
2024, September
How did you “teach yourself” to record your own...
209 How did you “teach yourself” to record your own...
Producing 101: What I Wish I Knew
193 Producing 101: What I Wish I Knew
How to make 'minimal' still sound 'full'?
85 How to make 'minimal' still sound 'full'?
It takes me almost 3 hours to record guitars fo...
78 It takes me almost 3 hours to record guitars fo...
What is the best songwriting tip you’ve learned...
72 What is the best songwriting tip you’ve learned...
Got noise in your rig? Check your coffee maker.
65 Got noise in your rig? Check your coffee maker.
Is getting a bass while learning guitar worth it?
46 Is getting a bass while learning guitar worth it?
Do mixing engineers ever ask the client to go b...
46 Do mixing engineers ever ask the client to go b...
When I first listen to the mix/demo, it usually...
47 When I first listen to the mix/demo, it usually...
How to start a band with no experience?
40 How to start a band with no experience?
2024, August
What in god's name is this sub for?
663 What in god's name is this sub for?
My bands vocalist died. Only have voice memo re...
241 My bands vocalist died. Only have voice memo re...
Why is de-essing vocals such a nightmare?
95 Why is de-essing vocals such a nightmare?
What are your best creativity 'hacks' ?
86 What are your best creativity 'hacks' ?
Don't underestimate how limitations in your ins...
63 Don't underestimate how limitations in your ins...
Do artists ever release the project files for t...
43 Do artists ever release the project files for t...
How much do you plan before making an album?
43 How much do you plan before making an album?
What makes a song romantic or even sexy?
26 What makes a song romantic or even sexy?
When session musicians talk about charts does t...
28 When session musicians talk about charts does t...
How to communicate music among bandmates?
26 How to communicate music among bandmates?
2024, July
Is it normal to spend up to an hour trying to r...
181 Is it normal to spend up to an hour trying to r...
How do I write lyrics that flow well
69 How do I write lyrics that flow well
What is the technique, that one melody in each ...
59 What is the technique, that one melody in each ...
What should I ask the sound guy for at my first...
58 What should I ask the sound guy for at my first...
How to craft solid basslines?
32 How to craft solid basslines?
How much perfection do top artists use in the s...
31 How much perfection do top artists use in the s...
Am I making a big mistake somewhere ? Every tim...
23 Am I making a big mistake somewhere ? Every tim...
What are some ideas for taking a live (rock) sh...
22 What are some ideas for taking a live (rock) sh...
Vinyl Test Pressing analysis
20 Vinyl Test Pressing analysis
Should I include my band in recording process?
20 Should I include my band in recording process?
2024, June
Is it easier today to make good music?
86 Is it easier today to make good music?
Just played my first show in five years- some o...
57 Just played my first show in five years- some o...
At what point do you give up on a song?
47 At what point do you give up on a song?
How many days a week should a band meet?
41 How many days a week should a band meet?
Why do 80-90s songs have different temperament?
40 Why do 80-90s songs have different temperament?
Have you ever taken a music "Retreat?"
40 Have you ever taken a music "Retreat?"
How do you write lyrics?
35 How do you write lyrics?
How can I learn to reproduce exactly what I hea...
27 How can I learn to reproduce exactly what I hea...
Recording an upright piano with limited options
24 Recording an upright piano with limited options
How important is it to have key changes and unc...
21 How important is it to have key changes and unc...
2024, May
What piece of musician production knowledge has...
78 What piece of musician production knowledge has...
Is being 1-2 cents off okay when it comes to gu...
66 Is being 1-2 cents off okay when it comes to gu...
How do artists decide what to write if they enj...
51 How do artists decide what to write if they enj...
Any idea how to stop blowing my voice (Punk voc...
46 Any idea how to stop blowing my voice (Punk voc...
Songs where the chorus has a less dense arrange...
37 Songs where the chorus has a less dense arrange...
Is mastering necessary
33 Is mastering necessary
How long do you practice a day?
24 How long do you practice a day?
Trying to remember the name of a plugin: An arp...
23 Trying to remember the name of a plugin: An arp...
Double tracking overkill?
19 Double tracking overkill?
Professional master worth it?
19 Professional master worth it?
2024, April
Singers in rock bands, how do you cope with not...
122 Singers in rock bands, how do you cope with not...
What are your quintessential references for dis...
71 What are your quintessential references for dis...
Should I learn Piano or guitar for music produc...
68 Should I learn Piano or guitar for music produc...
Two-piece noisy punk band, how can I fill the s...
53 Two-piece noisy punk band, how can I fill the s...
Does playing live help you create better music?
38 Does playing live help you create better music?
Guitarists recording doesn’t sound like what’s ...
33 Guitarists recording doesn’t sound like what’s ...
I made an open source controller for Ableton
32 I made an open source controller for Ableton
How to sing with more emotion?
32 How to sing with more emotion?
DSP56300 Emulator Updates - Virus Ti - Waldorf ...
30 DSP56300 Emulator Updates - Virus Ti - Waldorf ...
If you could pick only one VST synth to use for...
29 If you could pick only one VST synth to use for...
2024, March
How do I tell a session musician I hired that t...
793 How do I tell a session musician I hired that t...
Why is transcription shunned?
204 Why is transcription shunned?
[Advice] Current Bassist can’t stop playing blu...
140 [Advice] Current Bassist can’t stop playing blu...
My experience as a nomadic e-lance vocalist and...
125 My experience as a nomadic e-lance vocalist and...
How do you come up with melodies in your head?
95 How do you come up with melodies in your head?
How do working musicians remember so many songs...
83 How do working musicians remember so many songs...
[Need Advice]" Musicians who are 40yrs +: I'm c...
80 [Need Advice]" Musicians who are 40yrs +: I'm c...
Can someone please explain why the heck classic...
73 Can someone please explain why the heck classic...
How do artists like autechre, afx and squarepus...
64 How do artists like autechre, afx and squarepus...
Should I learn piano theory while learning guitar?
50 Should I learn piano theory while learning guitar?
2024, February
How Do I Convince My Drummer That The Kick Is A...
481 How Do I Convince My Drummer That The Kick Is A...
What's One Song That You Immediately Wanted To ...
87 What's One Song That You Immediately Wanted To ...
Your unique sound
60 Your unique sound
Making music that doesn't sound like music I wa...
54 Making music that doesn't sound like music I wa...
Why do I make so much better music in my head a...
49 Why do I make so much better music in my head a...
Things I should keep in mind when mixing/master...
49 Things I should keep in mind when mixing/master...
Learning Jazz as a non-jazzer
49 Learning Jazz as a non-jazzer
Should I pay to get my song mastered?
43 Should I pay to get my song mastered?
Is there a secret or tip for recording a "good"...
43 Is there a secret or tip for recording a "good"...
What do band members do between sets
43 What do band members do between sets
2024, January
Can't wrap my head around hard panned mixes fro...
123 Can't wrap my head around hard panned mixes fro...
Why did so many 30s-50s songs have lyrics for o...
99 Why did so many 30s-50s songs have lyrics for o...
What Was Your Biggest "Aha Moment"?
82 What Was Your Biggest "Aha Moment"?
Who's your favorite songwriter to learn from?
82 Who's your favorite songwriter to learn from?
How to know the purpose of chords beyond triads?
68 How to know the purpose of chords beyond triads?
I’m a good riff writer, but I suck at writing w...
61 I’m a good riff writer, but I suck at writing w...
Suspended 7th Chords and Adding 60s and 70s Fla...
37 Suspended 7th Chords and Adding 60s and 70s Fla...
Question for anyone playing guitar on their tra...
30 Question for anyone playing guitar on their tra...
Music Theory, how to know the root note when yo...
28 Music Theory, how to know the root note when yo...
Why do my mixes come out so quiet?
27 Why do my mixes come out so quiet?