/r/Whatcouldgowrong - top ten submissions for each month of 2014
sfw subreddits
Whatcouldgowrong 2015
2014, December
5557 Robbing the store. WCGW?
3834 I'll just gonna mess with this rabbit. WCGW??
3717 Dropping a knife on a pressurised can....WCGW?
3609 Poking an unsupported slab with stick, WCGW?
3529 Sniffing hairspray in a staircase. WCGW?
3612 Blocking traffic when you don't have the right ...
3407 I'll just shake this champagne bottle and pop t...
3110 This swing needs more pitchfork
2629 Doing some parkour. WCGW??
2462 Testing out my new scope WCGW?
2014, November
4100 A foolproof getaway, what could go wrong?
3246 In a rush to the hospital. WCGW?
2456 I'll just give my buddy a boost wearing only a ...
2439 Let's customize the car so it sits lower, WCGW?
2320 Let me get out of window and sit on top of movi...
2319 I won, time to celebrate! - WCGW?
2240 A drunken man on the stairs, WCGW?
2144 Let me ignore this red traffic-light, WCGW?
2104 Dropping into a pool on a gigantic stack of pla...
2093 I'll just one hand it with a guy on a stretcher...
2014, October
4897 I'll walk closely behind this horse and clap my...
4706 Air bed launch, WCGW?
3931 I'll just jump on a guys windshield. WCGW?
3411 Standing next to a live race track, WCGW?
3167 Jumping on a horse from behind, WCGW?
2592 Using a swiss ball on a treadmill, WCGW?
2593 first day as fairground employee WCGW
2559 Backflip off a soft mat - WCGW
2209 Falling on the bed with your baby on it, WCGW?
2160 Sitting on the side of the escalator, WCGW?
2014, September
4914 Lubing up the kitchen floor
3973 Let me jump off this cliff into the water, WCGW?
3364 I'll just run away from my opponent. WCGW?
3302 "Hit me as hard as you can!" WCGW?
2811 I'm just going to go around these flashing ligh...
3238 Attempting to backflip in the middle of a mall,...
2576 Using a Tennis Net as a Slingshot. WCGW?
2547 Using a bed post as a stripper pole, WCGW?
2478 Large Woman On A Swing. WCGW?
2365 Running straight towards an enraged bull, WCGW?
2014, August
7828 Hamster exercise ball, WCGW?
6515 I'll use a tractor to complete the ice bucket c...
4329 I'll just pet this penguin in my wedding stress...
4172 Robbing a shop, wcgw?
3683 Jumping stones.
3346 Photo shoot with a snake WCGW? NSFW
3037 Planking on a door....?
2556 Let's stand still in the landing of a giant jump!
2455 Lemme just jump over this golf cart!
2438 Playing in a play park even though you're not a...
2014, July
4535 I'll just set up my gun on my tail gate, WCGW?
3625 Just gonna set this platter outside my hotel ro...
3361 I'm obese and in a wheelchair. Let's do a stunt...
2700 Guy in a wheel chair going through a cork screw...
3222 Firecracker, metal bowl and an idiot... WCGW?
2623 Just.. WCGW
2506 Flying jump kick to knock down a bag of chips. ...
2393 Dancing with the TV, WCGW?
2127 I'll just fight this guy who has no pants on. W...
2086 Proposing on the beach, WCGW?
2014, June
3051 Trying to use Captain America's shield, WCGW?
2601 Biking down a flight of stairs, WCGW?
2598 Longboarding on an empty country road... WCGW?
2558 Dead lifting in heels
2557 Beercase, skateboard and a hill.. WCGW?
2544 Let's throw this huge snowball on my son's head...
2427 Maybe i should kiss this sexy snapping turtle
2400 I'll just show off at this pool party, WCGW? (x...
2284 Harlem Shaking in front of a bonfire, WCGW?!
2230 Angry clown's burglary attempt
2014, May
3960 Let me just saw off this branch one-handed 15' ...
3719 Let's whack and annoy a giant Clydesdale, WCGW?
3384 A walk through the bullring
2714 Lemme slap this mummy bitch! WCGW
2713 Climbing onto the roof. WCGW? (x-post from /r/wtf)
2479 Fat guy on a childrens swing set. What could go...
2402 Lets take something the dog has attacked before...
2398 Just jumping a skateboard with another skateboa...
2210 I'm just going to ride a wheelie behind this un...
2212 I am not an expert but WCGW?
2014, April
3260 Fat man on a blow up water slide, WCGW?
3072 I'll just pet this cow's stomach to wake her up...
2603 Kite surfing on a very windy day. Wcgw?
2305 Taking a sledgehammer to a silo. WCGW?
2173 I'll just overtake at speed on this winding roa...
2089 I'll just do a pull-up on this sprinkler
2029 Back flip in a pool? WCGW?
1970 Slam dunking an arcade basketball game
1955 Canoeing!
1870 Let me jump down that escalator face first, WCG...
2014, March
4225 Starting a fight with a deer.
4000 Look, no hands!
3677 Popping a balloon with a jump kick.
3425 I know! I'll wake him up with a flamethrower!
3078 Sliding down an escalator.
2914 Kid on Segway. WCGW?
2909 I'm just going to stop this guy with my aura-fo...
2326 Lets all of us jump up and down on a trampoline...
2275 Using old mattress springs to do a flip, WCGW?
2192 Unloading a truck without using a ramp - WCGW?
2014, February
4701 We scored with less than 3 seconds left. We can...
3670 Double balancing
2716 Taunting a seagull - WCGW?
2632 Riding a wheelchair down a hill WCGW?
2416 Starting a small Plane on the Beach, WCGW?
2337 Biking backwards, what could go wrong?
2269 When you dont follow weight limits... WCGW
2023 Watch me twirl
1977 Planking on the kitchen stove. WCGW?
1963 Let's pour lighter fluid on this naked girl and...
2014, January
3797 Scooter flight
3298 I'll...blow fire into a bucket? WCGW?
3293 Water bottle bazooka
2904 Balancing on top of a door WCGW (x-post from r/...
2400 Safer to walk......
2343 Let's try to do a trick where we spin around on...
2096 Elevator, you have bested me for the last time,...
1880 I'll just blow my ass up with fireworks. WCGW
1767 "Stand still. I'm gonna hit you in the abs with...
1713 I'll just jump off a wall and use this exercise...