/r/biology - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
sfw subreddits
2024, November
20156 A single celled organism eats a fellow single c...
5814 This is how vaccines work
4705 explain biology to me like you’re in love with me
4408 This Olona Limacodidae caterpillar is like a wa...
3994 ???
3450 Why are those bees clustered like this?
2491 Sea Butterflies are otherworldly fairies
2269 Teacher won’t admit this is wrong
1902 A beautiful bubble snail cruising the ocean floor
1860 Why does this happen?
2024, October
77744 Another unrealistic body standard pushed upon w...
4261 A beautiful mane wolf
4063 The Camouflage of the Mossy Leaf-Tailed Gecko
3698 Reanimation workers failed to help dying leopar...
3175 Mmmmmm????atp???
3054 Why do some caterpillar species have different ...
2338 What happened to this swan?
2181 Has anyone heard of this?
2118 This creature was in my lettuce..
2124 Do you think this pattern could be the product ...
2024, September
10904 Cool
9097 A human heart awaiting transplant. Crazy to thi...
8269 The actual citric acid cycle
8035 accidentally created an ecosystem by leaving ou...
4450 Is this a mutation? From some crustacean in Lak...
3312 This is what a uterus looks like
3226 This "bee" is actually just a fly
2651 How a salamander develops from a single cell
2446 Not how virus proteins look...
1734 Hey why is this Slug SO GODDAMM BIG?
2024, August
8434 A T cell kills a cancer cell.
3663 Why do hippos have these dents in their skin wh...
3084 How did they film this? Can a single nerve cell...
2554 How the immune system fights cancer
2351 Neurons trying to connect to each other
1326 Why female chimpanzees and gorillas don't have ...
1241 What’s Going On Here?
1178 Why are the fish all facing one direction witho...
1148 I've never understood what the crypts actually ...
1008 In the vulva, at the spot where women have "Gla...
2024, July
4075 Will the Y chromosome really disappear?
2268 Manipulating Single Cells with Laser-Powered Mi...
2207 This might be a stupid question but when it bre...
1443 I never knew a snake could eat a human
448 Did we evolve to just like fruit or did fruit e...
447 Live cell imaging of mouse embryonic stem cell ...
305 Why human females experience reproductive matur...
293 Why isn't chlorophyll black?
289 World Chimpanzee Day with Dr. Jane Goodall
261 Why Do Skunks Have Stripes?
2024, June
5027 Why are all these snails aggregated on top of t...
4589 Spotted this bacteriophage in the middle of a f...
3064 Just saw my friend's lab note
1391 how does asexuality... exist?
1191 Has anyone else read this? What are the rebutta...
1022 I show you a zombie fungus I found in my living...
721 The sunfish have made their nests next to our dock
563 Why, from an evolutionary perspective, is it of...
530 Why do people think biology is 'the easiest sci...
427 Scientists Gave Ants Drugs to Study Opioid Addi...
2024, May
2033 Why is the sclera prominent in humans whereas f...
1751 How to herbivores generate so much muscle mass ...
1429 What the??
1358 Feeeeeed me...!!!!
922 R.F.K. Jr. Says Doctors Found a Dead Worm in Hi...
757 Why are human babies so ridiculously pathetic?
728 A tick having a tick
600 Look at what emerged this year!!!
582 Why is my (top pic) iris contain so many more s...
433 Bees are excited to drink honey
2024, April
3962 Human bones with bone cancer
2349 What are the scientific names of your home’s in...
1691 I cannot ignore the fact that people keep dead ...
1263 Found a spider with Engyodontium aranearum
1240 question about the largest single celled organism
942 The only known picture of a living Carolina par...
886 Why didn't women evolve to not feel menstrual c...
704 The human body as a subway map
637 Scientists push new paradigm of animal consciou...
575 A real heart attack (NSFW)
2024, March
1733 Spider at my house lined up all the flies it ca...
848 Parasites are not useless, you're just biased h...
820 Fasting as a method to kill cancer cells
694 From an evolutionary standpoint, why did the m...
611 Why is the natural sex ratio 1:1?
534 What’s up with this egg
503 I was bored so I made a complete diagram of pho...
496 Can the human mind endure immortality?
483 Why men have facial hair and women don't?
479 Puccinia graminis teliospores
2024, February
2880 Can someone please explain question 5? I’m so c...
2286 Mantis eating hair! Why?
1372 Heart dissection yesterday
1271 Why do humans reach reproductive maturity befor...
1199 Grass under microscope
1109 Japanese Scientists Are Developing a Way to Reg...
854 Why do animals like the smell of their own spec...
839 Why are some parts of a chromosome darker or li...
781 I want to read on the origin of species...
754 Why is vitiligo called a “disease” and not just...
2024, January
1581 I (O+) and my husband (O-) have children with A...
1348 What’s wrong with this banana?
1351 Is there a way to get rid of microplastics in o...
1217 Why are asians smaller than other parts of the ...
1212 How did the first ever cell to exist, then sudd...
1208 What is the second most fascinating organ in th...
1176 Why is 37°C too hot when our body temp is 37°C
1168 what organism could be wiped out without harmin...
1032 Why could we be seeing an increase in colon can...
1000 Real vs movies