/r/blunderyears - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << blunderyears 2023
2024, November
I really thought I was a MySpace Queen
60016 I really thought I was a MySpace Queen
My grandparents c. 1971, aged 15 and 18.. also ...
26460 My grandparents c. 1971, aged 15 and 18.. also ...
2008 wasn’t real
19180 2008 wasn’t real
1991, off to my high school graduation ceremony
18369 1991, off to my high school graduation ceremony
The year was 2015, I was 18 and freshly vegan
18155 The year was 2015, I was 18 and freshly vegan
My wife kickin' it with her dad in the early 90s
17420 My wife kickin' it with her dad in the early 90s
On my way to see the Jonas Brothers
16541 On my way to see the Jonas Brothers
The first photo is when we were all around 13 y...
16369 The first photo is when we were all around 13 y...
Thankfully I grew into my fave.
13647 Thankfully I grew into my fave.
I was a scene girl and I'm not ashamed.
10708 I was a scene girl and I'm not ashamed.
2024, October
You don’t understand…. I ate UP in 2012
50478 You don’t understand…. I ate UP in 2012
My boyfriend and his mom in 1992.
40641 My boyfriend and his mom in 1992.
I remember telling my mom I wished someone woul...
35403 I remember telling my mom I wished someone woul...
i was 14, the rapper 50 cent was my idol, my mo...
33258 i was 14, the rapper 50 cent was my idol, my mo...
2012 - 10/11 year old me with Jeffree Star in T...
19456 2012 - 10/11 year old me with Jeffree Star in T...
14yo Me in 2004... Thats what I wore while tear...
17709 14yo Me in 2004... Thats what I wore while tear...
10 year old me in my hannah montana wig ?
15497 10 year old me in my hannah montana wig ?
Another young student of the blade
11733 Another young student of the blade
11 year old me attempting to branch out from wh...
11649 11 year old me attempting to branch out from wh...
circa 2014
11628 circa 2014
2024, September
My college rebel phase was to be the opposite o...
34983 My college rebel phase was to be the opposite o...
I remember begging my parents to do this
25479 I remember begging my parents to do this
My freshman yearbook photo (2014)
24488 My freshman yearbook photo (2014)
The greatest and longest blunder of all time (9...
20365 The greatest and longest blunder of all time (9...
It WAS a phase mom.
14181 It WAS a phase mom.
Dressing as bad girls for a skit at Mormon Girl...
13206 Dressing as bad girls for a skit at Mormon Girl...
I think it's 1998. I had my buddy braid my hair...
11954 I think it's 1998. I had my buddy braid my hair...
Turned 16 and stepmom took me straight to the m...
11218 Turned 16 and stepmom took me straight to the m...
Me and my stepbrother refusing to wear a "prope...
10993 Me and my stepbrother refusing to wear a "prope...
I was 14 and I was about as insufferable as I l...
8294 I was 14 and I was about as insufferable as I l...
2024, August
Found this on an old external hard drive - midd...
33447 Found this on an old external hard drive - midd...
My Brother & I, 1981, Sears Portrait Studio. My...
17122 My Brother & I, 1981, Sears Portrait Studio. My...
My fiancé saw this picture my parents took of m...
14323 My fiancé saw this picture my parents took of m...
2004. Sulking in Italy because dad wouldn’t let...
11588 2004. Sulking in Italy because dad wouldn’t let...
I taught myself to unicycle in the summer of ‘9...
10345 I taught myself to unicycle in the summer of ‘9...
1987 - the time I decided to cast my entire hea...
8251 1987 - the time I decided to cast my entire hea...
Oh, where to begin...
7569 Oh, where to begin...
I was so confused when this woman posed with me
7570 I was so confused when this woman posed with me
The year was 1998...
7460 The year was 1998...
We thought we had muscles
5827 We thought we had muscles
2024, July
My Senior Yearbook Photo. I was 17
19821 My Senior Yearbook Photo. I was 17
Bring a prop for school pictures. Most kids bro...
10045 Bring a prop for school pictures. Most kids bro...
Any time my parents feel too proud of their kid...
8271 Any time my parents feel too proud of their kid...
Napoleon Dynamite released as I entered 6th gra...
4885 Napoleon Dynamite released as I entered 6th gra...
Me freshman year in college (2007)
4527 Me freshman year in college (2007)
I was 15, emo, and d*ck in a box was the funnie...
2694 I was 15, emo, and d*ck in a box was the funnie...
You asked, I provide.
2588 You asked, I provide.
So once upon a time there was this classmate of...
2483 So once upon a time there was this classmate of...
Around 15 years old, powering up dragon ball z ...
2352 Around 15 years old, powering up dragon ball z ...
Found this photo of my partner circa 1990.
2140 Found this photo of my partner circa 1990.
2024, June
2007 Photoshoot from my "failed music career"
13637 2007 Photoshoot from my "failed music career"
When I was a freshman, during homecoming, we ha...
13263 When I was a freshman, during homecoming, we ha...
15 years ago today, Michael Jackson died. I was...
6753 15 years ago today, Michael Jackson died. I was...
My Facebook profile picture in 2012
6030 My Facebook profile picture in 2012
Family camping trip circa 2003
5609 Family camping trip circa 2003
Here is a photo of me at 13 standing at a whopp...
5585 Here is a photo of me at 13 standing at a whopp...
Me at 11 years old on my weird bike. Bought it ...
5095 Me at 11 years old on my weird bike. Bought it ...
2003 I thought I was breakdancing at a 6th grad...
4862 2003 I thought I was breakdancing at a 6th grad...
Ladies and gentlemen, the year 2000 encapsulate...
4695 Ladies and gentlemen, the year 2000 encapsulate...
I blend right in
4560 I blend right in
2024, May
My mom is coming out of her bridesmaid's dress,...
41664 My mom is coming out of her bridesmaid's dress,...
The time I was in American Girl magazine in 199...
5905 The time I was in American Girl magazine in 199...
Had this Student-ID up until graduation. Absolu...
5582 Had this Student-ID up until graduation. Absolu...
4th. Effing. Grade.
4555 4th. Effing. Grade.
Stumbled upon my teenage journal and discovered...
4011 Stumbled upon my teenage journal and discovered...
Still nacho girlfriend ?
3555 Still nacho girlfriend ?
My senior photo. My quote was also from a shitt...
3542 My senior photo. My quote was also from a shitt...
Photo booth souvenir from my 8th grade class tr...
3137 Photo booth souvenir from my 8th grade class tr...
My fiancé gave me permission to post this after...
2849 My fiancé gave me permission to post this after...
In honor of Mother's Day, I present this mother...
2586 In honor of Mother's Day, I present this mother...
2024, April
yes that is my real head, no this photo was not...
51978 yes that is my real head, no this photo was not...
Me thinking I was cool with my pet crow in 2003
31097 Me thinking I was cool with my pet crow in 2003
My First Facebook Profile Picture, Circa 2008
17713 My First Facebook Profile Picture, Circa 2008
I (female) insisted on dressing up as Steve Woz...
16301 I (female) insisted on dressing up as Steve Woz...
In 7th grade I photoshopped myself marrying And...
15704 In 7th grade I photoshopped myself marrying And...
My wife's favorite picture of me
14040 My wife's favorite picture of me
I made the Jersey shore look like proper dandy’...
11375 I made the Jersey shore look like proper dandy’...
Our band picture, we never actually learned to ...
11110 Our band picture, we never actually learned to ...
For some reason my younger self decided to try ...
10667 For some reason my younger self decided to try ...
Rocking tan colored micro shorts to the hookah ...
8798 Rocking tan colored micro shorts to the hookah ...
2024, March
I hear this is the sub for those who have studi...
30060 I hear this is the sub for those who have studi...
My gf keeps telling me she doesn’t look like JT...
29768 My gf keeps telling me she doesn’t look like JT...
I was the only one at Glamour Shots who studied...
29489 I was the only one at Glamour Shots who studied...
when I was 13 my mom and I had some fun after m...
24079 when I was 13 my mom and I had some fun after m...
The fear is real. Age 15, caught dancing by mys...
22913 The fear is real. Age 15, caught dancing by mys...
Here’s the unreleased 1999 music video from my ...
22077 Here’s the unreleased 1999 music video from my ...
I don't know anybody who went through as many e...
20295 I don't know anybody who went through as many e...
My 9th grade "graduation" in 2002. 3 months lat...
17893 My 9th grade "graduation" in 2002. 3 months lat...
Studying the blade runs deep in my blood.
17969 Studying the blade runs deep in my blood.
Used to wear this bunny suit long after it was ...
17420 Used to wear this bunny suit long after it was ...
2024, February
Mum told me to smile for the camera, I refused ...
50029 Mum told me to smile for the camera, I refused ...
My grade 8 graduation photo, (they told us we c...
34994 My grade 8 graduation photo, (they told us we c...
2012, i was 12
29824 2012, i was 12
Me, age 13, for 8th grade Valentine’s Dance
28758 Me, age 13, for 8th grade Valentine’s Dance
My folks were so mad I used all the printer ink.
21378 My folks were so mad I used all the printer ink.
Did I photoshop myself as a twin in front of a ...
19161 Did I photoshop myself as a twin in front of a ...
2004: My very low-rise jeans at a family event....
19062 2004: My very low-rise jeans at a family event....
Graduating in 1993 - Small Town, Canada
18890 Graduating in 1993 - Small Town, Canada
1999…..eyeliner and choker necklace and for som...
16940 1999…..eyeliner and choker necklace and for som...
In 6th grade I used to dress us like a zombie (...
16559 In 6th grade I used to dress us like a zombie (...
2024, January
This is my wife's favorite photo of me.
51766 This is my wife's favorite photo of me.
I was obsessed with the mid 19th century as kid
29858 I was obsessed with the mid 19th century as kid
I was only interested in one thing as a child.
28988 I was only interested in one thing as a child.
2008… I’m an opera singer now ??
28237 2008… I’m an opera singer now ??
I thought this outfit was IT in 1999.
25620 I thought this outfit was IT in 1999.
In celebration of my 11th cake day, a recently ...
25343 In celebration of my 11th cake day, a recently ...
I *have* learned to arch my back since this pho...
25163 I *have* learned to arch my back since this pho...
all the reasons why I was banned from Club Peng...
24793 all the reasons why I was banned from Club Peng...
I’m convinced they modeled Napoleon Dynamite af...
21915 I’m convinced they modeled Napoleon Dynamite af...
Me and my sister 2004/2005
20942 Me and my sister 2004/2005