/r/bmx - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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bmx 2023
2024, November
886 First flip whip to concrete
821 Hop 5
669 4 years eyeing this rail, finally hit it!
543 Bought a PS2 game for the first time in 25 years
474 One day in 2019
368 Monster walk
362 It was warm enough for a T-shirt session today ...
335 One day years ago
331 So pumped that I finally checked this one off t...
329 Which one is your favorite?
2024, October
1310 A clip from years ago
1090 360
948 There it is gang, two months shy of 50, on a BM...
774 Don of the streets from my POV #dotsnyc
686 37 years young
566 Edwin Delarosa is on the Mount Rushmore of Stre...
548 My friend landed this gap first try ?
507 Hit my first handrail today
470 Upvote if you love Van Homan.
455 Achieving the goal of the return (doing this ag...
2024, September
770 360 gap from 2005
766 what do y’all think of my little fastplant?
704 BMX history right there
472 This guy is a beast! Matthias Dandois - Bar Spi...
447 A few 80s photos
417 If you're feeling too old / big to start...
414 New one
369 Daniel Sandoval with three insane flair variati...
361 Stoked on still have manuals like this, the whi...
361 Kind of, not really, a downside tailwhip from 3...
2024, August
827 15 mile round trip in the concrete jungles to g...
620 Blood red Basset
598 Run from #dirtweek
487 My best x up. Aged 44 1/2.
472 First backflip on a bike (airbag)
470 Some said it couldn’t be done
433 Tech shiiii
424 My buddy is one of those guys that barely rides...
390 Based on a Kink Freebird, this GTA San Andreas ...
347 Barcelona is Bmx heaven
2024, July
3251 What is this trick called?
1849 We've all been a part of this exact scenario
1164 I finnaly got flat whips!!!!
909 Trial and error until you succeed.
688 Nourie wedge Miami Hopper
656 Jibbing outside on BMX day, still scared of hop...
589 While the other 45 year old are picking up pick...
430 Dream spot
372 Help with bunny hops?
360 Eat sh*t try again
2024, June
2421 3 Year Progress
1017 What was BMX like in 2007? It was filmed in 0.1...
974 This took long than I thought it would but glad...
893 Finally got the BMX Dialed
760 Does this trick exist? If not, what should I na...
619 Freestyle BMX
550 I can’t bar hop but at least I can do this
448 Lil fail?(ik it wasnt a good idea)
447 7 year old bmx vs new bmx
433 Does this count as a 360?
2024, May
1247 My brother just turned 40, and decided to hop b...
211 ?
173 Up,down,left,right,A,Start
155 My first ever 360!!
150 Proud dad moment
130 At 42 years old falling like I was a teenager a...
125 Just a washed up old head
124 Yesterday’s after work session!
120 Clips from the last session!
119 Shortly before this clip yesterday, I was drivi...
2024, April
290 I just turned off in the air
290 Flatland BMX Tricks
214 At age 15 and 51
209 Almost 49.
190 why (and how) do people put tennis balls in the...
184 Hop bar
174 More video of a middle aged man doing yard work.
161 Wallrides might be my favorite
158 Just a table I am pumped on!
153 Self filming!
2024, March
760 Saw this on another sub. Had to repost it here.
457 Just a 42 year old man trying to ride BMX after...
271 I thought this one was pretty cool.
197 Do I have a problem???
170 Kink Gap XL
155 Casually browsing Facebook marketplace to find ...
142 I learned Canadian nose picks at 44. BMX is as ...
118 2001 Macneil Miron
117 What do you guys think of my build?
110 Here’s some of my current and past builds
2024, February
453 34 and decided to pick up bmx again! Havent rod...
433 Just got a bike for the first time in 10 years ...
371 Feels good man
349 Did this roof gap on my last day of vacation in...
356 I wrecked like a champ thank God I had on a hel...
286 Added a new “spin” to an old trick. At 55 An ol...
262 No bus drivers around here
242 First clip as a 30 y/o
230 Just turned 42 and still jibbing
208 This was very scary for me!
2024, January
652 Probably my favorite picture (of myself)
340 They said I’d quit when I got my license… here ...
312 One from today.
219 Building a bike, how am I doing
190 Titanium frame build
175 Built the bike I dreamed of when I was 7 (in th...
171 2023 Terrible One Barcode Build
165 Slow motion!
159 Another game of BMX against my dad!
129 Fun set up at this park