/r/bodyweightfitness - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << bodyweightfitness 2023
2024, November
PSA: Get your sleep people
1054 PSA: Get your sleep people
In my gym the current record for push ups is 83...
783 In my gym the current record for push ups is 83...
How realistic is it to maintain a healthy and s...
332 How realistic is it to maintain a healthy and s...
How to be content with being healthy and stop p...
223 How to be content with being healthy and stop p...
How do people get and maintain gains with littl...
209 How do people get and maintain gains with littl...
Did my first ring workout and I'm shocked
175 Did my first ring workout and I'm shocked
Is it possible to naturally just be a really we...
140 Is it possible to naturally just be a really we...
Are ab workouts actually necessary?
132 Are ab workouts actually necessary?
I just did my first pull-up. Help me get to 5
114 I just did my first pull-up. Help me get to 5
2024, October
Weighted dips/pullups is changing my body fast
1177 Weighted dips/pullups is changing my body fast
Strength gained by calisthenics vs Gym
322 Strength gained by calisthenics vs Gym
I got my first chin up today!
299 I got my first chin up today!
My PT was shocked I had 110lb grip strength... ...
291 My PT was shocked I had 110lb grip strength... ...
What’s your abs routine if you have one?
189 What’s your abs routine if you have one?
To my big guys (200+) contemplating fitness rin...
170 To my big guys (200+) contemplating fitness rin...
Is it mandatory to squeeze the glutes during ba...
128 Is it mandatory to squeeze the glutes during ba...
abs hurt so bad i cant move
122 abs hurt so bad i cant move
Is progression slower for females
96 Is progression slower for females
Is there any point in working out if I couldn't...
96 Is there any point in working out if I couldn't...
2024, September
3 year body transformation
710 3 year body transformation
Why do workouts of any kind seem to take so long?
444 Why do workouts of any kind seem to take so long?
A love letter to calisthenics:
384 A love letter to calisthenics:
I created a poster with the most popular bodywe...
271 I created a poster with the most popular bodywe...
5 Years of Calisthenics Physique Progress
232 5 Years of Calisthenics Physique Progress
PSA for the super busy people with not much tim...
167 PSA for the super busy people with not much tim...
Favorite Bodyweight Fitness YouTubers!
169 Favorite Bodyweight Fitness YouTubers!
Is 3 times per week really enough?
162 Is 3 times per week really enough?
Feeling pullups in my forearms and biceps, not ...
154 Feeling pullups in my forearms and biceps, not ...
Rhabdomyolysis.. oops
150 Rhabdomyolysis.. oops
2024, August
Body weight exercise has improved my quality of...
582 Body weight exercise has improved my quality of...
Calisthenics is sending me out on side quests a...
371 Calisthenics is sending me out on side quests a...
Handstand is HARD, anyone saying otherwise is a...
285 Handstand is HARD, anyone saying otherwise is a...
Finally managed 10 pull ups!
230 Finally managed 10 pull ups!
For people scared of losing gains when moving f...
215 For people scared of losing gains when moving f...
I don't like working out, what is your motivati...
196 I don't like working out, what is your motivati...
How do you get started when your starting point...
169 How do you get started when your starting point...
LPT: if you have tight shoulder or shoulder cli...
131 LPT: if you have tight shoulder or shoulder cli...
How come engaging my core impacts my pull-ups s...
134 How come engaging my core impacts my pull-ups s...
2024, July
3 weeks ago I started my weight loss journey an...
264 3 weeks ago I started my weight loss journey an...
Thanks for the great advice. It worked
228 Thanks for the great advice. It worked
Simple boring full-body workout to do daily?
161 Simple boring full-body workout to do daily?
My physical energy to work out every week is de...
136 My physical energy to work out every week is de...
My progress on a lazy diet and lazy training, b...
93 My progress on a lazy diet and lazy training, b...
Doing a 30 minute workout session is difficult ...
79 Doing a 30 minute workout session is difficult ...
Core exercises for an extremely weak core
78 Core exercises for an extremely weak core
One year later: a big thank you! (plus some ref...
77 One year later: a big thank you! (plus some ref...
what do y’all do for biceps?
72 what do y’all do for biceps?
Should your palms "grab" the floor when doin pu...
64 Should your palms "grab" the floor when doin pu...
2024, June
Last time your physician told you to do isometr...
310 Last time your physician told you to do isometr...
How much protein do we REALLY need to build mus...
271 How much protein do we REALLY need to build mus...
Why tf does leg training hurt so much??
257 Why tf does leg training hurt so much??
How many of you are doing daily full body worko...
223 How many of you are doing daily full body worko...
Can I gain muscle by doing pushups to failure?
197 Can I gain muscle by doing pushups to failure?
Kboges: "Yeah slowing my reps down and pausing ...
176 Kboges: "Yeah slowing my reps down and pausing ...
Pushups and dips are getting easy now
169 Pushups and dips are getting easy now
Has anyone ever told you that you can do more p...
132 Has anyone ever told you that you can do more p...
Gymnastic Bodies - Beware
112 Gymnastic Bodies - Beware
First muscle-up!! Achieved my childhood fitness...
101 First muscle-up!! Achieved my childhood fitness...
2024, May
Peak Athleticism at 41 to disgrace by 45
809 Peak Athleticism at 41 to disgrace by 45
How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on ...
378 How to get a Muscle-Up, 3 tips I discovered on ...
27M, can barely do 5 push-ups. Is this normal?
247 27M, can barely do 5 push-ups. Is this normal?
How to start getting fit after 5+ years of inac...
196 How to start getting fit after 5+ years of inac...
Why some people might squat with their toes poi...
190 Why some people might squat with their toes poi...
How much swinging during pull ups is acceptable...
144 How much swinging during pull ups is acceptable...
Absolute sedentary
143 Absolute sedentary
Can't do cardio
104 Can't do cardio
How can I have more energy in morning workouts?
90 How can I have more energy in morning workouts?
Am I "too skinny" or am I just letting noise ge...
89 Am I "too skinny" or am I just letting noise ge...
2024, April
Bodyweight rows are criminally underrated.
311 Bodyweight rows are criminally underrated.
10 perfect pull-ups. What % of the American adu...
284 10 perfect pull-ups. What % of the American adu...
Pro tip: when doing pull ups, focus on going sl...
250 Pro tip: when doing pull ups, focus on going sl...
Those of you who can do 30 or more pull-ups, ho...
205 Those of you who can do 30 or more pull-ups, ho...
Maintaining fitness while aging
205 Maintaining fitness while aging
I created an interactive skill tree for the RR ...
167 I created an interactive skill tree for the RR ...
Burpees are kicking my ass!
129 Burpees are kicking my ass!
Dips are insanely hard for a newbie
126 Dips are insanely hard for a newbie
Walking a lot
122 Walking a lot
Lifting for decade, can't do more than 15 pushu...
117 Lifting for decade, can't do more than 15 pushu...
2024, March
Pushups are the best exercise overall to grow y...
510 Pushups are the best exercise overall to grow y...
For my fellow skinny dudes out there.  6 month ...
347 For my fellow skinny dudes out there. 6 month ...
I started doing pushups
213 I started doing pushups
(18M, 5’10, 152lb) 8 month progress
170 (18M, 5’10, 152lb) 8 month progress
I FUCKING LOVE BEARCRAWLS (and I think you shou...
130 I FUCKING LOVE BEARCRAWLS (and I think you shou...
Can Calisthenics be an alternative to weightlif...
118 Can Calisthenics be an alternative to weightlif...
PSA: Reminder - All topics on this sub must be ...
104 PSA: Reminder - All topics on this sub must be ...
I'm embarrassingly weak (can't even do faq reco...
97 I'm embarrassingly weak (can't even do faq reco...
For anyone who isn’t sure if Calisthenics trans...
99 For anyone who isn’t sure if Calisthenics trans...
Does working out feel good to you?
96 Does working out feel good to you?
2024, February
IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the...
527 IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the...
2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progr...
299 2 years of calisthenics at 42 years old – Progr...
New study shows that pull-ups are worse than ch...
181 New study shows that pull-ups are worse than ch...
in your opinion, what are the top 3 coolest loo...
171 in your opinion, what are the top 3 coolest loo...
Shocked by inbody test
160 Shocked by inbody test
My first pull up ever achieved in 9.5 weeks! Th...
157 My first pull up ever achieved in 9.5 weeks! Th...
Today I did a push up with my partner(57kg) on ...
127 Today I did a push up with my partner(57kg) on ...
How effective are burpees without the jump?
126 How effective are burpees without the jump?
My wife and I have a $1000 budget to build a ho...
113 My wife and I have a $1000 budget to build a ho...
Lost all passion and interest in working out
107 Lost all passion and interest in working out
2024, January
I'm Screwed: How can I win a 20 push-up contest...
583 I'm Screwed: How can I win a 20 push-up contest...
45 years old and this is my routine
416 45 years old and this is my routine
I’ve done 100 push-ups every day for 2023 - her...
252 I’ve done 100 push-ups every day for 2023 - her...
I've been doing 20 push ups everyday for two mo...
239 I've been doing 20 push ups everyday for two mo...
Are there any exercises worth doing 100 times p...
222 Are there any exercises worth doing 100 times p...
How do you mentally deal with the fact that as ...
211 How do you mentally deal with the fact that as ...
If there was an equivalent of the “Dead Hang” b...
210 If there was an equivalent of the “Dead Hang” b...
My gym friends are making me doubt calisthenics...
176 My gym friends are making me doubt calisthenics...
People How did you guys get abs and what did yo...
169 People How did you guys get abs and what did yo...
Your 1 Life-Saving Takeaway From My Miracle
157 Your 1 Life-Saving Takeaway From My Miracle