/r/buildapc - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << buildapc 2023
2024, November
1440p resolution is absolutely incredible and u...
1246 1440p resolution is absolutely incredible and u...
What Are The First Essential Apps You Put On A ...
1101 What Are The First Essential Apps You Put On A ...
AMD GPU why so much hate?
655 AMD GPU why so much hate?
People tend to exaggerate what you need in 1440...
646 People tend to exaggerate what you need in 1440...
The GOAT Died tonight. Nvidia 1080TI.
600 The GOAT Died tonight. Nvidia 1080TI.
If AMD abandons the high-end GPU market, does t...
600 If AMD abandons the high-end GPU market, does t...
Why do people use water coolers?
580 Why do people use water coolers?
How are people so knowledgeable about computers?
541 How are people so knowledgeable about computers?
If USB is backwards compatible, why are some mo...
504 If USB is backwards compatible, why are some mo...
My 15yo cousin has saved hard for his first PC....
501 My 15yo cousin has saved hard for his first PC....
2024, October
UserBenchMark now has a self proclaimed "FAQ" s...
2967 UserBenchMark now has a self proclaimed "FAQ" s...
TIFU by thinking all PCIe slots are the same
1145 TIFU by thinking all PCIe slots are the same
Am I doing something wrong or are just PSU watt...
939 Am I doing something wrong or are just PSU watt...
I have never used 1440p before. Is it worth twi...
834 I have never used 1440p before. Is it worth twi...
Should i go for 32GB of RAM?
838 Should i go for 32GB of RAM?
Empty RAM slots can harm DRAM performance
806 Empty RAM slots can harm DRAM performance
What happened to the Ryzen 7800X3D pricing?
726 What happened to the Ryzen 7800X3D pricing?
I've been spoiled by my PC
695 I've been spoiled by my PC
Never built a pc. What is the hardest part in b...
691 Never built a pc. What is the hardest part in b...
What happened to this generation of 40 class GPUs?
661 What happened to this generation of 40 class GPUs?
2024, September
Ordered a Lian Li case used from Amazon; got a ...
5626 Ordered a Lian Li case used from Amazon; got a ...
feeling guilty for buying a pc
2154 feeling guilty for buying a pc
I won an ebay auction for a 3080 ti Founders Ed...
1978 I won an ebay auction for a 3080 ti Founders Ed...
Just found out my brothers PC of 8 years has 0 ...
1233 Just found out my brothers PC of 8 years has 0 ...
My PC turns my room into a furnace
969 My PC turns my room into a furnace
Buy a cheap GPU before 5000 release.
953 Buy a cheap GPU before 5000 release.
We lost everything in a house fire 2 weeks ago....
924 We lost everything in a house fire 2 weeks ago....
My 12 year old son wants to build a gaming PC, ...
895 My 12 year old son wants to build a gaming PC, ...
Why are Nvidia GPUs so much more expensive than...
783 Why are Nvidia GPUs so much more expensive than...
Son wants to move from PS5 to PC
756 Son wants to move from PS5 to PC
2024, August
Built a PC for a friend half a year ago. He com...
4265 Built a PC for a friend half a year ago. He com...
This generation of GPUs and CPUs sucks.
1670 This generation of GPUs and CPUs sucks.
I disagree with the idea that PC building is as...
1456 I disagree with the idea that PC building is as...
Need 8 monitors. 1 or 2 GPUs?
1231 Need 8 monitors. 1 or 2 GPUs?
Does anyone else run their computers completely...
1226 Does anyone else run their computers completely...
My PC has survived 21 power outages and surges.
1169 My PC has survived 21 power outages and surges.
So you have 4k and don’t know what to do with it…
1136 So you have 4k and don’t know what to do with it…
Does 4K ruin your eyes for 1440p, the way 1440p...
1115 Does 4K ruin your eyes for 1440p, the way 1440p...
My dad received a PC and asked me to remove the...
1075 My dad received a PC and asked me to remove the...
I upgraded my RAM from 16GB to 32GB, and got a ...
1008 I upgraded my RAM from 16GB to 32GB, and got a ...
2024, July
It happened to me. It can happen to you
2229 It happened to me. It can happen to you
I need like 4TB of RAM
2006 I need like 4TB of RAM
Dad offered to buy a graphics card if i let him...
1064 Dad offered to buy a graphics card if i let him...
I've been shocked by 1080p vs 1440p!
993 I've been shocked by 1080p vs 1440p!
Found in dumpster.
983 Found in dumpster.
It's 2024. Besides your GPU, what are you using...
850 It's 2024. Besides your GPU, what are you using...
People who spent 3000+ dollars on your builds. ...
746 People who spent 3000+ dollars on your builds. ...
Why is it that gamers recommend different headp...
746 Why is it that gamers recommend different headp...
Accidentally bought a 7900X3D instead of 7800X3D
593 Accidentally bought a 7900X3D instead of 7800X3D
How to convince my parents to build a pc instea...
591 How to convince my parents to build a pc instea...
2024, June
What programs are "must-haves" on a new pc?
1137 What programs are "must-haves" on a new pc?
Hypothetically, if I wanted to get rid of my ol...
858 Hypothetically, if I wanted to get rid of my ol...
[UPDATE] Stepson bought a used i7 desktop for $...
680 [UPDATE] Stepson bought a used i7 desktop for $...
I sold my friend my pc and he called me an hour...
653 I sold my friend my pc and he called me an hour...
Why is Nvidia so obsessed with 8gb and 10gb car...
574 Why is Nvidia so obsessed with 8gb and 10gb car...
How many years do you wait before you upgrade y...
544 How many years do you wait before you upgrade y...
For casual gamers, how many SSD/HDD do you have...
514 For casual gamers, how many SSD/HDD do you have...
What is the most reliable GPU brand?
457 What is the most reliable GPU brand?
Very noob question: How can I reduce my PC's he...
452 Very noob question: How can I reduce my PC's he...
What does an SSD do for gaming?
387 What does an SSD do for gaming?
2024, May
Convincing Wife to build PC instead of buying $...
1295 Convincing Wife to build PC instead of buying $...
With EVGA gone and ASUS being a POS company, wh...
988 With EVGA gone and ASUS being a POS company, wh...
Skyblivion Lead here, my NVME died with a month...
855 Skyblivion Lead here, my NVME died with a month...
Building a PC is pretty user friendly these days
606 Building a PC is pretty user friendly these days
My son (13) has been PC gaming since he was 8 a...
483 My son (13) has been PC gaming since he was 8 a...
Bought a 7800X3d, Received a 14900k.
465 Bought a 7800X3d, Received a 14900k.
What do you think is (historically) the best-lo...
432 What do you think is (historically) the best-lo...
Friend spilled Rockstar all over motherboard, h...
387 Friend spilled Rockstar all over motherboard, h...
Computer guy told me my CPU fan wasn't good eno...
359 Computer guy told me my CPU fan wasn't good eno...
My buddy recommend paying more for a 13700k tha...
344 My buddy recommend paying more for a 13700k tha...
2024, April
Graphics cards Dollars-per-FPS tables at variou...
1081 Graphics cards Dollars-per-FPS tables at variou...
Never built a computer before. Being discourage...
813 Never built a computer before. Being discourage...
Stepson bought a used i7 desktop for $150 think...
676 Stepson bought a used i7 desktop for $150 think...
Advice, son has gone down modded Minecraft rabb...
544 Advice, son has gone down modded Minecraft rabb...
PC was not properly cooled for 3 years
490 PC was not properly cooled for 3 years
Help me pick a GPU for my son
475 Help me pick a GPU for my son
Please assess my son’s build proposal
403 Please assess my son’s build proposal
Store clerk said only an AIO can cool the 7800X3D
383 Store clerk said only an AIO can cool the 7800X3D
Are Liquid CPU Coolers that bad?
373 Are Liquid CPU Coolers that bad?
My 4090 went on RMA and they gave me money back...
353 My 4090 went on RMA and they gave me money back...
2024, March
Building PC's for over 12 years and I'm complet...
4624 Building PC's for over 12 years and I'm complet...
Did i just rob someone on accident?
962 Did i just rob someone on accident?
Is Windows 11 really that bad?
796 Is Windows 11 really that bad?
Local store told me 7800x3d has too many proble...
618 Local store told me 7800x3d has too many proble...
Applying thermal paste to a CPU has affected th...
638 Applying thermal paste to a CPU has affected th...
Why do people go for two 2TB SSD's and not one ...
589 Why do people go for two 2TB SSD's and not one ...
Sold GPU on eBay and buyer wants refund after c...
572 Sold GPU on eBay and buyer wants refund after c...
Thanks AMD for making me feel like a king.
540 Thanks AMD for making me feel like a king.
My friends son needs a new graphics card and we...
527 My friends son needs a new graphics card and we...
4K Gaming... DAMN
465 4K Gaming... DAMN
2024, February
My son wants a gaming pc, and is $400 enough?
3033 My son wants a gaming pc, and is $400 enough?
AM4 Launched in 2016. 5700X3D being a new, low ...
970 AM4 Launched in 2016. 5700X3D being a new, low ...
Buyer claiming RAM I sold him "burned up his mo...
954 Buyer claiming RAM I sold him "burned up his mo...
Anyone Purchase 4090 just to realise they play ...
905 Anyone Purchase 4090 just to realise they play ...
My PC is over a decade old and still works for ...
722 My PC is over a decade old and still works for ...
Computer gaming is such a different experience ...
671 Computer gaming is such a different experience ...
If DDR5 is so terrible with 4 RAM sticks, then ...
671 If DDR5 is so terrible with 4 RAM sticks, then ...
I got a divorce what should I do pc wise
637 I got a divorce what should I do pc wise
Emptiness after build is done
572 Emptiness after build is done
Why is this graphics card from 20 years ago so ...
495 Why is this graphics card from 20 years ago so ...
2024, January
3 years after I got a 3080 from my gf
2582 3 years after I got a 3080 from my gf
turned my PC upside down for 1 minute, and gain...
1039 turned my PC upside down for 1 minute, and gain...
HDD to SSD made so much difference...
860 HDD to SSD made so much difference...
PC Thrown Away By Repair Shop Cleaner
848 PC Thrown Away By Repair Shop Cleaner
At what age do kids these days get a pc?
717 At what age do kids these days get a pc?
RTX 4070 SUPER reviews + 4070 SUPER giveaway!
686 RTX 4070 SUPER reviews + 4070 SUPER giveaway!
I feel like people have such high expectations
612 I feel like people have such high expectations
Why do poeple say building your own PC > buying...
585 Why do poeple say building your own PC > buying...
My son's first PC build won't post, and I am st...
577 My son's first PC build won't post, and I am st...
Ordered a 5600G, Amazon sent a 5950X instead. W...
578 Ordered a 5600G, Amazon sent a 5950X instead. W...