/r/confusing_perspective - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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confusing_perspective 2023
2024, November
18871 Man with big chest
17626 Chicken boy
17208 Looks like a friendly horse
10181 Taking a bath
8876 I scared shitless for a second
8792 Concave, convex, or flat? We spent 10 minutes t...
7688 dog with a giant mouth
7226 a very dense and sturdy curtain or cat is sleep...
7118 Giant at the airport
6579 Escher's Cat
2024, October
47435 Two giants?
26111 This dog is looking a little deflated
20607 found on tinder a muppet woman
20396 Imagine this when it’s slightly dark
18057 My friend took a pic during class
10057 Do you comb your beard?
9979 I balanced a coin on a ring I made, the coin lo...
9782 Nice waist
9618 I found it hard to understand
9115 is there an exorcist here?
2024, September
35551 Rave
20252 Looking extra thick
19329 What?
18016 A world shifting lake day.
14611 Unfortunate seating position
13944 Found this picture of me and my gf. Where tf is...
12652 who's holding who ?
8777 The norwegian princess' husband got a fresh hai...
8304 Horses floating down a river
8241 This is the first time I have seen the camoufla...
2024, August
13331 Door handle is actually behind the TV
10969 Two planes crashing into eachother
9732 Ayoo
8117 Saw this in another sub and thought it was fitt...
4658 Kitty Yoda
3901 Black dress, hands on hips and a huge head
3798 Inflated Cat
3709 Both dogs are the same size
3533 This picture my friend sent me of their dog.
2786 Man in the middle of the crowd had removed some...
2024, July
18476 These shoes looking like my nightmares
18432 It really fills the room
7798 Sneaky hand
7568 It's the same photo on the left and on the righ...
5887 Thought my dad was dressed scantily clad here ?
5479 That was huge?!
5004 Messed with my brain a little bit
4710 Two story beach
4484 Hey you guys forgot to unpacked me
3647 Skiers looking like music notes.
2024, June
17242 Those are some small tires
15594 Construction team forgot to add some floors
14365 Damn.. oh wait
12564 Nice shiny fur
10956 2 in 1
10558 Great balancing
9917 Dogstrosity
9799 Cat or a tree?
9615 This pic confused me for quite abit until reddi...
9104 Dog is built different
2024, May
51351 It's ok, nobody was injured
18712 Weird looking dog
14480 Did a double take
14418 Do you see a driveway or climbing wall?
9782 4 giants and a tiny
9725 Sniff sniff or happy tummy?
8484 It really pop out of TV
7405 Face on face.
6673 One or two buildings?
6298 I still can't figure this out
2024, April
8818 He is not wearing that..
3906 big microphone not micro
3466 Mom, what’s happened to the cat??
2825 Siamese Sisters
2646 Bare bottom
2477 Is it floating?
2369 Arm wrestling champion gets married
2311 Trees after toxic waste spill in Western Hungary
1740 This reporter's outfit
1729 I Haz Camouflage
2024, March
3433 Not the picture I would've chosen to show off a...
3138 nice b**bs but have some decorum, man
2376 Bike was towed with brakes engaged
2111 I might hire them
2085 Where's the head!!
1970 Bottom left corner of TV looks folded out.
1863 Bus stop next to the sea
1701 Is she ok??
1631 Ambiguous door!
1594 Was looking on Marketplace
2024, February
4517 Impressive
2391 HELP! My bird's head fell off. What should I do?
1644 Tangledn't
1632 When you are the target
1293 Someone skipped leg day
1283 Look Ma, no head!
1280 That's nasty
1253 Raised or indented? Own photo from a beach in G...
1183 My dog Ruby
1094 Noodle cat
2024, January
3165 Here's a challenge for ya
2904 I know you all thought the same thing as me!
2671 Moose toilet paper holder looks like cutout in ...
2151 A stump
1581 This is not a thick desk.
1470 You can't park here... oh, nevermind
1376 I'm Back in the Legless Chair, (Now with Proof ...
1193 This city that looks like a scratch on the window
1094 This WeddingDress
1070 Not gonna lie, got confused for a second there