/r/dataisbeautiful - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << dataisbeautiful 2023
2024, November
[OC] Elon Musk’s transformation, in his own wor...
10790 [OC] Elon Musk’s transformation, in his own wor...
Polls fail to capture Trump's lead [OC]
9703 Polls fail to capture Trump's lead [OC]
State of Apathy 2024: Texas - Electoral results...
8896 State of Apathy 2024: Texas - Electoral results...
[OC] Where did Biden/Harris and Trump gain or l...
6314 [OC] Where did Biden/Harris and Trump gain or l...
U.S. women are outpacing men in college complet...
5955 U.S. women are outpacing men in college complet...
[OC] How student demographics at Harvard change...
5836 [OC] How student demographics at Harvard change...
How far into pregnancy do most abortions occur ...
5568 How far into pregnancy do most abortions occur ...
[OC] U.S. Presidential Election Results as Perc...
4616 [OC] U.S. Presidential Election Results as Perc...
[oc] Rate of homelessness in various countries
4479 [oc] Rate of homelessness in various countries
38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no lon...
4148 38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no lon...
2024, October
[OC] USA vs Europe Work Culture: Nearly 30% of ...
13900 [OC] USA vs Europe Work Culture: Nearly 30% of ...
My alcohol consumption 2022 vs 2024 [OC]
12443 My alcohol consumption 2022 vs 2024 [OC]
It has taken 3 years for Windows 11 to reach on...
11054 It has taken 3 years for Windows 11 to reach on...
[OC] The recent decoupling of prediction market...
9633 [OC] The recent decoupling of prediction market...
72% of Americans Believe Electric Vehicles Are ...
9248 72% of Americans Believe Electric Vehicles Are ...
[OC] Fentanyl has become the number one cause o...
8743 [OC] Fentanyl has become the number one cause o...
How Eligible Voters Who Don't Vote Could Instea...
5637 How Eligible Voters Who Don't Vote Could Instea...
[OC] 2024 Battleground Polls Adjusted for Error...
4378 [OC] 2024 Battleground Polls Adjusted for Error...
[OC] Food's Cost vs. Caloric Density
4170 [OC] Food's Cost vs. Caloric Density
[OC] In an analysis of 1,000+ transcripts and 4...
2849 [OC] In an analysis of 1,000+ transcripts and 4...
2024, September
[OC] Visualization of which presidential candid...
37199 [OC] Visualization of which presidential candid...
Lord of the Rings Characters: Screen Time vs. M...
13687 Lord of the Rings Characters: Screen Time vs. M...
[OC] Britain Shuts Down Its Last Coal Power Plant
13666 [OC] Britain Shuts Down Its Last Coal Power Plant
[OC] Busiest Train Stations In The World
10843 [OC] Busiest Train Stations In The World
Snapchat hasn’t grown in North America for year...
8537 Snapchat hasn’t grown in North America for year...
[OC] Communism vs fascism: which would Britons ...
7828 [OC] Communism vs fascism: which would Britons ...
[OC] Politics at Work: More than 20% of people ...
5660 [OC] Politics at Work: More than 20% of people ...
The 5 Largest Youtube Channels in 2014 and in 2...
5098 The 5 Largest Youtube Channels in 2014 and in 2...
[OC] Don’t count the lies; count the… theys
3978 [OC] Don’t count the lies; count the… theys
Yesterday, the Fed announced its first rate cut...
3913 Yesterday, the Fed announced its first rate cut...
2024, August
[OC] The Influence of Non-Voters in U.S. Presid...
31051 [OC] The Influence of Non-Voters in U.S. Presid...
The Worst TV Show Finales [OC]
21510 The Worst TV Show Finales [OC]
[OC] U.S. Annual Mean Lightning Strike Density ...
13395 [OC] U.S. Annual Mean Lightning Strike Density ...
[OC] I categorized the top 100 posts this month...
11709 [OC] I categorized the top 100 posts this month...
The Best TV Show Finales [OC]
11200 The Best TV Show Finales [OC]
Star Wars character screentimes
9751 Star Wars character screentimes
[OC] UN Prediction for Most Populous Countries ...
8232 [OC] UN Prediction for Most Populous Countries ...
[OC] College Return on Investment
7305 [OC] College Return on Investment
[OC] Job growth under Trump lagged behind Biden...
6163 [OC] Job growth under Trump lagged behind Biden...
[OC] El Salvador - A Dramatic Decrease in Homicide
5804 [OC] El Salvador - A Dramatic Decrease in Homicide
2024, July
Supreme Court Justices by Gifts Received [OC]
20448 Supreme Court Justices by Gifts Received [OC]
[OC] % of U.S. adults who say they _______ leav...
11443 [OC] % of U.S. adults who say they _______ leav...
The Decline of Trust Among Americans Has Been N...
9909 The Decline of Trust Among Americans Has Been N...
[OC] Mexico's population pyramid is no longer a...
7467 [OC] Mexico's population pyramid is no longer a...
[OC] How Airplanes Make Money Proforma
7418 [OC] How Airplanes Make Money Proforma
5 weeks of job hunting (Aus) [OC]
7134 5 weeks of job hunting (Aus) [OC]
Estimated daily sugar intake by U.S. state [OC]
6542 Estimated daily sugar intake by U.S. state [OC]
[OC] The Downfall of The Simpsons
5490 [OC] The Downfall of The Simpsons
Oldest G20 nations' leaders [OC]
5012 Oldest G20 nations' leaders [OC]
The changing structure of US households [OC]
4403 The changing structure of US households [OC]
2024, June
Nvidia is worth more than $100M... per employee...
13622 Nvidia is worth more than $100M... per employee...
[OC] A chart displaying the pornification level...
10051 [OC] A chart displaying the pornification level...
[OC] Who did most to win WW2? The British say t...
8188 [OC] Who did most to win WW2? The British say t...
[OC] Things that Republicans and Democrats actu...
7825 [OC] Things that Republicans and Democrats actu...
[OC] An in-depth analysis of the entire 10+ yea...
6856 [OC] An in-depth analysis of the entire 10+ yea...
[OC] My recent net earnings and hourly rate as ...
6235 [OC] My recent net earnings and hourly rate as ...
Average Income by Ethnicity (US, 2010-2022) [OC]
5934 Average Income by Ethnicity (US, 2010-2022) [OC]
[OC] The United States of Drug Use
5620 [OC] The United States of Drug Use
[OC] Most-subscribed YouTube channels worldwide...
4734 [OC] Most-subscribed YouTube channels worldwide...
[OC] At least 10% of research may already be co...
4539 [OC] At least 10% of research may already be co...
2024, May
[OC] Most common 4 digit PIN numbers from an an...
16566 [OC] Most common 4 digit PIN numbers from an an...
[OC] Life expectancy vs. health expenditure
10924 [OC] Life expectancy vs. health expenditure
The Office: Words Spoken by Episode [OC]
10480 The Office: Words Spoken by Episode [OC]
[OC] Red Bull Energy Drink Sales Vs. Everyone Else
7884 [OC] Red Bull Energy Drink Sales Vs. Everyone Else
[OC] Obesity rate by country over time
7117 [OC] Obesity rate by country over time
[OC] How Long Do People Eat and Drink?
6214 [OC] How Long Do People Eat and Drink?
The rise and fall of the name Alexa [OC]
5455 The rise and fall of the name Alexa [OC]
[OC] Cost of Living by County, 2023
5371 [OC] Cost of Living by County, 2023
[OC] An estimation of the likelihood of Bandit ...
5025 [OC] An estimation of the likelihood of Bandit ...
[OC] Obesity rate: focus on female &amp; male d...
4800 [OC] Obesity rate: focus on female &amp; male d...
2024, April
[OC] I met a woman who was also a data nerd, so...
25772 [OC] I met a woman who was also a data nerd, so...
Swear words in Taylor Swift albums [OC]
20263 Swear words in Taylor Swift albums [OC]
Homelessness in the US [OC]
12134 Homelessness in the US [OC]
[OC] If You Order Chipotle Online, You Are Prob...
11682 [OC] If You Order Chipotle Online, You Are Prob...
[OC] Husband and my student loan pay down. Can’...
11153 [OC] Husband and my student loan pay down. Can’...
[OC] I updated our Password Table for 2024 with...
11113 [OC] I updated our Password Table for 2024 with...
The Average New Teacher Only Makes $20 an Hour ...
9429 The Average New Teacher Only Makes $20 an Hour ...
[OC] Why do we change our clocks?
9353 [OC] Why do we change our clocks?
Inflation: What’s still rising? [OC]
7923 Inflation: What’s still rising? [OC]
My daughter's first year of sleep (results not ...
7334 My daughter's first year of sleep (results not ...
2024, March
US Teachers Spent $3.24 Billion of Their Own Mo...
14673 US Teachers Spent $3.24 Billion of Their Own Mo...
McDonald's in the USA VS Castles in Germany [OC]
14630 McDonald's in the USA VS Castles in Germany [OC]
[OC] Global Sea Surface Temperatures 1984-2024
7891 [OC] Global Sea Surface Temperatures 1984-2024
[OC] Visualization of salary over 20 years
7558 [OC] Visualization of salary over 20 years
Bubble Plot of the United States (USA) by Incom...
6925 Bubble Plot of the United States (USA) by Incom...
US federal government finances, FY 2023 [OC]
6766 US federal government finances, FY 2023 [OC]
[OC] Average Age Men Lose Their Virginity
6582 [OC] Average Age Men Lose Their Virginity
Murder clearance rate in the US over the years
5641 Murder clearance rate in the US over the years
[OC] The State of Refugees
5579 [OC] The State of Refugees
[OC] Food's Emissions vs. Cost per Gram of Protein
4570 [OC] Food's Emissions vs. Cost per Gram of Protein
2024, February
New Teachers are Earning 20% Less Than They Wer...
14717 New Teachers are Earning 20% Less Than They Wer...
[OC] Food's Protein Density vs. Cost per Gram o...
14054 [OC] Food's Protein Density vs. Cost per Gram o...
[OC] Who Lived When? The overlapping lives of h...
12837 [OC] Who Lived When? The overlapping lives of h...
[OC] Amount of time CBS allocated to showing Ta...
12722 [OC] Amount of time CBS allocated to showing Ta...
Disney Has Started To Slip Back In The Streamin...
11220 Disney Has Started To Slip Back In The Streamin...
[OC] The Top 10 Most Subscribed YouTube Channel...
10785 [OC] The Top 10 Most Subscribed YouTube Channel...
How old are Americans when they get married? [OC]
10050 How old are Americans when they get married? [OC]
Tips received during my 10 Months as a Server[OC]
9418 Tips received during my 10 Months as a Server[OC]
[OC] Exploring How Men and Women Perceive Each ...
8575 [OC] Exploring How Men and Women Perceive Each ...
[OC] US President age graph
7733 [OC] US President age graph
2024, January
The numbers 0–99 sorted alphabetically in diffe...
39474 The numbers 0–99 sorted alphabetically in diffe...
[OC] El Salvador's homicide rate is now lower t...
16020 [OC] El Salvador's homicide rate is now lower t...
[OC] Is this the most dangerous gas station in ...
11600 [OC] Is this the most dangerous gas station in ...
[OC] Formerly Popular Names that Died Off, Fema...
11036 [OC] Formerly Popular Names that Died Off, Fema...
Alcohol Consumed (by me) in 2023 [OC]
10347 Alcohol Consumed (by me) in 2023 [OC]
My job search over a 4 month period, as a 24 ye...
9968 My job search over a 4 month period, as a 24 ye...
[OC] US Presidents | Age at start of presidency
9245 [OC] US Presidents | Age at start of presidency
8559 2023 PERFORMANCE - MY BAR - [OC]
[OC] 2023 Income & Spending of 30sF in NYC
7828 [OC] 2023 Income & Spending of 30sF in NYC
Median asked rent for 1 bedroom unit in Manhatt...
7256 Median asked rent for 1 bedroom unit in Manhatt...