/r/dogs - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
sfw subreddits
2024, November
1545 Feeling frustrated about what my friends consid...
764 What has earned you a dismissive snort from you...
509 In times like these, I’m so glad I have a dog.
470 I just really love my dog
458 Things we've learnt as dog owners ... I'll go f...
377 When to drop friends over my dogs..
282 My dog got a uti and it’s my fault
217 A bucket list for my dog
196 God damn my dog is such a good dog
194 Just how intuitive are dogs, anyway?
2024, October
1960 My vet committed suicide and I’m so sad for his...
1474 What’s the most embarrassing thing your dog has...
1324 My baby is gone. He's gone.
799 elderly dog just groped me
751 How important are you to your dog?
704 Does your dog "fake bite" you?
656 Kinda jealous that I’m not my dog’s “person”
569 What's the most irritating thing your dog does?
424 Does your dog *boop* you?
399 “I” need to walk my dog vs my dog needs walked
2024, September
1460 My dog died today and I keep crying. How can I ...
1155 It’s naked time!
955 Would my dog like it if I licked her back?
927 Year 4 blues… please tell me I’m not alone.
848 First time dog owner hete, this is what having ...
836 Mourning my lost dog. My heart is smashed into ...
681 Should I let my dog sleep with me?
582 My Schnauzer died unexpectedly this weekend. I'...
579 Expect the unexpected. My dog escaped the clinic.
524 Can someone please reassure me that my dog won'...
2024, August
1516 3.5 yr old retriever euthanized for aggression
1186 do dogs have a pressure point on their butt or ...
1131 My dog was stolen.
947 i have a broken ankle, how do i burn my husky’s...
874 I broke up with my ex and my dog is depressed.
668 What’s the funniest/most ridiculous thing your ...
627 Why are my dogs such maniacs immediately AFTER ...
560 My 17 year old dog is getting put down next week
560 My dog passed away and I don’t know who to talk...
545 What's some things you do with your dog, that o...
2024, July
1800 If you see someone tell their child “we don’t k...
1621 This is why you vaccinate against Distemper - [...
822 They say dogs can't "plan ahead." My Cairn Terr...
551 Our dog passed away the morning of our flight h...
443 Anybody else love how their dog smells?
407 Dog likes me more than wife.
301 Hysteria about walking dogs in the summer?
287 Dog walked on his own?
267 Is it normal for foster family to reach out and...
251 What kinda tv do you guys let your dogs watch?
2024, June
1291 I lost my girl today
691 Have you ever been genuinely convinced that you...
429 Put my bestfriend to sleep today, having a hard...
277 How to help my dogs through divorce?
269 Share your dogs standard 'I've escaped' routine...
233 Beware of algae. It can kill your dog
225 My dog would walk in the grass if the road burn...
221 People That Travel Alone (With Their Dog) - How...
207 My best friend is gone
193 My dog didn’t get me a fathers day gift should ...
2024, May
2395 Talking to your dog
1736 What “dogs are so gullible” hack have you used ...
1066 My Sister refuses to walk her dog or take it to...
904 My son's only "child" is terminal
777 What “toy” does your dog have that they’re in l...
764 Are dogs able to remember another dog when they...
550 I have effectively trained my dog to do chores
543 DAE let their dog smell their breath?
521 If you knew you had one week left with your dog...
422 What is with dog rescues charging $500+
2024, April
4322 Never wanted a dog; got one, and he’s the most ...
766 how many times a day do you walk your dog?
685 Leaving my dog for a year.
601 My dog ??passed away and I don't know how to co...
574 Trainer insists on "outhumping" our male dog to...
452 What’s your favorite breed of dog that doesn’t ...
376 How did you keep your adult dog playful?
316 guilty about not treating my dog right
297 What makes your dog go Wow?
265 BarkBox’s next big delivery: Charter flights fo...
2024, March
1186 I just wanted to say i love my dog more than th...
551 My dog holds his poop
536 What do you prefer a male or female dog and why?
533 What has your dog learned that you didn’t teach...
465 A breeder is hesitant to sell the puppy after I...
429 My dog is too polite
419 This is probably more about human behavior but ...
403 I love that my neighbors love my dog
363 I do not understand this subs obsession with WS...
342 Are 35 dogs too much for one attendant?
2024, February
2007 Jon Stewart, the most apolitical host of all ti...
1142 Did your dog save you?
877 I’m a dog person now
852 Before you give dog food advice....
585 Please give your dogs time to mature
379 My dog bit me and now our bond is broken
349 Is watching TV bad for dogs? What does she thin...
336 Anal glands
309 Why does my brother's dog lick me once?
284 How to explain that dog selective doesn’t mean ...
2024, January
1997 My dog passed away and I feel like it’s all my ...
1839 Iron poisoning - DONT FUCKING WAIT
1221 The one thing I was afraid of that could possib...
804 Breeder cancelled our contract and told us we a...
674 Never knew I’d love sleeping with a dog so much.
611 My dog renamed herself after 7 years.
556 Today I confronted someone who doesn’t clean up...
332 Does anyone else feel like we kinda overthink i...
326 My boy is in a stray hold until 1/17
298 How does your dog show you that they love you t...