/r/explainlikeimfive - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << explainlikeimfive 2023
2024, November
ELI5: Why do consumers feel like the economy is...
8757 ELI5: Why do consumers feel like the economy is...
ELI5: what would happen if fluoride were remove...
5011 ELI5: what would happen if fluoride were remove...
ELI5 why is the Japanese yen so weak yet Japan ...
4894 ELI5 why is the Japanese yen so weak yet Japan ...
ELI5: How can the universe be 93 billion light ...
4314 ELI5: How can the universe be 93 billion light ...
ELI5: Why did native Americans (and Aztecs) suf...
4241 ELI5: Why did native Americans (and Aztecs) suf...
ELI5 - why is hunted game meat not tested but c...
4060 ELI5 - why is hunted game meat not tested but c...
ELI5: Why are Hiroshima and Nagasaki habitable ...
4057 ELI5: Why are Hiroshima and Nagasaki habitable ...
ELI5- if we shouldn’t drink hot water from the ...
3807 ELI5- if we shouldn’t drink hot water from the ...
ELI5: How do battleship shells travel 20+ miles...
3712 ELI5: How do battleship shells travel 20+ miles...
ELI5: How is my vote anonymous, when my ballot ...
3688 ELI5: How is my vote anonymous, when my ballot ...
2024, October
ELI5: How do things expire once you open them/ ...
4810 ELI5: How do things expire once you open them/ ...
ELI5: How did the U.S. rise to become such a do...
4467 ELI5: How did the U.S. rise to become such a do...
ELI5: Why do humans with no ovaries or testicle...
3860 ELI5: Why do humans with no ovaries or testicle...
ELI5: Why is pancreatic cancer so deadly compar...
3518 ELI5: Why is pancreatic cancer so deadly compar...
ELI5: Why is catching the SpaceX booster in mid...
3264 ELI5: Why is catching the SpaceX booster in mid...
ELI5: How does adderall work to allow you to ge...
3055 ELI5: How does adderall work to allow you to ge...
ELI5: how do prime numbers not just stop at som...
2937 ELI5: how do prime numbers not just stop at som...
ELI5 why can humans hold their breath longer un...
2935 ELI5 why can humans hold their breath longer un...
ELI5: How can pumpkins grow to 700 lbs. without...
2899 ELI5: How can pumpkins grow to 700 lbs. without...
ELI5: Why did we set 18 as the age of majority?
2716 ELI5: Why did we set 18 as the age of majority?
2024, September
ELI5: If I were to take a really really really ...
7157 ELI5: If I were to take a really really really ...
ELI5 Why do so many people need glasses? Like h...
6294 ELI5 Why do so many people need glasses? Like h...
ELI5:  If I drink 48oz of water in 1-2 hours, d...
5378 ELI5: If I drink 48oz of water in 1-2 hours, d...
ELI5: If cockroaches we see living in our kitch...
5381 ELI5: If cockroaches we see living in our kitch...
ELI5: How did Michael Jackson become white
5250 ELI5: How did Michael Jackson become white
ELI5: Why are kids so heavy on their feet?
5172 ELI5: Why are kids so heavy on their feet?
ELI5: Why do we not feel pain under general ane...
4960 ELI5: Why do we not feel pain under general ane...
eli5: Why is there 1%, 2%, and whole milk but n...
4802 eli5: Why is there 1%, 2%, and whole milk but n...
ELI5- how do rice cookers know how long to cook...
4582 ELI5- how do rice cookers know how long to cook...
ELI5: American cars have a long-standing histor...
4547 ELI5: American cars have a long-standing histor...
2024, August
ELI5: why can't we get a yearly full body MRI t...
9914 ELI5: why can't we get a yearly full body MRI t...
ELI5: During a massage, what are the “knots” th...
6717 ELI5: During a massage, what are the “knots” th...
ELI5: what does it mean by $2.9 trillion wiped ...
6577 ELI5: what does it mean by $2.9 trillion wiped ...
ELI5: Why is human childbirth so dangerous and ...
6260 ELI5: Why is human childbirth so dangerous and ...
ELI5: why does only Taiwan have good chip makin...
5798 ELI5: why does only Taiwan have good chip makin...
ELI5: Are humans good at counting with base 10 ...
4765 ELI5: Are humans good at counting with base 10 ...
ELI5 Are the 100+ year old skyscrapers still safe?
4531 ELI5 Are the 100+ year old skyscrapers still safe?
ELI5 - Why don’t we put more plants on top of b...
4479 ELI5 - Why don’t we put more plants on top of b...
ELI5 Why does American football need so much pr...
4466 ELI5 Why does American football need so much pr...
ELI5: where does the “F” in Lieutenant come from?
4441 ELI5: where does the “F” in Lieutenant come from?
2024, July
ELI5: Is getting 6 hours of sleep one night and...
5135 ELI5: Is getting 6 hours of sleep one night and...
ELI5 Why do so many mammals enjoy being petted ...
4911 ELI5 Why do so many mammals enjoy being petted ...
ELI5: Why NYC is only now getting trash bins fo...
4206 ELI5: Why NYC is only now getting trash bins fo...
ELI5: How do the formal suit uniforms of the Se...
4182 ELI5: How do the formal suit uniforms of the Se...
ELI5: Why is it illegal to collect rainwater in...
4082 ELI5: Why is it illegal to collect rainwater in...
ELI5: Why do seemingly ALL websites nowadays us...
3235 ELI5: Why do seemingly ALL websites nowadays us...
ELI5: How do people die peacefully in their sleep?
3188 ELI5: How do people die peacefully in their sleep?
ELI5: why dont we find "wild" vegetables?
3106 ELI5: why dont we find "wild" vegetables?
ELI5: Why is fibromyalgia syndrome and diagnosi...
2722 ELI5: Why is fibromyalgia syndrome and diagnosi...
ELI5: What does the US Coast Guard do that the ...
2702 ELI5: What does the US Coast Guard do that the ...
2024, June
ELI5: Why are Hiroshima and Nagasaki safe to li...
6072 ELI5: Why are Hiroshima and Nagasaki safe to li...
ELI5: The apparent rise in autistic people in t...
5848 ELI5: The apparent rise in autistic people in t...
ELI5: what happens to the brain when you're horny
5768 ELI5: what happens to the brain when you're horny
ELI5 Why can’t LLM’s like ChatGPT calculate a c...
4299 ELI5 Why can’t LLM’s like ChatGPT calculate a c...
ELI5: when they decommission the ISS why not pu...
4255 ELI5: when they decommission the ISS why not pu...
ELI5: Why do home printers remain so challengin...
4054 ELI5: Why do home printers remain so challengin...
ELI5: How are condoms only 98% effective?
3918 ELI5: How are condoms only 98% effective?
ELI5: Why did the antivirus market change so dr...
3649 ELI5: Why did the antivirus market change so dr...
ELI5 how did they prevent the Nazis figuring ou...
3629 ELI5 how did they prevent the Nazis figuring ou...
ELI5: Why does switching doors in the Monty Hal...
3462 ELI5: Why does switching doors in the Monty Hal...
2024, May
ELI5: How did ancient prostitutes manage not be...
13193 ELI5: How did ancient prostitutes manage not be...
ELI5: Why cook with alcohol?
4447 ELI5: Why cook with alcohol?
ELI5: Why is gentrification bad?
4127 ELI5: Why is gentrification bad?
ELI5: How bad is for South Korea to have a fert...
3826 ELI5: How bad is for South Korea to have a fert...
Eli5 how is it safe to drink pasteurized milk w...
3737 Eli5 how is it safe to drink pasteurized milk w...
ELI5: If people make money in stocks and crypto...
3553 ELI5: If people make money in stocks and crypto...
ELI5: Why does "the captain go down with the sh...
3478 ELI5: Why does "the captain go down with the sh...
ELI5 - How did computer scientists develop the ...
3291 ELI5 - How did computer scientists develop the ...
ELI5 why does playing dead work to avoid gettin...
3288 ELI5 why does playing dead work to avoid gettin...
ELI5 Why do some surgeries take so long (like u...
3281 ELI5 Why do some surgeries take so long (like u...
2024, April
ELI5: why does only 30-60 minutes of exercise m...
5394 ELI5: why does only 30-60 minutes of exercise m...
ELI5: The US military is currently the most pow...
4810 ELI5: The US military is currently the most pow...
ELI5 - why is working a manual labor job (const...
4627 ELI5 - why is working a manual labor job (const...
ELI5: Why are motorcycles so loud (especially c...
4336 ELI5: Why are motorcycles so loud (especially c...
ELI5:If aerial dogfighting is obselete, why do ...
4124 ELI5:If aerial dogfighting is obselete, why do ...
Eli5 Teachers taught us the 3 states of matter,...
3990 Eli5 Teachers taught us the 3 states of matter,...
eli5 How do Kegel exercise’s improve erection a...
3461 eli5 How do Kegel exercise’s improve erection a...
Eli5 : Why "shellshock" was discovered during t...
3444 Eli5 : Why "shellshock" was discovered during t...
Eli5 How do people wake up after 10+ years of b...
3297 Eli5 How do people wake up after 10+ years of b...
ELI5: Why is all the milk in grocery stores "Gr...
3163 ELI5: Why is all the milk in grocery stores "Gr...
2024, March
ELI5: Why do humans need to eat ridiculous amou...
8244 ELI5: Why do humans need to eat ridiculous amou...
ELI5: Why does direct banking not work in America?
7947 ELI5: Why does direct banking not work in America?
ELI5: why we still have “banking hours”
3747 ELI5: why we still have “banking hours”
Eli5: Why can't prisons just use a large quanti...
3689 Eli5: Why can't prisons just use a large quanti...
Eli5 if our bodies can make us full, why does o...
3037 Eli5 if our bodies can make us full, why does o...
ELI5: Why are the M?ori people, who arrived in ...
3042 ELI5: Why are the M?ori people, who arrived in ...
Eli5: Would any of the 250 million sperm I outr...
2966 Eli5: Would any of the 250 million sperm I outr...
eli5: What is actually causing the "beer belly"...
2959 eli5: What is actually causing the "beer belly"...
ELI5:How do prisons handle criminals who weight...
2837 ELI5:How do prisons handle criminals who weight...
ELI5: How do casino dealers know when somebody ...
2814 ELI5: How do casino dealers know when somebody ...
2024, February
ELI5: if a morbidly obese person suddenly stopp...
13001 ELI5: if a morbidly obese person suddenly stopp...
ELI5: how have we not run out of metal yet?
3973 ELI5: how have we not run out of metal yet?
ELI5: what stops countries from secretly develo...
3795 ELI5: what stops countries from secretly develo...
ELI5: Professional ballerinas spend $100 for ea...
3714 ELI5: Professional ballerinas spend $100 for ea...
ELI5: What does a Chiropractor actually do?
3591 ELI5: What does a Chiropractor actually do?
ELI5: If someone goes to bed hungry, what happe...
3347 ELI5: If someone goes to bed hungry, what happe...
ELI5 - Why is achohol so potent on breath but n...
3173 ELI5 - Why is achohol so potent on breath but n...
eli5 what happens if you drink isopropyl "rubbi...
2936 eli5 what happens if you drink isopropyl "rubbi...
ELI5: Why are golfers still required to enter a...
2619 ELI5: Why are golfers still required to enter a...
ELI5: How did a piece of ice cut through the so...
2546 ELI5: How did a piece of ice cut through the so...
2024, January
ELi5: Why do cigarettes have so many toxic subs...
5179 ELi5: Why do cigarettes have so many toxic subs...
ELI5: Why is chiropractor referred to as junk m...
5061 ELI5: Why is chiropractor referred to as junk m...
eli5: if an operational cost of an MRI scan is ...
4512 eli5: if an operational cost of an MRI scan is ...
Eli5 Why didn't the indigenous people who lived...
3439 Eli5 Why didn't the indigenous people who lived...
ELI5: Can someone explain the “burnt toast theo...
3243 ELI5: Can someone explain the “burnt toast theo...
ELI5 - How did our kitchen sink faintly pick up...
3231 ELI5 - How did our kitchen sink faintly pick up...
ELI5: Why can't humans decide to sleep, why do ...
3032 ELI5: Why can't humans decide to sleep, why do ...
eli5: How was Tetris unbeatable until recently?
2794 eli5: How was Tetris unbeatable until recently?
ELI5: How does your body burn 2000 calories a d...
2780 ELI5: How does your body burn 2000 calories a d...
ELI5: Why is Japan's prosecution rate so absurd...
2693 ELI5: Why is Japan's prosecution rate so absurd...