/r/facepalm - top ten submissions for each month of 2017
sfw subreddits
facepalm 2018
2017, December
89538 FCC has been using dead peoples accounts to shi...
48239 Isn't it ironic?
45208 The first two questions from Trump's official p...
39115 Shakira law
37549 Darn... That was my plan
37468 But you said it was freeeee
37197 Chemtrails
33991 Oh...what did you take that picture with? 🤔🙄
33092 May god commit suicide
2017, November
49427 Turns out math IS useful after high school
41964 What an Einstein this guy!
40105 Guess I'm getting an F+
37070 elderly homophobes..
34984 Hmmmm
29806 You have asthma
27641 Unfortunate timing from the unofficial Big Ben ...
27411 Guy With The Same Name As A Basketball Player G...
26085 PSA: women who breast feed are CHILD MOLESTERS.
25733 This tweet by Trump 4 years ago
2017, October
78995 Donald Trump announces that he met with the pre...
55671 Brags about standing for anthem. Sits his ass o...
50407 This is why we can’t have nice things.
41587 It's a string...
32597 That's not how any of this works...
31017 The Atlanta Journal Constitution tweeted this o...
30425 Because genetic defects never occur in nature
28687 Whoopsie
28474 Pays to know what you're talking about
27628 Now you know!
2017, September
62240 UPS delivery guy fuck up
38974 Man tries to burn EU flag but it won’t burn b...
31377 Go home Uber. You're drunk.
30352 Something I would do...
28433 My Country my Language!
28341 I don't think that's what jumper cables are for
28123 Pretty odd way to use the word "otherwise"
26024 Nutting in school
25804 2 minutes
24954 This poll forgot a couple more options
2017, August
66618 My girlfriend, who's in college for brain and b...
60048 Our Commander in Chief, everyone:
56064 How to communicate with blind people
51951 Trump "In Phoenix"
44908 Assuming this is a community college course
36480 Rescheduling the sun
33004 People fall for this.
32946 Just what?
31595 The backpedal is strong in this one...
29695 What are cassette tapes?
2017, July
53234 Judgmental
51674 Tumblr user judges a book by its cover. Gets to...
47631 "Out of context"
46250 True Love.....
45843 Not sure she's ever heard a joke before
42000 Yeah, because THAT'S important!
36288 Anti-vaxxer logic
34542 Oh, the hypocrisy!
28026 This is asking for trouble on a whole new level.
27751 Thanks for clearing that up
2017, June
42042 How is this real life?
36861 Response to new "no texting and driving" law in...
36605 This isn't Al Gore's house. This is Martin Gore...
33687 Donald Trump calls a cabinet meeting and makes ...
33499 While making fun of Covfefe, CNN can't spell "c...
30295 Stopping the train didn't go as expected.
28632 Martin Luther misinterpretation
27760 How about no
25318 "Marinara"
24321 The design of this toaster.
2017, May
52012 Never forget Alex Jones once posted before and ...
38100 Fox News called out for comparing the jobs crea...
37434 It's true, Flat Earthers are all Around us...
27214 Buzzfeed tries to blow your mind, but really th...
26129 "Jade"
25733 Try being more careful next time before photosh...
25398 Jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded
24108 I want my refund now! Oh...wait...
23531 When the traffic jam is actually a parked car.
23312 what type of pc is this
2017, April
66417 United Airlines updating their app
43967 "Cool, I wonder what he's up to these days."
37248 Can atheists walk on water?
28707 Turdnado
26319 Because Math
24813 Woman cutting off Tony Hawk
22601 For That Price it Better Be.
22423 Are you anti-trans?
20864 Penta - 5 points
19750 "I'm selling to clientele with at least 5 figur...
2017, March
35718 Currently the #1 post on r/The_Donald.
32406 Well he's not wrong...
24471 sjw claims white people shouldn't quote MLK; ge...
23290 Never sell a golf club on Facebook to someone f...
22938 Pull yourself up while standing in buckets
22373 Just saw this shared on FB. When I asked the gi...
22272 Trump supporter
20873 Butt pictures for pregnancy test pls
20759 Your move
19142 "And this, my friends, is called pollution"
2017, February
53543 Trump called out on more "Alternative Facts" at...
47319 Presidential golf
36568 People getting pissed at Adidas for using a les...
35700 Barack Obama had a big part in 9/11.
25596 The lack of self awareness is baffling.
22521 This tweet by Trump from 2013
21722 Dont you just hate traffic jams...
18190 One-third of Americans unaware ObamaCare, ACA a...
17177 That would make you the villain...
14850 Chipotle customers with no knowledge of what a ...
2017, January
33458 Meet Donald Trump
32305 Think of the kids!
26308 Get your advert-propaganda right
25395 Whoopsies
22674 "I'm not on Obamacare..."
22657 College girl claims she's uncovered an active K...
21283 My friend's smart phone is racist.
21201 My mother in law..
20005 "should give parents some type of warning" JUST...
18419 "If china can do it, so can we"