/r/facepalm - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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facepalm 2023
2024, November
54613 Well...
49387 Y'all knew the assignment. Accept your grade
48958 Double Standards!
46026 Mocking disabled people ?
45782 Texas State University, one day after the election
45033 the rest of the world right now
44847 They're so in denial
44008 No corruption at all
43152 Why do you think?
42259 ???????????????
2024, October
54122 Maybe don't be a trash person?
48902 That is a damning non-answer
48365 Ohhh BURN!!! Nailed it!!
47453 this is literally UNCONSTITUTIONAL…
39016 He's forever gonna be the I'm 14 and this is wh...
38851 Reminder...
36585 Never change, Community Notes
35778 This isn't normal
35605 I can't stop screaming
35289 Misdirected anger
2024, September
66505 I can't picture her going to jail right after
47754 Project 2025 vs women.
45367 Comment your opinion if there was no rewrite
42133 Chained
41607 The Audacity Of This Man
40738 Sad
39968 The company has needs... which don't include em...
39940 What?
39260 She laughs in his face for his absurd statement...
37145 Ope
2024, August
47509 Musk's daughter has him nailed
41269 Isn't this a federal crime?
37279 Real subtle, racist
34940 Throwback to Jordan Klepper interviewing Magas
33813 But he is a convicted felon ????
32701 Truth teller teachers are needed
31880 America! ??
31276 That looks like a normal hug to me ????
30905 J.K. Rowling is in the Find Out phase.
30725 Fired 200 rounds !
2024, July
118920 Smoking gun...
114393 That's the truth
88645 No additional words needed
86272 This is project 2025 , and unless the people vo...
84382 Police digitally erase tattoos of suspect
83669 Mom needs to go back to school.
80198 how did this happen?
78787 Murica.
68266 ...?
67254 How to Improve Mental Health?
2024, June
90230 Epstein Maxxing ??
89275 Why is he even allowed to compete?
71945 White robots are racist
69518 instagram loves blood diamonds
64884 Either everyone should register or no one
63454 By watching movies for several hours is a waste?
62689 Huh?
61955 Oh no! How dare he do his job!?
60630 heat stroke is woke now
60044 No, we don’t support her
2024, May
124296 Why do men feel the need to go through things a...
97064 Seems fair enough
72034 This pedophile was identified when police uncov...
65013 That’s just sad man
64642 Everyone involved should go to jail
62676 Oops
62347 WTF
61379 Using words you read on the internet without lo...
60695 This is just sad
58285 That guy really thought he was onto something
2024, April
72649 I hope this poor lady is having better sex now
69412 Straight up racism
59704 Caitlyn Jenner rejoices that OJ is dead. Only t...
59033 This happened 2 years ago and we're only hearin...
54582 Friend in college asked me to review her job ap...
54303 How long until he shoots a family member?
54080 Sex predator smiles after avoiding jail time.
53426 How the HELL is this stuff allowed?
52468 Some people have zero financial literacy
52246 Mission failed 'unsuccessfully'
2024, March
77939 Douche bully doesn’t know his own strength.
70007 Unbelievable!
69457 Finance bros ruin stuff
66210 The greatest genius of our time
63093 Yep that sound right
60590 ?
59861 Caitlyn Jenner strikes again
57687 It is ridiculous
52906 Murica.
51569 Crazy how that works, isn’t it?
2024, February
81573 Disgusting that anybody would destroy a person’...
77696 oh boy
69095 I’m not sure who is winning here
57672 Imagine that!
54105 A 65% fatality rate for the Elon brain chip
49064 Pay that much money and can’t even watch p*rn
49021 She doesn't know what's coming
46518 Just leave your neighbor alone
44527 Secular government be damned
44355 And you took his word for it?
2024, January
94056 tate
67536 Idk what to say lol
63285 Daaaamn
62687 Is it creepy to be a good dad?
60712 "Leave it up to the states" They said.
60480 Checkmate!
58768 The American dream
58112 This is NOT going to end well:
51371 He will likely gain votes as a result of his ve...
50567 Don't worry your grandchildren will pay it