/r/findareddit - top ten submissions for each month of 2023
sfw subreddits
findareddit 2024
2023, December
112 Looking for animal subs that don’t allow posts ...
73 Any subreddits for people who hate the way they...
54 Subreddit that doesn’t instantly delete my stuff?
34 A reddit where I can find specialists in Austra...
32 Subreddit for people who are childless but NOT ...
30 My dog is in dire need of surgery, I need finan...
25 subreddit where I can ask if something is illeg...
25 A subreddit that posts song covers that are bet...
24 Subreddit where you can fact check not just the...
21 Subreddit to explain my wife's situation in ord...
2023, November
170 Where to post about something traumatic I witne...
164 What are the scariest subreddits you know?
153 A Reddit where women can learn how to fix cars,...
80 Where did the reddit go for drunk people?
48 AITA sub but it’s involving the topic of sexu...
36 A place for people who have zero family - no pa...
32 subreddit for "i swear i'm just a writer" quest...
28 Looking for a subreddit to learn about how my b...
26 is there subreddit for AITA posts from cats' pe...
22 Subs without stress
2023, October
564 Is there a subreddit to help hateful people.
536 hey, is there a subreddit where i get birthday ...
174 A place where a teenager can ask for advice tha...
122 Is there a reddit to ramble about nothing?
75 Is there a subreddit where stoners can ask thei...
70 Surgery yesterday and I am so bored today. What...
60 Reddit to ask why people won’t date you
58 Is there a subreddit where people talk about pl...
57 Hey is there a reddit for adult kids who lost a...
49 Overrated movies?
2023, September
105 What obscure subreddits keep bringing you back?
61 what are some unintentionally creepy/weird subr...
60 Subreddit where I can moan about British pubs n...
60 Different Non-NSFW Reddits
48 New to Reddit! What’s your fav subreddit?
44 A subreddit for dissecting corporate jargon
40 is there a girlhood subreddit?
35 Is there a subreddit where I can pitch movie/tv...
27 I'm looking for a subreddit that would offer he...
29 A subreddit where people talk about life skills...
2023, August
94 Is there a subreddit where they shame people fo...
90 Is there a subreddit like the opposite of r/mil...
76 A sub for people who like arts/crafts but are b...
70 Looking for a reddit of people are are successf...
60 Help finding out what things a college student ...
54 Looking for positive subs with genuine people.
55 Is there a sub for people aged 50+ behind in re...
56 I forgot the name of a Subreddit that’s about...
55 A subreddit for asking hospital workers about w...
52 Brother having a manic break in LA
2023, July
255 How do I heal from having sex with a family member
251 I'm new here. The problem is that no one is all...
94 Actual Cotton candy
94 Subreddit for mourning the loss of people that ...
76 Is there a subreddit for people who prefers rec...
66 Need to talk out some trauma
66 what are the biggest subreddits that opt out of...
66 Sub reddit to help me learn to cook better
63 Is there a sub where I can find maps and images...
65 A subreddit where I can put taken down YouTube ...
2023, June
153 I need to find a way to save my mum's messages ...
141 Where can I post about a weird fact I researche...
130 Is there a child-free subreddit that's not weir...
121 Is there a subreddit for ex game show contestan...
118 An art and illustration Reddit that isn’t clo...
97 Subreddit where people broadcast their walks so...
98 Is there a sub with sardine cans are posted?
93 Hating my job is making me hate my life
92 Looking for a sub where you mourn the loss of c...
92 Parole Protests
2023, May
434 Subreddit for men's mental health, but I'm not ...
217 (Not a joke post) Trying to find subreddit wher...
178 Subreddit for formerly homeless people who are ...
161 I am not from America and the use of the term "...
149 Is there a subreddit for art (or specific mediu...
136 Is there a subreddit for things to do alone?
130 My son wants to join the marines.. is there a s...
126 A hawk keeps flying/crashing into a closed wind...
113 Is there a community for people with no family?
112 Subreddit for figuring out life after your chro...
2023, April
606 hi, is there a subreddit where I can post that ...
478 Is there a subreddit where I can get birthday w...
277 My great aunt believed she was lied to about he...
255 Is there a subreddit that can keep older genera...
224 Subreddit for posting screenshots of people rep...
220 Subreddit that idk, talks about or puts links t...
181 Is there a sub for having a theory about someth...
168 Subreddit to compare different bodies at the sa...
167 Is there a Reddit for making fun of out of touc...
157 Is there a reddit for posting examples of peopl...
2023, March
502 Which subreddits are good for teaching essentia...
337 Is there a subreddit for terminally ill people ...
278 Can someone help me make an AI TTS with my voic...
253 Is there a subreddit that can help me figure ou...
241 Looking for a confidence subreddit where I can ...
204 Is there a reddit for people who aren’t relig...
192 Is there a subreddit for weird signs that shoul...
190 Is there a subreddit dedicated to translating n...
183 Is there a sub for cats doing “the face�
183 What are some "Life Porn" subreddits? (Explanat...
2023, February
312 is there a subreddit for people who grew up poo...
286 Subreddit to build a little karma so I can star...
239 Is there a sub like ChangeMyView but instead of...
238 /r/upliftingnews but bans bittersweet posts.
214 What’s your favorite obscure subreddit that y...
206 A subreddit to anonymously disclose my salary a...
198 I am going through cancer treatments and I am l...
191 Is there a subreddit to help recent Russian gra...
166 What's the subreddit that has pictures of old l...
164 Is there a subreddit for pictures of people who...
2023, January
600 Hello, I am a Buddhist monk in Chiang Mai, Thai...
487 Somebody is trying to cover up that the police ...
267 My friends found photographic evidence of a dec...
244 Is there a community for people who are tired/l...
228 Looking for a sub that focuses on actual trees ...
208 LiveStreamFails but without all of the Twitch C...
195 "Buy ethically" sub that raises awareness of ec...
190 Subreddit for people addicted to sugar [SERIOUS]
182 Is there a Reddit for “I gained perspectiveâ€...
167 Is there a subreddit for adults only... to post...