/r/funny - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << funny 2023
2024, November
Travel safe for Thanksgiving
104368 Travel safe for Thanksgiving
Had to watch my 10 year old brother for the wee...
104381 Had to watch my 10 year old brother for the wee...
I thought I took a cute picture, looked back at...
100929 I thought I took a cute picture, looked back at...
I bought a bra, didn't notice this till I check...
95108 I bought a bra, didn't notice this till I check...
Job interviews these days
90207 Job interviews these days
Left for 10 minutes, 6 year old cousin decided ...
90181 Left for 10 minutes, 6 year old cousin decided ...
How to repair this?
80907 How to repair this?
I wonder who measured this?
80200 I wonder who measured this?
Typical day for a woodcarver
76116 Typical day for a woodcarver
Cable management in Bangladesh
75478 Cable management in Bangladesh
2024, October
My “Going Away” cake from my last day at work a...
127686 My “Going Away” cake from my last day at work a...
Not again
120082 Not again
10 years ago today…
119745 10 years ago today…
my husband left this in my camera roll for me
114059 my husband left this in my camera roll for me
Carved the scariest pumpkin I could think of
105685 Carved the scariest pumpkin I could think of
He's been waiting for this moment all his life.
94639 He's been waiting for this moment all his life.
Daughter is only a reflection of the father
82133 Daughter is only a reflection of the father
The M-Word
79093 The M-Word
Bar sign in Japan
77891 Bar sign in Japan
The cutest criminal there is
75272 The cutest criminal there is
2024, September
The cat was pretending all along
114029 The cat was pretending all along
Pulling yourself over
102483 Pulling yourself over
hiding spot
100533 hiding spot
My coworker dropped a part on his foot and brok...
98283 My coworker dropped a part on his foot and brok...
This photo my kid’s daycare sent us of him help...
93354 This photo my kid’s daycare sent us of him help...
Verizon sales rep told me to show up hours earl...
90443 Verizon sales rep told me to show up hours earl...
You are Gay!
88258 You are Gay!
Elephant pretends to eat this guys hat
84070 Elephant pretends to eat this guys hat
My school photo that's going in the yearbook
80795 My school photo that's going in the yearbook
I finally saw my first cybertruck!
79810 I finally saw my first cybertruck!
2024, August
I asked my friend if he got his raise. He sent ...
145310 I asked my friend if he got his raise. He sent ...
Beans - this Fake Commercial (i made 10 years a...
82591 Beans - this Fake Commercial (i made 10 years a...
This was submitted as craft in the state fair. ...
72874 This was submitted as craft in the state fair. ...
This clip just became 17 years old
71865 This clip just became 17 years old
99% of AI companies
71053 99% of AI companies
My wife’s attempt at cutting brownies last nigh...
70607 My wife’s attempt at cutting brownies last nigh...
I’m going to hell ?
69284 I’m going to hell ?
What is this? Greek tragedy?
65931 What is this? Greek tragedy?
The store manager gave some food to an exhauste...
62181 The store manager gave some food to an exhauste...
Iron Man was funny
60275 Iron Man was funny
2024, July
Raccoon broke into my brother's garage, ate a t...
79340 Raccoon broke into my brother's garage, ate a t...
Carbonara Under Pressure
71433 Carbonara Under Pressure
How To Get Into a Cinema For Free
70670 How To Get Into a Cinema For Free
My man used Pickpocket and sneak attack. Natura...
61961 My man used Pickpocket and sneak attack. Natura...
59457 Lovely
By far the best impression that I've ever seen. ?
55921 By far the best impression that I've ever seen. ?
I know a guy
54326 I know a guy
My daughter lost the phone in the store and the...
52311 My daughter lost the phone in the store and the...
Indian TV series never disappoints ?
50325 Indian TV series never disappoints ?
My husband is waiting in line to do a drug scre...
48600 My husband is waiting in line to do a drug scre...
2024, June
Guy pranked his mom by using a video on TV as a...
81347 Guy pranked his mom by using a video on TV as a...
Had the best combo in Cards Against Humanity, a...
69941 Had the best combo in Cards Against Humanity, a...
Japanese Fighters Face off
61693 Japanese Fighters Face off
How I used to stop my wife regifting my fine wine
58980 How I used to stop my wife regifting my fine wine
mom vs gf
56509 mom vs gf
Father's shame from beyond the grave
56318 Father's shame from beyond the grave
Spending 21 years to master your cooking skills...
52102 Spending 21 years to master your cooking skills...
ask and ye shall receive
51039 ask and ye shall receive
"went on my first vacation with this girl and I...
45964 "went on my first vacation with this girl and I...
I turned 30 today, but I have been contemplatin...
44488 I turned 30 today, but I have been contemplatin...
2024, May
I’m the middle child
76288 I’m the middle child
My pot is haunted by the ghosts of pastas past.
63491 My pot is haunted by the ghosts of pastas past.
My friends' wife got some gifts for her husband...
56994 My friends' wife got some gifts for her husband...
I guess it’s time to have “the talk” with our 9...
56383 I guess it’s time to have “the talk” with our 9...
Chipotle Revenge Arc
52120 Chipotle Revenge Arc
Bro is out cold ?
51264 Bro is out cold ?
Learned his lesson
50556 Learned his lesson
Intense police chase
44748 Intense police chase
Lunch in Australia
43836 Lunch in Australia
I'm a disabled college student who just graduat...
43140 I'm a disabled college student who just graduat...
2024, April
My roommate started Vtubing as puppet and I wal...
96664 My roommate started Vtubing as puppet and I wal...
Dress As Your Spouse Party
68513 Dress As Your Spouse Party
Religion, but sponsored by Red Bull.
65137 Religion, but sponsored by Red Bull.
I asked my boss if we could pose with (some) of...
64730 I asked my boss if we could pose with (some) of...
A hero!
61753 A hero!
Busted my our 8 yo
57409 Busted my our 8 yo
Only high speed employees allowed!
55448 Only high speed employees allowed!
Getting hit on by black women
53009 Getting hit on by black women
My sisters 3rd grade essay about internet safet...
49686 My sisters 3rd grade essay about internet safet...
Best friend turns 25 tomorrow getting her prese...
49279 Best friend turns 25 tomorrow getting her prese...
2024, March
My wife thought I was asleep and came out of th...
68439 My wife thought I was asleep and came out of th...
Get your tickets to hell right here…
66462 Get your tickets to hell right here…
Youtuber finds out about a major event for the ...
61842 Youtuber finds out about a major event for the ...
MJ realizing they are taking his photo whenever...
62600 MJ realizing they are taking his photo whenever...
Little guy got his own seat
57690 Little guy got his own seat
Joker asking the real questions
52785 Joker asking the real questions
Caught them red handed
52675 Caught them red handed
Banner for a coworker whose last day is today ?
48773 Banner for a coworker whose last day is today ?
So, Pixar shared this image. I don't know how t...
48165 So, Pixar shared this image. I don't know how t...
Straight women problems..
46278 Straight women problems..
2024, February
One time I got drunk in a hooters and the staff...
73784 One time I got drunk in a hooters and the staff...
My son didn’t approve of the class Valentines c...
50672 My son didn’t approve of the class Valentines c...
We should get a watchdog for security
42214 We should get a watchdog for security
Sound recognition during sexy time ? I’m embarr...
40304 Sound recognition during sexy time ? I’m embarr...
3 professional soccer players vs 100 children i...
40090 3 professional soccer players vs 100 children i...
Audience member couldn’t help herself :)
39325 Audience member couldn’t help herself :)
How to make a Linkin Park song in 60 seconds
38090 How to make a Linkin Park song in 60 seconds
Chances that a cow steals your shoes are slim, ...
37844 Chances that a cow steals your shoes are slim, ...
Stealthy magpie pretends not to follow the cat
36007 Stealthy magpie pretends not to follow the cat
Dog's reaction to feedback on him from doggy da...
35832 Dog's reaction to feedback on him from doggy da...
2024, January
Uber eats needed proof he didn’t get his food
77243 Uber eats needed proof he didn’t get his food
my favorite video so far this year
68872 my favorite video so far this year
London, UK
61008 London, UK
My coworker was asked to cut the cake today at ...
56852 My coworker was asked to cut the cake today at ...
My husband and I getting pranked by the kids in...
46496 My husband and I getting pranked by the kids in...
Bro’s Favourite color is red
43957 Bro’s Favourite color is red
Chile vs Argentina
42781 Chile vs Argentina
Good Method to take a seat from anyone
42389 Good Method to take a seat from anyone
Sibling confession
41710 Sibling confession
Cars in winter wonderland
41046 Cars in winter wonderland