/r/hacking - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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hacking 2023
2024, November
4854 Hacking is illegal and for nerds
3670 WiFi + Bluetooth Jammer From HELL
1152 Cute little car key jammer
1110 My Wifi Attacker Is Now Open Source On Github
812 A New Demon Has Risen From The Depths of HELL
743 Hackers breach Andrew Tate's online 'university...
375 Google Claims World First As AI Finds 0-Day Sec...
257 When you have RS-232 and the password is admin
239 Make sure you guys dont use linpeas from linpea...
215 Hackers demand France’s Schneider Electric pay ...
2024, October
16439 Title
4606 Uh oh looks like archive.org may have been brea...
4356 Apple will pay 1million USD if you can hack int...
3189 Internet Archives breach reached a new level
1753 They are phishing
1361 I created a WiFi attacker device using the ESP8266
949 archive.org - why?!
820 [ Removed by Reddit ]
810 HackerOne triagers
776 Hacked U.S. robot vacuums are yelling racial sl...
2024, September
9899 No comment
2690 google dorking.
2072 AUTOMATICALLY APPLIED 1000 JOBS in 24h and got ...
1772 So, my apartment just got new washers and dryer...
1778 Was able to get CMD to work on lock screen
1170 I made a lock picking robot!!! (now open source)
1007 They injured 3000+ and killed 8 by exploding th...
940 10 Million Attempts per second
720 Flipper Blackhat
613 Made a WiFi pineapple clone
2024, August
4470 Phishers have really upped their game huh
1331 so true
1271 Biggest zip bomb in the world GB: Over 1,000,00...
746 A furry hacktivist group has breached Disney, l...
588 City of Columbus Ohio silences cybersecurity ex...
576 The entire world is trying to hack me
456 I made a Dual-Band Wi-Fi deauther
411 Noticed weird searches on my Google search history
410 Donald Trump’s X Interview With Elon Musk Delay...
391 Severity of current US issue?
2024, July
1615 Crowndstrike: falls*, Karpesky: hold my beer
1311 Always that employee.
1290 it be like that sometimes
696 Hackers hate this one simple trick
436 Here we are, everyone. Keep fighting the good f...
425 For the first time, it isn't DNS
231 Pillow Fort
213 Hello. We are the Daily Dot and we are here to ...
164 How do hackers go about transferring huge amoun...
136 Considering going back to college. Which of the...
2024, June
5381 What kind of cyberattack would this be?
5271 then vs now: accurate
3227 Tech CEOs are the worst
3114 Which do you miss the most, if any?
2280 Have anyone tried this before?
1972 whichOneOfYouDidThis
1953 Is something like the bottom actually possible?
1299 Beware of the Dunning-Kruger effect ? Also bewa...
1280 Reminder that even the most powerful people are...
854 I'm not sure if this is against the rules becau...
2024, May
2516 MOST are such a disappointment!
2398 A system is only as secure as its administrator
2301 Sometimes when reading about these guys I’m in ...
2075 One password to rule them all
1364 Saw in an Apartment Building
1340 A cool guide to PIN code safety
1261 Doxbin Admin got kidnapped RIP BOZO
1110 I converted an old crypto miner into an OVERPOW...
718 How?
692 Google Ads at its finest
2024, April
3606 I wish this was a joke.
2643 Tried so hard and got so far
1187 You’re welcome
680 Update : They didn't pay me and I have released...
678 SiegedSec just hacked the Westboro Baptist Chur...
670 One of Europe’s most wanted cyber criminals has...
583 in the light of recent posts i have came to a c...
395 Which device should I take out today?
261 Ironically enough someone used the race conditi...
227 Is it possible to extract data from this toy?
2024, March
1741 GTA VC on a TP link router running Debian (cred...
1217 Found this phishing site. Take a look at the co...
939 Printer hacked
541 Links URL seems legit but once clicked is a phi...
370 What ways can I mess with someone who keeps get...
322 Microsoft says Russian hackers breached its sys...
308 Fuckface
302 Is it possible to copy my apartment key fob?
213 White hat hackers' carjacked a Tesla using chea...
215 Hackers earn $1,132,500 for 29 zero-days at Pwn...
2024, February
4287 Found this gem on r/programmerhumor
2781 Attn all beginners
1333 Exposed ethernet port on crypto ATM
1011 Master hacker found on Rightmove!
660 CrowdStrike
295 DEF CON was canceled. We un-canceled it. - Caes...
221 Cloudflare hacked using auth tokens stolen in O...
219 Anything I could use these for?
202 Canada declares Flipper Zero public enemy No. 1...
189 Just got DOOM to run on the Hacked WIFI Toothbrush
2024, January
1747 is it a true incident?
815 was just scammed out of a 1 million $ bug bount...
787 Looking at you Microsoft
763 Turns out my government is surveilling all its ...
630 There's no hobby programmers anymore
498 War Driving 200pcs for ages 18 and up!
467 Where do hackers actually hack from?
450 I'm on holiday. We have WiFi, the TV is connect...
335 What is the most secure thing someone has succe...
232 A Group of Train Hackers Exposed a Right-to-Rep...