/r/javascript - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
sfw subreddits
2024, November
309 Deno is filing a USPTO petition to cancel Oracl...
165 Vite 6.0 is out!
144 JavaScript's ??= Operator
114 Mock Service Worker now supports mocking WebSoc...
88 Framer Motion is now independent, introducing M...
79 I made a cool star field background effect
63 Meet Angular v19
57 Micro Survivors: survivors-like game in less th...
36 Anyone excited about upcoming Javascript features?
37 JavaScript Import Attributes (ES2025)
2024, October
386 WebStorm is now free for non-commercial use
142 Announcing Deno 2
78 In case you missed: Express 5 was released
78 LOOT TABLES - for JS game devs out there, this ...
73 Spooky tales to scare your JavaScript developers
72 I didn't know you could use sibling parameters ...
67 Node vs Bun: no backend performance difference
69 The State of Frontend 2024 - results from a sur...
58 TC39 proposal to split the language, js0 and js...
47 Void(0) seems fascinating
2024, September
138 Oracle, it’s time to free JavaScript
126 Don't Sleep on AbortController
95 Local-First Vector Database with RxDB and trans...
72 Athena Crisis 1.0 is out now: An open source vi...
65 Why we switched from Cypress to Playwright
61 [AskJS] Beware of scammers!
65 These 5000 npm packages consume >4.5 PB of traf...
55 The fastest JS color library
55 I built a website with ten thousand pixels. Cha...
46 UltimateExpress: make your Express server up to...
2024, August
253 70% of npm packages from the last 6 months are ...
122 How fast is javascript? Simulating 20,000,000 p...
106 Oops.js: Add powerful undo/redo capabilities to...
79 I built a library for editing videos with code ...
75 Why the with() method of JavaScript Array is a ...
66 JavaScript Generators Explained, But On A Senio...
59 AdminForth - MIT Admin framework with Vue compo...
48 Using JavaScript Generators to Visualize Algori...
44 jQuery UI 1.14.0 released - as of today, the jQ...
44 I made a free realtime multiplayer 2D cave gem ...
2024, July
93 "es-toolkit", a 2-3x faster and 97% smaller alt...
53 I built a WASM powered Text-to-Speech library t...
52 New JavaScript Set methods
46 I built FFmpeg Online: Open source in-browser t...
43 Backbone.js 1.6 released
38 npm Packages Found Sending Malware in JPEG files
32 [AskJS] Why Sails didn't took off?
30 Open-Sourcing my assessment for LottieFiles (Se...
30 500+ JavaScript Questions Quiz
29 [Update]: I built a WASM powered Text-to-Speech...
2024, June
143 I made a package that will make core JavaScript...
133 I made a website where you can write a message ...
78 How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower
78 Polyfill supply chain attack embeds malware in ...
61 Announcing TypeScript 5.5
57 A JS library for creating high-performance grid...
55 I Built a Free and Open-Source Alternative to N...
45 I've developed a VS Code extension to make code...
42 [AskJS] Everyone seems to like types these days...
42 State of JavaScript 2023: Front-end Frameworks
2024, May
113 The new disposable APIs in Javascript
101 I developed a PC game just with JavaScript
86 Introducing React Compiler – React
74 JavaScript Got Good
67 SolidStart 1.0: The Shape of Frameworks to Come
58 I open sourced Athena Crisis, a game built enti...
57 City In A Bottle – A 256 Byte Raycasting System...
56 Why Patching Globals Is Harmful
51 A zero-dependency, lightweight (~3kB), consent ...
50 Angular v18 is now available
2024, April
107 Announcing TypeScript 5.5 Beta
83 Optimise your Javascript for the BFCache
47 I made a Javascript, Fallout inspired game!
46 Node v22.0.0 (Current)
45 google/zx release 8.0
43 Object structure in JavaScript engines
42 Hono: Small, simple, and ultrafast web framewor...
40 FaceOnLive / OpenKYC Public
40 Troto: TypeScript to Protobuf compiler compatib...
38 Don't catch us
2024, March
183 Announcing WinterJS 1.0 - a new JS runtime fast...
173 Apple backs off killing web apps, but the fight...
143 Open-sourced my "Internet OS" after 3 years of ...
128 TC39 Proposal for Signals (reactive primitives)...
108 Because of a single client-side mistake - a Cha...
104 WebSockets vs Server-Sent-Events vs Long-Pollin...
97 Optimizing Javascript for Fun and for Profit
86 I created a decentralized video/streaming platf...
80 script that instantly transforms webpages into ...
72 RxState - persistend, observable state API on t...
2024, February
353 I scraped 500K Frontend jobs for 14 months and ...
285 It’s Official, Apple Kills Web Apps in the EU -...
223 Apple attempting killing PWAs in EU: Immediate ...
198 Apple on course to break all Web Apps in EU wit...
146 [AskJS] If you don't use TypeScript, tell me wh...
128 jQuery 4.0.0 BETA out now
91 Generate chat-able documentation for any codeba...
78 Using localStorage in Modern Applications: A Co...
69 JavaScript Bloat in 2024
70 [AskJS] What happened to task runners such as G...
2024, January
208 My desktop-in-the-browser project just reached ...
147 jQuery 4.0.0 is finished, pending official release
135 Fellow humans, it is 2024-01-01T00:00:00+00:00.
104 The "everything" package that broke NPM (accide...
81 The Bun Shell. Why is it hard to run shell scri...
77 You may not like this, but this is what peak SQ...
70 JSON's Numeric Boundaries: The Lesser-Known Rea...
66 Mutative - A 10x Faster Alternative to Immer
64 I Built a JavaScript Console
52 ECMAScript - Grouping arrays using Object.group...