/r/kettlebell - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

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2024, November
My client Jack deadlifting the 48kg on his 89th...
3198 My client Jack deadlifting the 48kg on his 89th...
Full Body Mobility Workout
916 Full Body Mobility Workout
Heavy singles ?
827 Heavy singles ?
Full body work
764 Full body work
Full body Fridays
631 Full body Fridays
Parent challenge: Turkish kidups
608 Parent challenge: Turkish kidups
Full body workout
566 Full body workout
Swing/ hi pull / snatch ladder
563 Swing/ hi pull / snatch ladder
Not where I was, not yet where I’m going.
551 Not where I was, not yet where I’m going.
Kb complex breakdown
440 Kb complex breakdown
2024, October
3 years sober, 5 years into basically only kett...
1575 3 years sober, 5 years into basically only kett...
64kg (2x32kg) pistol squat
929 64kg (2x32kg) pistol squat
141lb/64kg Snatch
604 141lb/64kg Snatch
Full body Fridays
581 Full body Fridays
Lower body w/o
548 Lower body w/o
Upper body & core KB only workout ????
519 Upper body & core KB only workout ????
Picking up chicks at the club (TGU style)
506 Picking up chicks at the club (TGU style)
Bells + plyos full workout
422 Bells + plyos full workout
388 Anniversary
forest flowin'
370 forest flowin'
2024, September
32kg TGU
715 32kg TGU
It stops the children
481 It stops the children
Brace the core and have fun
452 Brace the core and have fun
28kg deck squats to ruin your morning
438 28kg deck squats to ruin your morning
Full body Fridays
409 Full body Fridays
Prep/ activation + more single leg work ??
395 Prep/ activation + more single leg work ??
Emom finisher
349 Emom finisher
Bought my first kettlebell (30 lb) about 2 year...
334 Bought my first kettlebell (30 lb) about 2 year...
Friendly reminder to take everything AI says wi...
324 Friendly reminder to take everything AI says wi...
Single leg complex / challenge ?
319 Single leg complex / challenge ?
2024, August
Basic full body
796 Basic full body
60kg pistol squat each side
773 60kg pistol squat each side
Basic but Heavy
581 Basic but Heavy
48kg pistol squat both sides
555 48kg pistol squat both sides
Didn't know this existed.
455 Didn't know this existed.
Strength endurance ladder
422 Strength endurance ladder
Full body typa day
402 Full body typa day
4/3/2 HEAVY time under tension
352 4/3/2 HEAVY time under tension
finally got a 24kg BU BP
283 finally got a 24kg BU BP
52lb press
279 52lb press
2024, July
Upper body focus TUT
308 Upper body focus TUT
This Move REALLY Strengthened My Legs
243 This Move REALLY Strengthened My Legs
Double 40 kg Jerk - 6 Reps In One Minute - Body...
205 Double 40 kg Jerk - 6 Reps In One Minute - Body...
Unexpected Progress ??
185 Unexpected Progress ??
Hate being on the road, but love being able to ...
181 Hate being on the road, but love being able to ...
48kg Get-Up
178 48kg Get-Up
Heavy leg day focus circuit w/ complex ?
173 Heavy leg day focus circuit w/ complex ?
Casual Snatch Test. 100 reps with a 24kg in und...
161 Casual Snatch Test. 100 reps with a 24kg in und...
Bottoms up fun
161 Bottoms up fun
40kg (half bodyweight) Strict Press x5!! HUGE P...
157 40kg (half bodyweight) Strict Press x5!! HUGE P...
2024, June
Before and After Kettlebell
684 Before and After Kettlebell
51 yrs old. Your annual reminder that all you n...
260 51 yrs old. Your annual reminder that all you n...
32 kg Clean+Jerk
255 32 kg Clean+Jerk
Yuge PR — Finally Double 40 kg Strict Press
227 Yuge PR — Finally Double 40 kg Strict Press
Sunday play
211 Sunday play
Arm farm type day + finally 20kg strict press l...
210 Arm farm type day + finally 20kg strict press l...
24 kg Strict Press PR (The Giant: A Review From...
209 24 kg Strict Press PR (The Giant: A Review From...
Double 16 kg flow
191 Double 16 kg flow
Dbl snatches and dbl bell play
179 Dbl snatches and dbl bell play
Staggered stance fun
174 Staggered stance fun
2024, May
Hell in a complex ? dual bell - push up- row - ...
352 Hell in a complex ? dual bell - push up- row - ...
If you're in your 30's, 40's or 50's &amp; look...
312 If you're in your 30's, 40's or 50's &amp; look...
I did it!
273 I did it!
Tough complex from my dude @pasta1994 ??
268 Tough complex from my dude @pasta1994 ??
Clean and Press, 48 kg
204 Clean and Press, 48 kg
These bad boyz came in the mail today!
189 These bad boyz came in the mail today!
Upper body complex ish
178 Upper body complex ish
Secret Service Snatch Test
174 Secret Service Snatch Test
First double 36 kg press!
163 First double 36 kg press!
Bottoms up will forever humble ya
158 Bottoms up will forever humble ya
2024, April
24 kg split jerk
461 24 kg split jerk
Dead stop roast ??
401 Dead stop roast ??
Coming for the 28kg
374 Coming for the 28kg
finally got a heavier bell ? 27 kg. (60 lbs)
362 finally got a heavier bell ? 27 kg. (60 lbs)
TGU a light kettlebell.
258 TGU a light kettlebell.
Frontal Plane Variations
255 Frontal Plane Variations
The loaded carries Dan John doesn’t want you to...
226 The loaded carries Dan John doesn’t want you to...
New pickup today
222 New pickup today
40kg bell felt good today… gotta go fast
209 40kg bell felt good today… gotta go fast
Went from just a dude surfing reddit to real KB...
196 Went from just a dude surfing reddit to real KB...
2024, March
Fedor Emelianenko, Pride Heavyweight Champion f...
575 Fedor Emelianenko, Pride Heavyweight Champion f...
I had to try it out…
439 I had to try it out…
Bottoms up TGU
331 Bottoms up TGU
Nothing like some bottoms up in the complex
272 Nothing like some bottoms up in the complex
This is officially a thing now
252 This is officially a thing now
48kg snatch to overhead squat complex
244 48kg snatch to overhead squat complex
Frontal plane
219 Frontal plane
48kg hand to hand snatches
200 48kg hand to hand snatches
First time 32 kg x 2 double clean to strict pre...
201 First time 32 kg x 2 double clean to strict pre...
kettlebell juggling flow
209 kettlebell juggling flow
2024, February
Kettlebell juggling
520 Kettlebell juggling
Quad day finishers
345 Quad day finishers
Strength endurance TUT ladder
333 Strength endurance TUT ladder
40kg Bottom’s Up Get Up
284 40kg Bottom’s Up Get Up
Swings - snatch- thruster
270 Swings - snatch- thruster
Happy Birthday To Me ?
252 Happy Birthday To Me ?
48kg pistol squat
221 48kg pistol squat
50 year old me nailing a bottoms up press
183 50 year old me nailing a bottoms up press
28 kg snatch test - 100 snatches in 4:24
176 28 kg snatch test - 100 snatches in 4:24
How to Train in a Packed Gym
172 How to Train in a Packed Gym
2024, January
2x16kg Iron Cross squat
392 2x16kg Iron Cross squat
44kg snatches after battle with scoliosis and s...
249 44kg snatches after battle with scoliosis and s...
Did my first ever getup with the 48 KG!
244 Did my first ever getup with the 48 KG!
Renegade rows- sea saw presses - single arm com...
187 Renegade rows- sea saw presses - single arm com...
SA clean + jerk Complex
175 SA clean + jerk Complex
28 kg SA Squat matrix
167 28 kg SA Squat matrix
?Sportiest? Clean and Jerk
173 ?Sportiest? Clean and Jerk
Hotel circuit
157 Hotel circuit
200 swings every day
153 200 swings every day