/r/leagueoflegends - top ten submissions for each month of 2020

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2020, December
Stayed at my girlfriends parents for Christmas ...
37306 Stayed at my girlfriends parents for Christmas ...
Challenger Teemo Mechanics at Work
28201 Challenger Teemo Mechanics at Work
If you don't have flash, just pretend that you do.
27902 If you don't have flash, just pretend that you do.
The Greatest Minion Ever
27355 The Greatest Minion Ever
Ivern bush trick with side by side comparison (...
23866 Ivern bush trick with side by side comparison (...
KDA has become progressively more cringey as it...
23204 KDA has become progressively more cringey as it...
interesting flash play at elder drake (by our 0...
22481 interesting flash play at elder drake (by our 0...
Ghostcrawler announces that work on a League of...
22466 Ghostcrawler announces that work on a League of...
Fun fact: if we make asol support meta riot wil...
22325 Fun fact: if we make asol support meta riot wil...
My jungler finally decided to gank my lane
22252 My jungler finally decided to gank my lane
2020, November
Doublelift announces retirement
40942 Doublelift announces retirement
I made my Yone cosplay look like a cinematic (k...
37940 I made my Yone cosplay look like a cinematic (k...
Whoever says that Malphite and Mundo are played...
29752 Whoever says that Malphite and Mundo are played...
Rekkles Leaves Fnatic
28666 Rekkles Leaves Fnatic
I want the "Honor your opponent" back. I want t...
28167 I want the "Honor your opponent" back. I want t...
A 53 year old Mum giving thanks to League of Le...
27970 A 53 year old Mum giving thanks to League of Le...
Making A zoo in urf
26450 Making A zoo in urf
Who says season 11 is an assassin meta? 5 bami ...
25734 Who says season 11 is an assassin meta? 5 bami ...
The greatest 1vs1 moment 2020
25619 The greatest 1vs1 moment 2020
The most dramatic Jhin Q bounce in the history ...
24557 The most dramatic Jhin Q bounce in the history ...
2020, October
KDA Akali Cosplay while playing the KDA LoL son...
37352 KDA Akali Cosplay while playing the KDA LoL son...
I just reached [x rank] and I couldn't be happier.
36493 I just reached [x rank] and I couldn't be happier.
TSM Bjergsen Announcement
34609 TSM Bjergsen Announcement
Tyler1 officialy joins T1
30407 Tyler1 officialy joins T1
After 4 months of work I can show the champion ...
26809 After 4 months of work I can show the champion ...
In Heartwarming Tribute To K-Pop Industry, Riot...
24091 In Heartwarming Tribute To K-Pop Industry, Riot...
K/DA - MORE [Official Music Video]
22445 K/DA - MORE [Official Music Video]
How is Seraphine actually different enough from...
22053 How is Seraphine actually different enough from...
I realized something while i was playing with C...
21718 I realized something while i was playing with C...
Seraphine is the biggest disappointment of this...
20756 Seraphine is the biggest disappointment of this...
2020, September
Professor Akali intentionally feeding and going...
34445 Professor Akali intentionally feeding and going...
Just a terrific and impeccable display of skill...
26703 Just a terrific and impeccable display of skill...
Support players, you are the real heroes
25556 Support players, you are the real heroes
Fun Fact: If you are fed enough as Cho'Gath you...
24665 Fun Fact: If you are fed enough as Cho'Gath you...
Common teleport instead of ignite mistake excep...
21738 Common teleport instead of ignite mistake excep...
[self] Let them eat swords. My Project: Fiora C...
21479 [self] Let them eat swords. My Project: Fiora C...
Chinese Fiora King 0.1 second 4 vitals
21312 Chinese Fiora King 0.1 second 4 vitals
Soo... I replaced Jinx’s abilities with Teemos.
21234 Soo... I replaced Jinx’s abilities with Teemos.
My friend played Clash and pulled off a play I ...
21178 My friend played Clash and pulled off a play I ...
This is what real suffering looks like
20925 This is what real suffering looks like
2020, August
Malphite mirror match up
35241 Malphite mirror match up
Promos for Platinum ended up being an adventure...
31706 Promos for Platinum ended up being an adventure...
After a ranked game, Brand said that we didn't ...
31553 After a ranked game, Brand said that we didn't ...
A very desperate Teemo steal tilts the jungler
28018 A very desperate Teemo steal tilts the jungler
Unassuming jungler brutally slaughtered by rave...
26680 Unassuming jungler brutally slaughtered by rave...
K/DA - THE BADDEST (Pre-Release Single) | Leagu...
25943 K/DA - THE BADDEST (Pre-Release Single) | Leagu...
League of Legends Choir (Breakbot - Baby I'm Yo...
23192 League of Legends Choir (Breakbot - Baby I'm Yo...
Ezreal Ult + Liandry's Burn + Elder Dragon = Wo...
22305 Ezreal Ult + Liandry's Burn + Elder Dragon = Wo...
Yone 1v5 Penta kill at 10 mins
21308 Yone 1v5 Penta kill at 10 mins
Thank you yone players
21148 Thank you yone players
2020, July
I told my little brother that if he ulted a Lee...
31128 I told my little brother that if he ulted a Lee...
Red Side Cannon Minions have 20 lower attack ra...
28095 Red Side Cannon Minions have 20 lower attack ra...
Gentleman’s agreement; Red side ban Yasuo, Bl...
26918 Gentleman’s agreement; Red side ban Yasuo, Bl...
Friend shows how balanced Fiddle is
26175 Friend shows how balanced Fiddle is
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes it to Silver III...
25338 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes it to Silver III...
As promised I made Ekko's bat from trash
25161 As promised I made Ekko's bat from trash
Kin of the Stained Blade | Spirit Blossom 2020 ...
23117 Kin of the Stained Blade | Spirit Blossom 2020 ...
Nothing more satisfying than watching TF Blade ...
21317 Nothing more satisfying than watching TF Blade ...
The classic 18 minute backdoor
20069 The classic 18 minute backdoor
Faker Solo Killing DoinB with Nunu Mid
19981 Faker Solo Killing DoinB with Nunu Mid
2020, June
Here is my masterpiece. A funcional project ash...
59895 Here is my masterpiece. A funcional project ash...
I'm almost 43, I just hit Gold, and I have no o...
41579 I'm almost 43, I just hit Gold, and I have no o...
I made a tiktok transforming myself into Sylas,...
38535 I made a tiktok transforming myself into Sylas,...
I feel like league is a game that's much more f...
28664 I feel like league is a game that's much more f...
My first post in Reddit, I hope you like the ne...
26579 My first post in Reddit, I hope you like the ne...
Small reminder that Riot hates Frogs
25519 Small reminder that Riot hates Frogs
DeepFake could open a new way for animation for...
25166 DeepFake could open a new way for animation for...
Both ADC's getting a penta at the same time, fe...
23442 Both ADC's getting a penta at the same time, fe...
The ultimate friendship test
22417 The ultimate friendship test
Fiddlesticks sculpture with LED diode latern as...
22193 Fiddlesticks sculpture with LED diode latern as...
2020, May
Voyboy's thoughts on NA solo queue
32309 Voyboy's thoughts on NA solo queue
We may lost the game, but we won the mental war
31326 We may lost the game, but we won the mental war
Best Yasuo Cosplay Hands Down!
30887 Best Yasuo Cosplay Hands Down!
The Only Way to Solve Toxicity is with More Sex...
26910 The Only Way to Solve Toxicity is with More Sex...
Champion model in client (concept) repost
25219 Champion model in client (concept) repost
Apparently Ryze's Ult can teleport Zac's dead b...
24898 Apparently Ryze's Ult can teleport Zac's dead b...
When your botlane's in it's element
23712 When your botlane's in it's element
EUW Challenger Katarina unexpected 1v5 penta wh...
23654 EUW Challenger Katarina unexpected 1v5 penta wh...
Shout out to the game designers for Warwick
23448 Shout out to the game designers for Warwick
If this Gnar didn't rage quit then neither shou...
21599 If this Gnar didn't rage quit then neither shou...
2020, April
End me.
47606 End me.
Riot is forcing me to change my name due to Cor...
39559 Riot is forcing me to change my name due to Cor...
This feeling when you found your prestige mistr...
35632 This feeling when you found your prestige mistr...
Jax + Vayne Pixel art
26196 Jax + Vayne Pixel art
The Aatrox was being mean to the Skarner so, to...
24122 The Aatrox was being mean to the Skarner so, to...
Sources: Doublelift headed back to Team SoloMid
23883 Sources: Doublelift headed back to Team SoloMid
Dodging games is not a problem
23593 Dodging games is not a problem
My kassadin told me, a lee sin, it was okay to ...
22975 My kassadin told me, a lee sin, it was okay to ...
Im just gonna leave it here
21916 Im just gonna leave it here
When your thresh is inting
19075 When your thresh is inting
2020, March
Terror in Demacia | League of Legends
29006 Terror in Demacia | League of Legends
A WIP Preview of my Vel'Koz LED Strip Integrati...
27445 A WIP Preview of my Vel'Koz LED Strip Integrati...
How to tilt vayne
24925 How to tilt vayne
When you think you have ignite, but someone is ...
24852 When you think you have ignite, but someone is ...
April Fools 2020 Trailer!!!
24035 April Fools 2020 Trailer!!!
Duel of the century in bronze IV
23778 Duel of the century in bronze IV
Fiddlesticks Gameplay Preview | League of Legends
22280 Fiddlesticks Gameplay Preview | League of Legends
8100 stack Nasus with elixir of iron on the PBE
22119 8100 stack Nasus with elixir of iron on the PBE
One For all - Ahri dodges
21710 One For all - Ahri dodges
Duo lanes banned as social distancing for Covid...
20922 Duo lanes banned as social distancing for Covid...
2020, February
Averaging 27 deaths a game, the all female team...
33505 Averaging 27 deaths a game, the all female team...
Are you ever truly safe from a zoe?
22483 Are you ever truly safe from a zoe?
Ult from the bottom to top for the beautiful Penta
21385 Ult from the bottom to top for the beautiful Penta
Riot Games accused of colluding with the lawyer...
20353 Riot Games accused of colluding with the lawyer...
People that go afk and spamm FF15 in Ranked sho...
19709 People that go afk and spamm FF15 in Ranked sho...
Rekkles: I'm not sure what their [Riot] theory ...
18617 Rekkles: I'm not sure what their [Riot] theory ...
Teemo needs a lego skin so that you can place s...
18206 Teemo needs a lego skin so that you can place s...
Tyler 1 Hits Masters in Jungle Only Challenge
17695 Tyler 1 Hits Masters in Jungle Only Challenge
That's what I call a pro gamer move
17431 That's what I call a pro gamer move
The best way to kill a tank Maokai in urf.
17411 The best way to kill a tank Maokai in urf.
2020, January
Warriors | Season 2020 Cinematic - League of Le...
34452 Warriors | Season 2020 Cinematic - League of Le...
Another top Chinese leesin main. Don’t breath
27580 Another top Chinese leesin main. Don’t breath
Friendly reminder to those entering the new sea...
24832 Friendly reminder to those entering the new sea...
Jhin is proof that a champion can be unique and...
23416 Jhin is proof that a champion can be unique and...
Our silver Amumu friend goes for the MASSIVE ba...
22231 Our silver Amumu friend goes for the MASSIVE ba...
Season 10: Dragons are important. My Jungler:
22179 Season 10: Dragons are important. My Jungler:
I know I'm a bit late on the alcove plays but I...
21039 I know I'm a bit late on the alcove plays but I...
mundo frontdoor
19977 mundo frontdoor
me, a WW main seeing an enemy below 50% hp
19936 me, a WW main seeing an enemy below 50% hp
3 God kings = 1 Golden boy
19867 3 God kings = 1 Golden boy