/r/leagueoflegends - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << leagueoflegends 2023
2024, November
T1 vs. Bilibili Gaming / 2024 World Championshi...
23510 T1 vs. Bilibili Gaming / 2024 World Championshi...
Arcane Season 2 smashes Netflix charts & become...
14321 Arcane Season 2 smashes Netflix charts & become...
Riot Games co-founder Mark Merrill revealed Arc...
11221 Riot Games co-founder Mark Merrill revealed Arc...
T1 Faker is the 2nd greatest mid-laner
9896 T1 Faker is the 2nd greatest mid-laner
T1 parts way with Zeus
9601 T1 parts way with Zeus
Arcane Officially Ends at Netflix With Perfect ...
9521 Arcane Officially Ends at Netflix With Perfect ...
 [Satire] Finally a Real Gameplay Footage of Fa...
9318 [Satire] Finally a Real Gameplay Footage of Fa...
Fakers alive
8941 Fakers alive
2024 League of Legends Worlds final hits new re...
8338 2024 League of Legends Worlds final hits new re...
Keria re-signs with T1
8002 Keria re-signs with T1
2024, October
Rekkles talks about "abandoning Europe"
12446 Rekkles talks about "abandoning Europe"
T1 vs. Gen.G / 2024 World Championship - Semi-F...
11043 T1 vs. Gen.G / 2024 World Championship - Semi-F...
LEC vs VCS: Absolute cinema!
9229 LEC vs VCS: Absolute cinema!
After 14 years, release of Arcanessa marks the ...
8839 After 14 years, release of Arcanessa marks the ...
Gen.G vs. FlyQuest / 2024 World Championship - ...
8568 Gen.G vs. FlyQuest / 2024 World Championship - ...
Deft's mom shows off the custom GODS music box ...
8447 Deft's mom shows off the custom GODS music box ...
Doinb received a 7 days ban in KR server for sp...
8153 Doinb received a 7 days ban in KR server for sp...
The League Wiki is Leaving Fandom
7481 The League Wiki is Leaving Fandom
Faker limit testing against Chovy at Game 2 07:...
7204 Faker limit testing against Chovy at Game 2 07:...
Why I will win worlds
6552 Why I will win worlds
2024, September
Heavy Is The Crown ft. Linkin Park (Official Mu...
7933 Heavy Is The Crown ft. Linkin Park (Official Mu...
Arcane: Season 2 | Official Trailer -  World Pr...
6212 Arcane: Season 2 | Official Trailer - World Pr...
If you've ever wondered how a person with conge...
6177 If you've ever wondered how a person with conge...
Two Pentakill at once ft. Statikk Shiv
6123 Two Pentakill at once ft. Statikk Shiv
Ty for gank jg!
5863 Ty for gank jg!
Upcoming KDA Fan Gragas, Cosplayer Neeko, Espor...
5306 Upcoming KDA Fan Gragas, Cosplayer Neeko, Espor...
My mate told me that the game didn't want him t...
5077 My mate told me that the game didn't want him t...
Heavy is The Crown without Linkin Park
4707 Heavy is The Crown without Linkin Park
100 Thieves vs. Movistar R7 / Worlds 2024 Play-...
4698 100 Thieves vs. Movistar R7 / Worlds 2024 Play-...
Rekkles will be T1’s Substitute player per the ...
4538 Rekkles will be T1’s Substitute player per the ...
2024, August
LPL ADCs are built different
7399 LPL ADCs are built different
Janitor Thresh and Attorney Azir Ability Previe...
6135 Janitor Thresh and Attorney Azir Ability Previe...
My handmade Aurora cosplay, complete with a glo...
4853 My handmade Aurora cosplay, complete with a glo...
The new Akali emote is far too powerful for thi...
4348 The new Akali emote is far too powerful for thi...
Akali emote changed
3771 Akali emote changed
I miss the hype login screens used to create wh...
3555 I miss the hype login screens used to create wh...
You really don't need a leash anymore. You defi...
3409 You really don't need a leash anymore. You defi...
Deft : It seems like I'm going to perform milit...
3244 Deft : It seems like I'm going to perform milit...
Asian Servers are insane
3231 Asian Servers are insane
2024, July
Jankos calls out IWillDominate and Gilius for n...
6074 Jankos calls out IWillDominate and Gilius for n...
When you get possessed by the Chinese TikTok Gods
5706 When you get possessed by the Chinese TikTok Gods
the most embarrassing death of my league of leg...
5440 the most embarrassing death of my league of leg...
How To Defeat Ignite Players In 2024: By Dying ...
4779 How To Defeat Ignite Players In 2024: By Dying ...
Do not trust front page threads that claim to h...
4480 Do not trust front page threads that claim to h...
T1 Orianna, Jayce, Lee Sin, Jinx &amp; Bard Ski...
4113 T1 Orianna, Jayce, Lee Sin, Jinx &amp; Bard Ski...
Arcane Season 2 Teaser Clip featuring Heimerdin...
3863 Arcane Season 2 Teaser Clip featuring Heimerdin...
Quitting league (ranked) was the best decision ...
3450 Quitting league (ranked) was the best decision ...
I’m done suppressing this. I haven’t been likin...
3224 I’m done suppressing this. I haven’t been likin...
I was today years old when I learned that Azir'...
3219 I was today years old when I learned that Azir'...
2024, June
Faker just picked Ahri and plays the base skin
11440 Faker just picked Ahri and plays the base skin
Brand just killed me as an afterthought, cleari...
8891 Brand just killed me as an afterthought, cleari...
Team disqualified due to emote use
8236 Team disqualified due to emote use
I wanted to share this awesome Sleep Bubble I'v...
7138 I wanted to share this awesome Sleep Bubble I'v...
Arcane: Season 2 | Official Teaser
6983 Arcane: Season 2 | Official Teaser
Riot's Game Director gives an incredibly tone-d...
6871 Riot's Game Director gives an incredibly tone-d...
I had the idea for GeoGuessr but in LoL, so I j...
6579 I had the idea for GeoGuessr but in LoL, so I j...
The weird inconsistencies of Talon's abilities
6543 The weird inconsistencies of Talon's abilities
Damn.. Fakers Hall of Legends trophy is already...
6124 Damn.. Fakers Hall of Legends trophy is already...
Dash was offered huge money to host the Saudi e...
5358 Dash was offered huge money to host the Saudi e...
2024, May
The Hall of Legends event was never about celeb...
16297 The Hall of Legends event was never about celeb...
The Signature Immortalized Legend Collection is...
11114 The Signature Immortalized Legend Collection is...
Top Esports vs. G2 Esports / MSI 2024 - Lower B...
8026 Top Esports vs. G2 Esports / MSI 2024 - Lower B...
Thebausffs: "People just hate Phreak for no rea...
6462 Thebausffs: "People just hate Phreak for no rea...
Just remember: we lost a simple T1 Ahri skin ov...
6267 Just remember: we lost a simple T1 Ahri skin ov...
Faker 6 years ago on SKT T1 Ryze Skin: "I thoug...
5992 Faker 6 years ago on SKT T1 Ryze Skin: "I thoug...
G2 Caps claims other Western teams should stop ...
5712 G2 Caps claims other Western teams should stop ...
G2 Esports vs. T1 / MSI 2024 - Bracket Stage - ...
5205 G2 Esports vs. T1 / MSI 2024 - Bracket Stage - ...
Fnatic vs. Team Liquid / MSI 2024 - Lower Brack...
4744 Fnatic vs. Team Liquid / MSI 2024 - Lower Brack...
MSI format is amazing
4613 MSI format is amazing
2024, April
Riot Concept Artist who was laid off earlier th...
10414 Riot Concept Artist who was laid off earlier th...
Teemo shrooms bouncing all the way across the map
6291 Teemo shrooms bouncing all the way across the map
Azael pulls out of MSI Broadcast
5151 Azael pulls out of MSI Broadcast
Cho'Gath supremacy infinite knock up
4965 Cho'Gath supremacy infinite knock up
Faker calls the situation "unfair" after the re...
4860 Faker calls the situation "unfair" after the re...
Selfmade Nidalee cosplay
4664 Selfmade Nidalee cosplay
When The Outplay Is Going A Little Too Well...
4169 When The Outplay Is Going A Little Too Well...
Udyr can use his sixth sense to tell when void ...
4127 Udyr can use his sixth sense to tell when void ...
I've seen more Skarners in this last month than...
3599 I've seen more Skarners in this last month than...
/dev: Vanguard x LoL
3557 /dev: Vanguard x LoL
2024, March
Sniper was fined for wearing Crocs on stage, Cr...
11722 Sniper was fined for wearing Crocs on stage, Cr...
Attack on Sions
9065 Attack on Sions
Riot Employees are no longer allowed to monetiz...
7401 Riot Employees are no longer allowed to monetiz...
What's the funniest chat you've read in League?
7388 What's the funniest chat you've read in League?
If you’re flaming in ARAM you need to take a br...
7199 If you’re flaming in ARAM you need to take a br...
Update on the League MMO from Riot Tryndamere
6867 Update on the League MMO from Riot Tryndamere
Hop aboard the April Fool's train with Choo-Cho...
6843 Hop aboard the April Fool's train with Choo-Cho...
Why is Ashe always flexing how broke her countr...
6716 Why is Ashe always flexing how broke her countr...
What champion do you feel like it just doesn’t ...
6648 What champion do you feel like it just doesn’t ...
Voidlings Mayhem
6124 Voidlings Mayhem
2024, February
So, my friend sent me this clip of Jardas Lano,...
11144 So, my friend sent me this clip of Jardas Lano,...
Top lane is for degenerates
6314 Top lane is for degenerates
Highlight of my LOL career
6082 Highlight of my LOL career
Riot Phroxzon confirms Losers Queue does not ex...
4678 Riot Phroxzon confirms Losers Queue does not ex...
Darius, But He Got Fired & Replaced by an Anime...
4639 Darius, But He Got Fired & Replaced by an Anime...
Ezreal steals drake and nash 30 seconds apart
4513 Ezreal steals drake and nash 30 seconds apart
Palworld in league
4471 Palworld in league
Sometimes the best smite of the game isn't even...
4350 Sometimes the best smite of the game isn't even...
Why did Riot allow Runaan's on melee!???
4318 Why did Riot allow Runaan's on melee!???
Asol got the Riot special, even more now after ...
4170 Asol got the Riot special, even more now after ...
2024, January
Season 2024 Cinematic
11467 Season 2024 Cinematic
We might have witnessed a win-trade in a live e...
7191 We might have witnessed a win-trade in a live e...
Arcane: Season 2 First Look
6361 Arcane: Season 2 First Look
Teemo hadn't been nerfed for 10 Years (Patch 4....
6353 Teemo hadn't been nerfed for 10 Years (Patch 4....
Why you shouldn't watch LoL at Saudi Arabia's E...
6136 Why you shouldn't watch LoL at Saudi Arabia's E...
Removing item dmg dealt trackers was the worst ...
5826 Removing item dmg dealt trackers was the worst ...
Enough with this anime thing I WANT UGLY MONSTER
5797 Enough with this anime thing I WANT UGLY MONSTER
Why does Corki exist?
5348 Why does Corki exist?
Stormsurge and Epilepsy
5253 Stormsurge and Epilepsy
Winning a Diamond game solo by 3:30 minutes.
5224 Winning a Diamond game solo by 3:30 minutes.