/r/mildlyinfuriating - top ten submissions for each month of 2013
sfw subreddits
mildlyinfuriating 2014
2013, December
3580 When pirated CDs have full ID tags, but when yo...
3573 Click to "enlarge" photo... garbage.
3275 I see this shit every day.
3144 There's reposts, then there's thing.
3113 The doorframe in my kitchen
3100 Go fuck yourself, Yahoo.
2995 Why? ... WHY?
2664 The most infuriating part is the three terrible...
2500 These designers have never seen a piano.
2458 Something's fucky.
2013, November
3495 All fonts somehow disappeared from registry, an...
3383 Just admit you had leftover Easter eggs.
3349 I hate midterms.
3203 Washing your hands with a sweater on
3187 Every Fucking Night!
2831 I'll just submit a quick product review for thi...
2808 He wouldn't have been hit, even if he stood still.
2715 This shit
2707 When you try to open a cereal bag and it rips d...
2657 Hadn't eaten all day . . . You can imagine my d...
2013, October
4330 Number of holes in these waffles doesn't match ...
4287 Three. THREE SEATS
2529 When straws do this.
2373 I have to see this sign every day.
2336 I'm babysitting in a house down my street. How ...
2223 Restroom stall locks that don't go all the way
2219 As a commute student whose professors don't bel...
2130 I'm a teacher. My kids cannot access a website ...
2133 Who tapes like this?
2060 I thought I could make it to my driveway in tim...
2013, September
3759 This makes me immediately skip your post
3503 I know it's not a masterpiece, but after 9 year...
3334 You've got to be fucking kidding me
3025 as a UI designer, this annoys the shit out of me.
2834 You fucking serious HP?
2686 Going through older posts
2685 Restroom at work takes time. It's been like thi...
2542 Damn magic pockets
2352 Should have put the ages in order of where they...
2263 Let me turn down the volu- and it's asleep
2013, August
4951 Take a hint Youtube, I don't want to use my fuc...
3464 Finally got to see The Mona Lisa up close...
3422 You've had 85 years to work at this, Reese's. F...
2910 I think you mean "Scrabble."
2865 All this bullshit
2781 As a hairy-armed guy...
2607 When this shit happens.
2564 How to make sure that nobody reads your site
2394 Over $100 and they couldn't even give it a bind...
2387 This is a standard sized piece of paper.
2013, July
3385 When you finish your food, and your bowl turns ...
3370 God dammit Papa John's
3364 Just burn down the whole damn park
2923 When people solve a problem by themselves but d...
2874 Yes. That is the general idea.
2729 Unstackable cans
2583 Am I the only one who fucking experiences this ...
2380 I tried to straighten it, but it was glued to t...
2316 Everything about this upsets me
2211 If you think truck drivers are immune to your h...
2013, June
4199 When you try to type something in a search bar ...
3519 But there's nothing wrong with it!
3457 Still true
3109 This gif.
2760 I hope you die in a spider fire.
2648 Tiny holes appearing in otherwise perfectly goo...
2328 Over 45,000 people piss me off.
2331 ANY variation, including the original, of THIS!
2168 There's no coming back from this...
1997 How to guarantee that I will never buy from you...
2013, May
2683 Sinks that don't have enough space behind the w...
2548 They've been at it for about 30 miles so far. O...
2423 Brand new Sharpie highlighter came without any ...
2243 My wife puts spent matches back in the box
2107 One of the most annoying things on websites wit...
2079 All the lights are currently switched off
2044 My roommate puts the empty milk containers back...
2009 The ambiguous, possibly misleading label on thi...
1921 Every site that does this
1810 I let a kid in my class borrow my calculator, I...
2013, April
3275 This.
3151 When "erasers" do this
2635 The 'Weather' app's icon doesn't show the weath...
2434 I want to scream
2274 The tongue of my shoe keeps sliding to the side
2199 This. This is bullshit.
1995 They fixed a broken tile in front of my house. ...
1877 FUCK
1709 After refusing to use my real name for the 10th...
2013, March
4392 No legitimate technology should do this when yo...
2716 When every single app wants my location
2587 When you download an album and it's formatted l...
2355 My teacher let me borrow a pencil...
2294 I guess I won't be using the dishwasher in my n...
2050 The best way to ensure I will never shop at you...
1857 This damn box on RES. Every time I scroll over ...
1577 (repost from r/pics) This shit right here makes...
1528 As a gay man fighting for equality: People like...
1450 Public education, folks.
2013, February
3690 Faucets that are too close to the back of the sink
3239 Butter so hard that this happens
3124 sfSsplFhhhhflspSsFHhhfhffffffffffff
2564 Cans that aren't designed to be stacked on top ...
2349 Fuck you pencil, fuck you so much.
1775 Ketchup Pre-Cum
1730 This gif isn't long enough. (xpost from /r/mild...
1486 Plugs that block one of the sockets when plugge...
1260 Amazon reviews like this...
1225 One of my icons on my phone is slightly above a...
2013, January
3433 It's cool. Just leave 315 lbs laying there. I'm...
3359 Every fucking time
2380 This is one of the keyboards at my university.
2128 I set it to "3 mm"
1599 Stupid water faucets that stops immediately aft...
1425 Why must you do this? Why? (x-post from r/harry...
1316 It's shit like this... (X post from r/pics)
1172 Thanks a fucking lot
1127 Filling out a web form, you hit "backspace" to ...
1102 I shouldn't have to call to find out I can't af...