/r/mildlyinfuriating - top ten submissions for each month of 2017
sfw subreddits
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mildlyinfuriating 2016
mildlyinfuriating 2018
2017, December
64850 If I wanted notifications, I would have allowed...
54195 The reason I woke up this morning
52690 Having to tear this off my banks ATM on Christm...
35457 This coffee shop selling unwrapped Little Debbi...
33450 I paid for one day shipping
29609 This scrabble wrapping paper...
35144 The notification is for me to set up an Apple P...
35292 People who leave fast food places like this
29997 I got charged per onion ring and not all the ri...
33876 Really Walmart?
2017, November
50302 YouTube just deleted my Favourites playlist whi...
42663 There was a bit of fabric sticking out from the...
34502 The way this massager counts down...
30419 My girlfriend's silverware drawer at school.
34165 My 3 year old insisted on that pink one
28034 this was suggested as an "Awesome Life Hack"
31311 The keyboard on my sat nav isn't QWERTY
31598 11:11 on 1/11, and it's ... 12°C
31918 Was told to post this here
27285 I work at chipotle, the white rice comes in a b...
2017, October
38640 This dumpster fire of an attempt to buy a phone
40508 Quaker oatmeal advertises 35% less sugar, but i...
43146 I lost a loved one today. I'm not sure which on...
31236 When water adheres down the side of the glass.
30665 A 38 minute unskippable ad just interrupted my ...
30019 My coffee has DRM
28964 Oh, I have too many e-mails in my inbox? Why do...
26219 This BBQ restaurant serves their house sauce in...
28177 My roommate using the incorrect size screen pro...
27347 These people are really dumb
2017, September
36472 Every AskReddit top comment ever
47365 Why can't they design their cables better ?
28580 Walmart should stop selling fish.
29189 My Verizon bill this month. I don’t think the...
37336 Who the fuck cares ??
31269 People who put their feet up on airplanes can g...
25082 When you're trying to print your homework in bl...
22658 This Justice League Promo
19245 Uncomfortable everyday objects, by Katerina Kam...
30136 This "logic"
2017, August
59625 My view of Metallica from the handicapped secti...
49280 The Way My Wife Opens Things
36815 Proofreading this book couldn't have been that ...
29885 These phone cases at concerts.
26831 People who leave a train like this:
29068 Asked if they could cut it in half to split wit...
25100 People who put gum on the usb ports of public t...
25547 This really pissed me off as a cat owner.
25726 It's fine. I wanted a crease in my certificate.
23736 Estimated - but accurate, give or take 800%
2017, July
73322 There's a moment Pulp Fiction's restaurant scen...
62697 How Spotify saves the exact characters I typed ...
43717 Cancel the graduation
27276 The standard keyboard on the HTC 10 has begun s...
36513 He asked me what the f*#% I was taking a pictur...
31640 My husband has been sticking these in places I ...
33464 This bothers me
28117 When teachers cover the clock in their classroom.
26709 This window and roof
25648 My door number is 308, they installed it upside...
2017, June
27579 I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?
28184 I'd been waiting weeks, and just looked down!
24824 This volume adjust.
25248 My friend's desktop background. Somehow he is o...
22597 Why?!
24752 My girlfriend was wondering why her vacuum was ...
24654 I instantly lost interest in the article..
24213 This shirt
19113 I am not sure what to say. He blocked ALL the r...
20971 Thanks USPS
2017, May
40121 The worst part about job applications...
33091 My receipt for buying one bottle of vegetable o...
31106 Amazon shipped my hot sauce without any padding.
26251 You need a separate app just to read messages.
26517 When the same post is in the top 5 on multiple ...
22470 People who drive on the shoulder to pass traffic
29213 The second definition of literally
24350 I bet the blueberry muffin person is pretty jea...
18498 This Mars souvenir is just a colorized version ...
20143 Can toilet paper get any thinner!?
2017, April
37774 This notification from reddit that a random pos...
35704 BuzzFeed's Snapchat just came out with this, an...
25308 I was wondering why I seem to go through deodor...
31852 The official reddit app just sent me a notifica...
26215 My grandparents watched this TV for over a year...
25305 When your clueless teacher leaves the cursor on...
20355 My sister always leaves a tiny portion of whate...
22369 United terminal, O'Hare airport, Chicago
25664 This basketball court doesn't line up with anyt...
19314 My professor is a terrible human being.
2017, March
32235 When you prefer to buy things in person, but it...
27808 Clarissa doesn't cross her first A
19123 Destroyer of Shins
21805 Google's definition of "Rock"
14485 This deck.
14791 I selected a window seat to avoid human contact
16578 This iOS glitch when switching from landscape t...
14940 This unskippable 17 minute YouTube ad
14491 The peel-open seal. Every. Single. Time.
13257 Taco Bell's attempt to make a Triple Double Cru...
2017, February
21538 This hero has fixed a bunch of the pain we have...
24196 The money organization in my 9 year old son's w...
21970 putting advertising inside the fucking OS
18890 I got $45.00 in late fees for a toll of $0.00.
15660 The lighting on these menus
18662 The karma race for the Life poster
16112 The amount of peanut oil in this bottle
15064 A drop of water flowing down your windshield af...
14220 I've just found out that I have a wheat intoler...
14197 This children's puzzle
2017, January
47565 Subs that ban without reason shouldn't be allow...
25596 The way this cake is cut
25145 This girl soldering her hand
25230 Looking for a picture of knuckles on the intern...
19695 How my wife changes the toilet paper roll
16468 These logos that make me feel like I'm losing m...
13310 The way these pictures are hung in the hallway ...
12983 FB friend found a dog on the street .....then p...
13837 "We hope you enjoyed your stay! If you happen t...
12088 This film has been modified from the original v...