/r/oddlysatisfying - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << oddlysatisfying 2023
2024, November
Fluffy round paws
92392 Fluffy round paws
The way this cat blends in.
79375 The way this cat blends in.
This welding job.
64939 This welding job.
Marble run gets better and better
64716 Marble run gets better and better
Nasty orange to fresh and natural
63147 Nasty orange to fresh and natural
Sand Calligraphy
59523 Sand Calligraphy
The synchronization of these people's faces whe...
58209 The synchronization of these people's faces whe...
This student starting a firehose and a photo be...
53953 This student starting a firehose and a photo be...
Fresh, untouched snow.
53526 Fresh, untouched snow.
This surfing themed stop motion
51622 This surfing themed stop motion
2024, October
Drones returning to their cradles/cases after a...
116248 Drones returning to their cradles/cases after a...
The ice sliding off of this sign...
105538 The ice sliding off of this sign...
The reflection in this DVD.
92453 The reflection in this DVD.
Freshly fallen snow next to a lake
91108 Freshly fallen snow next to a lake
The lines of bread this man pulls out of the oven
81610 The lines of bread this man pulls out of the oven
The way the stickers line up perfectly
81379 The way the stickers line up perfectly
Building a sandcastle
75130 Building a sandcastle
The way this dog slides down
74327 The way this dog slides down
Fastest bath in the world
70928 Fastest bath in the world
Dulce Mario (SONIDO)
70764 Dulce Mario (SONIDO)
2024, September
How the syrup flows down the flan
100817 How the syrup flows down the flan
How sharp this blade is.
81978 How sharp this blade is.
The shadow from this tree
80918 The shadow from this tree
Controlled demolition of a transmission tower.
74176 Controlled demolition of a transmission tower.
Japanese samurai cuts his hair.
58978 Japanese samurai cuts his hair.
This yin yang soup
57768 This yin yang soup
Perfectly Synchronized.
57811 Perfectly Synchronized.
3D Printing A Lion
52739 3D Printing A Lion
Oddly satisfying art
46248 Oddly satisfying art
Bye Nana! - sledding down a sand bank into the ...
44202 Bye Nana! - sledding down a sand bank into the ...
2024, August
This trees shadow
106332 This trees shadow
Repairing a car leather Seat flawlessly
78249 Repairing a car leather Seat flawlessly
Down to a Science: The Quick Drop Maestro
73041 Down to a Science: The Quick Drop Maestro
Freeing a stuck crow... with a crowbar
70374 Freeing a stuck crow... with a crowbar
Sunlight falling down the escalator
66322 Sunlight falling down the escalator
Copper pipe insulation fitting.
65119 Copper pipe insulation fitting.
Brazilian artist Fábio Gomes Trindade creates p...
51656 Brazilian artist Fábio Gomes Trindade creates p...
A customer of ours asks for shell trimming all ...
51352 A customer of ours asks for shell trimming all ...
The great pyramid with a perfect shadow
47215 The great pyramid with a perfect shadow
These shadows from the railing.
45314 These shadows from the railing.
2024, July
First time pouring rainbow shots
116228 First time pouring rainbow shots
Restoration of a 1920s razor blade sharpener
57939 Restoration of a 1920s razor blade sharpener
Ironing a pleated skirt
51252 Ironing a pleated skirt
The way this woman’s dress pops up like an orna...
49335 The way this woman’s dress pops up like an orna...
Lintrolling a rabbit
47450 Lintrolling a rabbit
Final Boss of Woodworking: Crafting the Pitch-P...
45523 Final Boss of Woodworking: Crafting the Pitch-P...
Saving Private Turtle
45100 Saving Private Turtle
The way this brick wall goes through the floor
34872 The way this brick wall goes through the floor
Getting Manicure done
34700 Getting Manicure done
Cat walking in place
31232 Cat walking in place
2024, June
Uncovering a 100 year old Maple Herringbone Woo...
66695 Uncovering a 100 year old Maple Herringbone Woo...
I caught a video of a thrown tomahawk hitting t...
64454 I caught a video of a thrown tomahawk hitting t...
Feeding birds like filling donuts
57242 Feeding birds like filling donuts
Squeezing allllll of the water out
40260 Squeezing allllll of the water out
A Motion Capture Actor doing her thing.
38652 A Motion Capture Actor doing her thing.
Geisha doing her makeup
38640 Geisha doing her makeup
The world's largest firework launched over Naga...
36049 The world's largest firework launched over Naga...
Dutch Fans Are A Different Breed
35702 Dutch Fans Are A Different Breed
Reflection Perfection: A Jet Skiing Dream Come ...
34294 Reflection Perfection: A Jet Skiing Dream Come ...
The art of wrapping circular objects flawlessly.
34171 The art of wrapping circular objects flawlessly.
2024, May
From egg to adult
78690 From egg to adult
Restoration of a 1950s razor blade sharpener
66631 Restoration of a 1950s razor blade sharpener
Under construction home collapsed during a stor...
46158 Under construction home collapsed during a stor...
An artist transforms an ugly wall
43583 An artist transforms an ugly wall
Sprite vs Hot Spoon
38856 Sprite vs Hot Spoon
Adding windshield water droplets on a painting
36462 Adding windshield water droplets on a painting
Preserving an abandoned spiderweb
35100 Preserving an abandoned spiderweb
Full size satisfaction
33204 Full size satisfaction
1 Year of Gamedev in 54 seconds
32088 1 Year of Gamedev in 54 seconds
The sealring pool at Noboribetsu Marine Park Nixe
31495 The sealring pool at Noboribetsu Marine Park Nixe
2024, April
Demolition of the Frontier Hotel, Las  Vegas
63756 Demolition of the Frontier Hotel, Las Vegas
Actual photo of the Statue of Liberty getting s...
57141 Actual photo of the Statue of Liberty getting s...
Perfectly hand chopped wood
55197 Perfectly hand chopped wood
Using Anti Mosquito Racket in area full of mosq...
51036 Using Anti Mosquito Racket in area full of mosq...
1950s home appliance tech. This refrigerator wa...
29145 1950s home appliance tech. This refrigerator wa...
Hidden door with satisfying closure
28382 Hidden door with satisfying closure
This tunnel boring machine breakthrough
27433 This tunnel boring machine breakthrough
This painting technique using various objects
26906 This painting technique using various objects
Little lad learns to level
26774 Little lad learns to level
The dance of the baked goods
24825 The dance of the baked goods
2024, March
Snoop Dogg signing his autograph, in Japanese, ...
56244 Snoop Dogg signing his autograph, in Japanese, ...
Smooth Operator: The Art of Waterslide Entry
61784 Smooth Operator: The Art of Waterslide Entry
The way the letters appear
46193 The way the letters appear
I didn’t know this game existed but watching pe...
42983 I didn’t know this game existed but watching pe...
How Basketball courts are painted
42659 How Basketball courts are painted
How this charcoal ignites
36166 How this charcoal ignites
These under 12 soccer players passing the ball ...
33779 These under 12 soccer players passing the ball ...
Guy demonstrates how to create a custom ambigram
33903 Guy demonstrates how to create a custom ambigram
Removing a huge blockade for a drain
32246 Removing a huge blockade for a drain
This boiling egg timeline. Thanks to whoever cr...
31644 This boiling egg timeline. Thanks to whoever cr...
2024, February
Harnessing vibrations to enhance the homogeneit...
42390 Harnessing vibrations to enhance the homogeneit...
How easily this guy throws pottery
37302 How easily this guy throws pottery
The Grain Weevil Bot maintains Grain Silos
32440 The Grain Weevil Bot maintains Grain Silos
The way he collects the water with the squeegee
30689 The way he collects the water with the squeegee
Simple, yet effective, system for unloading app...
29583 Simple, yet effective, system for unloading app...
The way he kicks the can
27871 The way he kicks the can
Ridding that pesky popcorn ceiling
26223 Ridding that pesky popcorn ceiling
Guy rearranges the Nail just by shaking the box.
26471 Guy rearranges the Nail just by shaking the box.
When you go to pet an octopus, and it pets you ...
25129 When you go to pet an octopus, and it pets you ...
I tried to paint a rainy window scene in acryli...
25039 I tried to paint a rainy window scene in acryli...
2024, January
Pretty smooth fist bump
56401 Pretty smooth fist bump
Spatial AR could make vacuuming fun
45110 Spatial AR could make vacuuming fun
Sunflower oil extraction
43354 Sunflower oil extraction
Zoo has hole, so you can hold otters paws
42870 Zoo has hole, so you can hold otters paws
Watching DIY Tile Install
39876 Watching DIY Tile Install
Pink the Border Collie absolutely demolishes an...
34053 Pink the Border Collie absolutely demolishes an...
How to draw shadows correctly
33931 How to draw shadows correctly
Creation of ceiling art using plaster
32694 Creation of ceiling art using plaster
Steam buns fluffing up
31194 Steam buns fluffing up
The chance of probability
30103 The chance of probability