/r/personalfinance - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << personalfinance 2023
2024, November
Bank says my 749 credit score isn't real?
2651 Bank says my 749 credit score isn't real?
Laid off with stay-at-home wife and 3 kids and ...
1828 Laid off with stay-at-home wife and 3 kids and ...
My 401k account seemingly disappeared. I called...
1394 My 401k account seemingly disappeared. I called...
Reported a fraudulent charge. Bank looked into ...
1316 Reported a fraudulent charge. Bank looked into ...
My son got hit by a car. Driver’s insurance sug...
1284 My son got hit by a car. Driver’s insurance sug...
Financial Advisor Made a Mistake That Cost Me T...
1252 Financial Advisor Made a Mistake That Cost Me T...
Apple Stock gifted to me by my grandparents
1233 Apple Stock gifted to me by my grandparents
My brother died and put me in his life insuranc...
1230 My brother died and put me in his life insuranc...
I take home 4800 a month serving. I got a job o...
1038 I take home 4800 a month serving. I got a job o...
Oil rights gifted to me as a kid
1015 Oil rights gifted to me as a kid
2024, October
Former employer forgot to stop paying me, now t...
4828 Former employer forgot to stop paying me, now t...
Salesperson who I closed a car with called me a...
3584 Salesperson who I closed a car with called me a...
I haven’t paid my car note in 6 years
2571 I haven’t paid my car note in 6 years
Progressive deemed my car a total loss. They sa...
2028 Progressive deemed my car a total loss. They sa...
mortgage broker forgot to lock my rate
1914 mortgage broker forgot to lock my rate
Approached to sell inherited 1% share in oil we...
1811 Approached to sell inherited 1% share in oil we...
I got the dreaded Zelle from a stranger - now w...
1516 I got the dreaded Zelle from a stranger - now w...
Help! Monthly mortgage went up by 175%!
1494 Help! Monthly mortgage went up by 175%!
Billed $1,500 for a COVID Test Almost 4 Years L...
1350 Billed $1,500 for a COVID Test Almost 4 Years L...
Credit freeze lifted by thieves using Experian ...
1220 Credit freeze lifted by thieves using Experian ...
2024, September
Resigning due to new job but stocks are vesting...
3489 Resigning due to new job but stocks are vesting...
Brought a cosigner to buy a car, they surprised...
3467 Brought a cosigner to buy a car, they surprised...
accidentally let kid graduate college with all ...
2585 accidentally let kid graduate college with all ...
Froze my & SO's credit. Things I learned.
2160 Froze my & SO's credit. Things I learned.
Sister passed in 2009 with a 401k  - My dad jus...
2118 Sister passed in 2009 with a 401k - My dad jus...
Employer paid me by mistake and now wants GROSS...
1982 Employer paid me by mistake and now wants GROSS...
35 and moving back in with my parents to save m...
1401 35 and moving back in with my parents to save m...
We just had our apartment's gas shut off after ...
1232 We just had our apartment's gas shut off after ...
Employer changed my name on my 401(K) plan to t...
1215 Employer changed my name on my 401(K) plan to t...
Former job reported my income as $30k higher to...
1022 Former job reported my income as $30k higher to...
2024, August
Why is the 35 year window for Social security n...
4892 Why is the 35 year window for Social security n...
Bank will not refund my account after someone f...
3555 Bank will not refund my account after someone f...
Coworker removed money from the 401k in the mid...
3288 Coworker removed money from the 401k in the mid...
Someone claimed I hit their car in a parking lo...
2792 Someone claimed I hit their car in a parking lo...
Employer overpaid me, wants back gross amount
2329 Employer overpaid me, wants back gross amount
I haven't filed taxes in nearly eight years, an...
2076 I haven't filed taxes in nearly eight years, an...
Company matches 401k 100%, $ for $
1777 Company matches 401k 100%, $ for $
I’m freaking out because All my credit card com...
1720 I’m freaking out because All my credit card com...
Do I buy the house next door?
1616 Do I buy the house next door?
How can I offer to help my nieces and nephews w...
1583 How can I offer to help my nieces and nephews w...
2024, July
I am living the scam
5254 I am living the scam
I'm about to lose my house, and I had no idea. ...
1871 I'm about to lose my house, and I had no idea. ...
"You're wasting your money by dumping it into a...
1715 "You're wasting your money by dumping it into a...
Homeownership not what I expected. Things I’ve ...
1429 Homeownership not what I expected. Things I’ve ...
explain APR to me like I'm five
1160 explain APR to me like I'm five
How do I get rid of a vehicle I can’t afford an...
1146 How do I get rid of a vehicle I can’t afford an...
What are good jobs for someone who is 70 years ...
1132 What are good jobs for someone who is 70 years ...
Hospital tells us it'll cost $0 with insurance ...
936 Hospital tells us it'll cost $0 with insurance ...
Many online banks outright lie about being FDIC...
896 Many online banks outright lie about being FDIC...
I feel old I ruined my life.
866 I feel old I ruined my life.
2024, June
I was laid off months ago but my former employe...
4441 I was laid off months ago but my former employe...
I’m going to die soon at 35/36, can I just disb...
3020 I’m going to die soon at 35/36, can I just disb...
I wanna know if this is legit.
1509 I wanna know if this is legit.
My dad just died yesterday. I am only 17 but he...
1397 My dad just died yesterday. I am only 17 but he...
Lost my job and have a $4100 per month mortgage
1195 Lost my job and have a $4100 per month mortgage
HSAs are, by any objective measure, the *absolu...
1055 HSAs are, by any objective measure, the *absolu...
University wants back $ from a check they issue...
1039 University wants back $ from a check they issue...
My parents unknowingly screwed me with my life ...
964 My parents unknowingly screwed me with my life ...
 Bank has kept sending bills to my dead parent ...
917 Bank has kept sending bills to my dead parent ...
Withdrawing entire 401k at age 71
904 Withdrawing entire 401k at age 71
2024, May
Here's how I live off minimum wage in India.
1867 Here's how I live off minimum wage in India.
Our only Source of Income died
1649 Our only Source of Income died
Doctor charged for 60-75 min visit, I was there...
1394 Doctor charged for 60-75 min visit, I was there...
Gave my financial advisor 20k three years ago a...
1274 Gave my financial advisor 20k three years ago a...
Screwed up and missed a credit card payment. Sc...
1241 Screwed up and missed a credit card payment. Sc...
Bank of America makes it INCREDIBLY hard to mak...
1001 Bank of America makes it INCREDIBLY hard to mak...
Wife received an unexpected wire - almost $4k
997 Wife received an unexpected wire - almost $4k
My parents used my identity to open accounts wh...
978 My parents used my identity to open accounts wh...
Bought a truck for $51k owe $35.3k but I can no...
964 Bought a truck for $51k owe $35.3k but I can no...
Credit Karma is SO much worse than Mint
950 Credit Karma is SO much worse than Mint
2024, April
Nanny family says they declared $13000 on taxes
1753 Nanny family says they declared $13000 on taxes
I was charged $700 on my Citi CC from Airbnb I ...
1570 I was charged $700 on my Citi CC from Airbnb I ...
Company refused to bill my insurance and I refu...
1362 Company refused to bill my insurance and I refu...
Grandmother has been scammed out of ALL of her ...
1315 Grandmother has been scammed out of ALL of her ...
Got charged someone’s else’s bar tab…what do I do?
1226 Got charged someone’s else’s bar tab…what do I do?
New car help- got a new car at 22k, got a recei...
1147 New car help- got a new car at 22k, got a recei...
Honestly happy about using FreeTaxUSA for the f...
1146 Honestly happy about using FreeTaxUSA for the f...
I am official broke. After paying my credit car...
1080 I am official broke. After paying my credit car...
Dad passed, car was towed, tow company won't re...
1043 Dad passed, car was towed, tow company won't re...
Am I foolish to take a $23K pay cut for a non-m...
1028 Am I foolish to take a $23K pay cut for a non-m...
2024, March
Experian "Credit Freeze" is fraud - and it will...
1806 Experian "Credit Freeze" is fraud - and it will...
Please pay close attention to your company's 40...
1611 Please pay close attention to your company's 40...
Why does it feel like an 800 credit score doesn...
1540 Why does it feel like an 800 credit score doesn...
Lent brother $15k cash and he wants to report p...
1482 Lent brother $15k cash and he wants to report p...
Bank of America took out $13,500 from my checki...
1396 Bank of America took out $13,500 from my checki...
The 6% commission on buying or selling a home i...
1370 The 6% commission on buying or selling a home i...
Bank of America wrongly deducted $8,000 from my...
1369 Bank of America wrongly deducted $8,000 from my...
Landlord asking for SSN now that I'm moving out
1215 Landlord asking for SSN now that I'm moving out
Received money on zelle, sender asking for it back
1194 Received money on zelle, sender asking for it back
Phone got stolen, $8k was taken out of my TD ac...
1060 Phone got stolen, $8k was taken out of my TD ac...
2024, February
Tax Advice for 2024: Do not file with Turbotax.
2848 Tax Advice for 2024: Do not file with Turbotax.
Getting into a new tax bracket WILL NOT decreas...
1559 Getting into a new tax bracket WILL NOT decreas...
Elderly parent snuck a reverse mortgage…
1490 Elderly parent snuck a reverse mortgage…
Debt collector told me they have no proof of wh...
1375 Debt collector told me they have no proof of wh...
I think my FIL is being robbed by his CPA
1293 I think my FIL is being robbed by his CPA
I’m terrified to spend money
1254 I’m terrified to spend money
Did I just lose my mortgage
1091 Did I just lose my mortgage
Home destroyed in landslide, insurance won't co...
1051 Home destroyed in landslide, insurance won't co...
Planning after death of spouse
1025 Planning after death of spouse
My old employer refuses to give me my W2 out of...
999 My old employer refuses to give me my W2 out of...
2024, January
I'm a 20 yr. old student who's been financially...
3973 I'm a 20 yr. old student who's been financially...
Husband died yesterday
2363 Husband died yesterday
Citibank rep confirmed Cash Bonuses aren't bein...
2293 Citibank rep confirmed Cash Bonuses aren't bein...
My mom passed away. An estate attorney told me ...
1647 My mom passed away. An estate attorney told me ...
My bad decision of buying my car is keeping me ...
1360 My bad decision of buying my car is keeping me ...
I put $3000 down-payment on a car in July. The ...
1204 I put $3000 down-payment on a car in July. The ...
Most adults I know are bad with money, and I’m ...
1177 Most adults I know are bad with money, and I’m ...
Found out I have 10k sitting in a bank account
1056 Found out I have 10k sitting in a bank account
Retirement rollover check issued to a random pe...
1038 Retirement rollover check issued to a random pe...
ive been declared dead by my credit card company
1023 ive been declared dead by my credit card company