/r/science - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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science 2023
2024, November
36324 Children with higher IQ scores were diagnosed l...
34105 Learning CPR on manikins without breasts puts w...
23695 Cervical cancer deaths are plummeting among you...
23146 92% of TikTok videos about ADHD testing were mi...
22141 Troubling study shows “politics can trump truth...
21699 Plastic-eating insect discovered in Kenya
21384 Women take to single life more readily than men...
20898 Conservatives are more likely to click on spons...
19043 A.D.H.D. Symptoms Are Milder With a Busy Schedu...
18438 Researchers have identified 22 pesticides consi...
2024, October
59535 A new study has found that, whether you do it a...
30828 Brain’s waste-clearance pathways revealed for t...
27185 If we want more teachers in schools, teaching n...
27005 Your Brain Changes Based on What You Did Two We...
25961 Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover triggered academic...
23557 New research on female video game characters un...
20857 New study identify Trump as a key figure respon...
20847 A recent study found that anti-democratic tende...
20210 Depressed individuals mind-wander over twice as...
20197 A team of leading sleep researchers from the Br...
2024, September
45292 Stem cells reverse woman’s diabetes — a world f...
32924 Placing defibrillator pads on the chest and bac...
32530 Doctors are worried a combat sport called slap ...
30422 Thousands of toxins from food packaging found i...
29441 Covid lockdowns prematurely aged girls’ brains ...
27774 The Friendship Paradox: 'Americans now spend le...
22659 Study finds that the personal carbon footprint ...
22017 Octopuses seen hunting together with fish in ra...
21263 More trans teens attempted suicide after states...
20934 Two-thirds of Americans say that they are afrai...
2024, August
36347 Scientists find humans age dramatically in two ...
31391 Women who prefer male friends are generally per...
30380 'Sex-normalising' surgeries on children born in...
29225 Democrats rarely have Republicans as romantic p...
25551 Americans who felt most vulnerable during the e...
20791 Study finds if Germany hadnt abandoned its nucl...
19476 Cats appear to grieve death of fellow pets – ev...
18885 Belief that U.S. ‘needs’ a civil war is uncommo...
18465 Horses have the ability to think and plan ahead...
18308 Major Earth systems likely on track to collapse...
2024, July
25091 The amount of sugar consumed by children from s...
15234 Night owls’ cognitive function ‘superior’ to ea...
11482 Your brain on shrooms — how psilocybin resets n...
11256 Weight-loss power of oats naturally mimics popu...
10215 New “body count” study reveals how sexual histo...
9660 Nearly half of adult cancer deaths in the US co...
9484 BMI out, body fat in: Diagnosing obesity needs ...
9469 Diabetes-reversing drug boosts insulin-producin...
8800 Ghosting is a form of social rejection without ...
8699 American diets briefly became healthier and mor...
2024, June
25466 Texas abortion ban linked to unexpected increas...
19321 Microplastics found in every human semen sample...
18376 Studies show that men who are less dissatisfied...
16949 Eating cheese plays a role in healthy, happy ag...
16143 A Neanderthal child with Down’s syndrome surviv...
15120 Researchers have used CRISPR to create mosquito...
14843 Scientists have developed a glowing dye that st...
12938 A recent study has found that slightly feminine...
11597 AI saving humans from the emotional toll of mon...
11552 Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by s...
2024, May
17572 In a first, an orangutan was seen treating his ...
15626 Copayment, a cornerstone of American health ins...
10317 Over 90% of infants were protected from measles...
8992 Teens who vape frequently are exposing themselv...
8070 Researchers develop new device modeled on leech...
6190 Broken stalagmites in a French cave show that h...
5198 Copper coating turns touchscreens into bacteria...
4582 Men are six times more open to polygynous relat...
3999 A decade-long decline in the number of cigarett...
3968 Astronauts could run round a cylinder ‘Wall of ...
2024, April
13874 Research found while antidepressant prescriptio...
12186 Intelligence and kindness are the most valued t...
11122 Recent study has found that IQ scores and genet...
11010 Researchers have found the yeasts and bacteria ...
9584 Remote work in U.S. could cut hundreds of milli...
8975 Years after the U.S. began to slowly emerge fro...
8938 Reducing late-night alcohol sales curbed all vi...
8395 Republicans who support childhood vaccine manda...
6365 Disturbed gut flora during the first years of l...
6034 Many cancer drugs remain unproven 5 years after...
2024, March
23976 The U.S. Supreme Court was one of few political...
19442 Researchers uncover ‘pornification’ trend among...
18531 New study links hospital privatisation to worse...
14792 A genetically modified cow has produced milk co...
13915 Women in polygamous marriages tend to experienc...
13393 Song lyrics getting simpler, more repetitive, a...
13234 There is no evidence that CBD products reduce c...
13128 Anti-piracy messages can cause people to pirate...
12708 Men who engage in recreational activities such ...
12581 Working-age US adults are dying at far higher r...
2024, February
20287 Not a single case of cervical cancer has been d...
15973 Nearly 15% of Americans deny climate change is ...
13308 Black women in the US murdered six times more o...
12821 Hurricanes becoming so strong that new category...
11749 Study found that empathy is socially transmitte...
11217 Women Get the Same Exercise Benefits As Men, Bu...
11210 Researchers have found that 90% of US tattoo in...
10811 Discomfort with men displaying stereotypically ...
10190 A team of physicists in Germany managed to cre...
8421 Research has found that bullied teens' brains s...
2024, January
20446 Automatic checkouts in supermarkets may decreas...
18596 Rape-Related Pregnancies in the 14 US States Wi...
17826 Cannabis users appear to be relying less on con...
15530 Men who identify as incels have "fundamental th...
14511 Bottled water contains hundreds of thousands of...
12254 Same-sex sexual behavior does not result in off...
12002 A recent study concluded that from 1991 to 2016...
10349 Lupus trigger discovered, reaearchers were able...
10081 Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, fewer Michiga...
8438 Long Covid causes changes in body that make exe...