/r/socialskills - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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socialskills 2023
2024, November
2609 The "let me introduce you" seems dead among you...
1327 Why do mean people always seem to have more fri...
918 I am an adult being bullied by a teen, how do I...
794 I completely fucked my reputation at a job I lo...
785 How to find your personality after a decade+ of...
602 Friend thought it was odd I had our group wait ...
583 I can cut people off like they never even existed
585 How do people hold conversations for hours and ...
564 I feel like a part of me died at some point and...
2024, October
1905 Sometimes, your social skills aren’t the proble...
725 Please, just keep showing up.
722 I hate how nonchalant everybody is.
691 Stop Being a People Pleaser.
564 How the fuck do I teach myself to speak smoothl...
562 why can some people get away with being "weird"...
560 I suck at talking
552 What is an underrated, life saver social skill ...
529 Is it normal to have no one?
530 Everyone so rude nowadays
2024, September
1310 My favorite ways to make people feel really goo...
633 Nobody ever likes me.
573 insulted at the club
479 How to tell my neighbor I don’t want to hang out
438 Is it wrong that I consider it rude that people...
411 Your social skills are perfectly good you are j...
410 What drives you to not want to speak to people?
401 I just became aware that I’m an asshole
374 Why do I hate everyone?
2024, August
1298 What can I respond with instead of always sayin...
943 What are some obvious signs that someone has lo...
728 I used to think that people who act super aloof...
690 is it embarrassing to ask to get invited to a p...
683 How come I magically unlock a whole set of soci...
668 Making female friends as a girl is hell
647 Is it strange to serve friends water at a resta...
627 i have nothing to say in conversations
575 I made my First friends in YEARS and they asked...
539 20's to 30's old people who are lonely, what ha...
2024, July
1177 Don't cancel: tip from a socially awkward person
975 How does everyone text so many people so freque...
963 What are some unwritten rules in socializing?
814 What do I do when everyone I talk to pulls thei...
762 Got told "it's not funny when you say it" after...
514 3 Tips to never Run Out of Things to Say!
429 Embarrassed at not being invited to birthday
417 I recently joined a new job , everyone there go...
366 What is a social skill you learned from one of ...
362 How to politely end a hangout
2024, June
1543 30+ people left my party after eating
1465 How to fly solo at a bar guide. From a confiden...
876 Why is everyone offended by quiet people?
839 How are some people instantly liked by others?
788 Can you guys list what bad social habit that ma...
650 How do I make friends as a 26 year old guy
645 What are things that make you immediately disli...
608 Is saying 'no rush' rude?
602 How are you supposed to respond when someone te...
567 former weird kids, how did you change?
2024, May
1057 Why do people feel the need to point out how qu...
548 My personality/social-skills fluctuate from day...
527 What do people who aren't shy or nervous around...
526 What is the word for when you stop talking to e...
507 What do you tell people when they ask what your...
501 What are better responses than “bruh,” “damn,” ...
489 What’s a good exit strategy? I never know how t...
466 Why are the rudest people always so popular?
429 How do people have hours long conversations wit...
420 What's something that changed your social skill...
2024, April
791 What do you answer to “why are you so quiet”
539 Why is being an overly enthusiastic man a turn ...
503 Just go to events alone bro (fail story)
408 Is it normal for male and female friends withou...
353 Wasted my high school years and regret it deeply.
336 Could someone please explain to me how I was of...
283 What is the most uselful social skill?
255 Does stopping porn really help with me being mo...
238 Why do some people "not like to initiate"?
235 Is it bad that I have no friends?
2024, March
1222 It's ok for me to go into the same coffee shop ...
946 My flatmate is too humble and it's making me je...
837 People who can talk to another person for hours...
715 Girl in early 20s with no friends for 7 years s...
673 Went to a mingling event, woman asks if I have ...
663 “College is the best time for making friendship...
555 Is it embarassing to go to a concert with my mom?
505 I got roasted for not having a core friend group
489 Why is being quiet frowned upon in our society?
451 Got it vited to my colleague’s house for dinner...
2024, February
842 Something my therapist told me
660 Where do people go to socialize after the age o...
595 How to politely say no
587 What are the best social tips and tricks you have
583 Are people REALLY always doing things?
528 What are the invisible "rules" that make you a ...
494 After the age of 20 everything becomes more dif...
492 I lost my social skills during 2020 lockdown ho...
449 I’m at a loss watching my precious child going ...
445 The real sense of community in the US is almost...
2024, January
1821 3 biggest habits to get ANYONE to like you.
839 How tf are people confident?
820 You're not boring, you just have low self-estee...
776 every time I talk to someone, it feels like I’m...
711 What make some people's personality so impressive?
621 Is anybody else feeling awkward when in a group...
634 I might be the most boring person alive
522 Is it normal to have 0 friends and not feel lon...
428 I feel so BORING
425 How to become less self absorbed?