/r/starterpacks - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
sfw subreddits
2024, November
30081 Lesbian in food network starterpack
9633 Youtube homepage when youre not signed in start...
8364 Young hippie girl starter pack
8100 Are they hippies or not starterpack?
7873 "Masculinity influencer/grifter wearing a suit"...
6706 Food that Doesn’t Last on Thanksgiving Starterpack
6538 The “Show your mom calls you to recommend” Star...
5781 Girl you knew from high school’s 9 year old son...
5526 "that one drawer in the kitchen right next to t...
5343 "Why won't my adult kids speak to me?" Starter ...
2024, October
11788 The 2 ways people describe Japan starter pack
11270 The “Your Friend Has a Dog that Should Not Stil...
8745 Third world gaming starter pack
8330 My racist neighbor starter pack
8180 The safe edgy humour starter pack
7522 "Looks Gap" Couple Starter Pack
7423 Upcoming celestial event starterpack
6050 Hispanic family that every racist person has ap...
5943 The best walk of your life starter pack
5714 "I'm tryna git my fukin kids back!" Starter pack
2024, September
15229 Insufferable middle school classmate in 2016-20...
13765 Things I love about America as a Luxembourger S...
10849 Female English teacher in her late 20’s starter...
10243 Dating Advice Starter Pack
8507 The “That one dude at every gym” starterpack
8450 Pre 9/11 optimism in the West starterpack
7404 Millennial bar date night in 2012 starter pack
7360 Authentic ethnic food in a gentrified neighborh...
7093 nazi edgy kid starter pack
7084 Divorce according to the internet starter pack
2024, August
23373 "Japan is living in 2050" videos starter pack
12530 Gay black character starterpack
12024 "furnishing a home but you can't afford the nic...
11443 Why don't you get a trade job? They pay well -s...
11163 "The Kids Moved Out a Long Time Ago" Starter Pack
9100 r/drawing Starter Pack
8371 Things that Make My City so Unique Starterpack
7933 College Move-In Day Starter Pack
7477 What that YouTuber you used to watch is up to n...
6942 Ai art bro starterpack
2024, July
10525 Youtubers auto-censoring themselves in their vi...
10245 Amercians who are afraid of cities starterpack
8700 Growing up as a guy with mostly female siblings...
5797 The Doomed Restaurant That You Like Starter Pack
4305 “Im not black I’m Dominican” starter pack
4157 Facebook AI slop starterpack
4023 Pseudo-intellectual plot starterpack
3965 Rich and child-free gay uncle starter pack
3479 "Average 2015 MLG edit" starterpack
2883 Animated tv show getting exhausted starterpack
2024, June
19264 modern car design starter pack
11822 Redditors' reaction to exercise starter pack
10428 Late 2000s FPS game starter pack
10238 The "2000s British cult classic sitcom" starter...
9942 Diverse models starter pack
8047 Girl "finding herself" in Thailand - Starter pack
7459 The 2020’s hipster starter pack
7352 Never Moving Out Of Your Small Town Throughout ...
7335 The “you’re getting a bit older” starterpack
7318 Infantizing Millennial Starter Pack
2024, May
20271 Too many fans and not enough content starter pack
14523 European visitor who does not fear death starte...
13553 Absolute legend starterpack
13475 That one song you sang at elementary school sta...
11572 Average Male Online Dating Experience Starter Pack
11067 “Am I even in the friend group”? Starter Pack
10628 Working full-time in the US starterpack
8918 The "Horror games aren't scary" starter pack
8344 Well made strong female character starter pack
7996 Attending a college graduation starter pack
2024, April
31564 The world's most dangerous animal starterpack
31378 How To Get Laid According To Reddit Starterpack
16581 Jobless 4+ Months Starterpack
16275 "MSG gives me a headache" Starter Pack
12399 Waking up from an after-school nap starterpack
11952 The "Friend That Is Slowly Turning Into An Ince...
10079 Booktok girlie starterpack
9379 Trying to find the porn from 4 years ago that m...
9260 Snacks growing up in an “ingredient household” ...
8760 Staff At Every Domino's Pizza Starter Pack
2024, March
20245 teen who got dragged to lunch with the family s...
13392 "wanna hear my british accent?" starterpack
12784 Food’s people simply won’t let you enjoy how yo...
11830 Black people hairstyles in media starterpack
11358 White guys living in Japan starterpack
11228 Comedian Who’s Past Their Prime Starterpack
11336 Travel Influencer/Vlogger Starterpack
10352 Every Major Chinese City Starter Pack
9529 The Pornhub Starterpack
8960 “I don’t fit in anywhere starter pack”
2024, February
15323 balding at a young age starterpack
13685 The Badass Priest Character Starterpack
11973 “America is a third world country” starterpack
9396 Do you have time for a quick chat? starterpack
9206 The "Subreddit of a Show that ended years ago" ...
8919 The 1st Marijuana Dispensery that opened in you...
8349 Rich kid in the 90s starter pack
7912 Western animation looks all the same starterpack
7447 New car in 2024 starter pack
7262 "That" Catholic Family Starterpack
2024, January
15605 Shitty Old American Town Starter Pack
13023 Boring teenage years starter pack
11816 First ten minutes of the zombie movie starter pack
10485 Black, Female Superhero Starter Pack
9862 “Patrick Warburton character” starter pack
9334 The “I was DEFINITELY born in the right generat...
9070 White “upper-middle-class stay-at-home wife” st...
8906 "We need a gun..." Starter Pack
7643 Your midsize city subreddit starter pack
6964 The learning a language at school starter pack