/r/tifu - top ten submissions for each month of 2014
sfw subreddits
tifu 2015
2014, December
6561 TIFU By Telling my HS Biology Teacher That She ...
11632 TIFUpdate letting the corporate holiday party b...
9710 TIFU by misunderstanding an overweight couple a...
8456 TIFU by going to a fancy carwash and accidental...
9104 TIFU by piercing someones asshole.
5504 TIFU by giving my roommate my queen sized bed
5755 TIFU by letting my family know I was being kidn...
12063 Tifu by ...just read ..the story.
6344 TIFU By Stabbing Myself and My Son
5408 TIFU by yelling at my girlfriend's cat
2014, November
25682 TIFU my whole life. My regrets as a 46 year old...
10670 TIFU by out-farting a cabbie on the way to the ...
7235 TIFU by accidentally sexting my girlfriend's si...
25328 TIFU by leaving my reddit account logged in on ...
9275 TIFU by vacuuming my anus
5695 TIFU by pepper spraying an infant in the face
13443 TIFU by ordering a Stripper for my 18 year old ...
6296 TIFU by lying to my kids so that the wife and I...
5751 TIFU by using my gas bill to save for Christmas
5493 TIFU and almost died in a humiliatingly stereot...
2014, October
20078 TIFU by using a toilet wrong my entire life.
15837 TIFU by trying to scare the wife with the kids.
8057 TIFU by getting a wall in my bathroom patched up.
10324 TIFU by watching my boyfriend play Surgeon Simu...
6724 TIFU by freezing a coworker
9696 TiFU by thrusting my hips *slightly* (NSFW)
7890 TIFU by nonstop farting on an airplane for 6 hours
8765 TIFU got horny while at the hospital, went to t...
5715 TIFU by installing the cloud-to-butt extension
4912 TIFU by trying to turn a piece of coal into a d...
2014, September
19930 TIFU by letting my boyfriend finger me
9244 TIFU by making a funny face at a kid on the bus
14044 TIFU by joking with a customer
9739 TIFU by (not) asking my girlfriend if she has b...
5364 TIFU by deleting the entire mailing list acquir...
13488 TIFU by accepting a Fed-Ex package in a towel
9668 TIFU by telling my german gf a holocaust joke
8433 TIFU by doing what my girlfriend asked
12473 TIFU by letting a feminist parent bring in snac...
7874 TIFU by trying to wax my own vagina
2014, August
12125 TIFU: By Smiling at a Girl on the Bus
16038 TIFU by ignoring the no fraternizing at work ru...
11398 TIFU by showing my erect penis to my girlfriend...
9895 TIFU by looking at some cheerleaders
9695 TIFU by Discovering my Vagina [NSFW]
9209 TIFU by masturbating in the restroom at work
8867 TIFU by inviting my horny friend to a house party.
8731 TIFU by jerking off to my 'neighbor' masturbati...
4848 TIFU by giving my girlfriend a gorilla mask
5492 TIFU by shining a laser in my brother's butthol...
2014, July
12689 TIFU by recording porn of myself when I was a t...
7837 TIFU: secretly eating mushrooms while my wife w...
10593 TIFU by Eating Fun Dip
7529 TIFU by shaving my chance to be in Star Wars VI...
7322 TIFU by yelling walk
5970 TIFU by Causing a Bomb Threat at My High School
5590 TIFU by letting my girlfriend play the Sims 3
8133 TIFU by taking a nap at my best friends house. ...
5189 TIFU By letting my son watch "Transformers"
4787 TIFU by going on an OKCupid date. Ended up in J...
2014, June
10804 TIFU by peeing too hard
6063 TIFU fingering my wife.
5962 TIFU by sleeping over my girlfriends house
5880 Tifu by showering with my wife.
5000 TIFU by telling my father in law how well I Fuc...
4813 TIFU by urinating on a girl
3995 TIFU By not reading my junk mail
3746 TIFU by having an orgasm at the nail salon.
3569 TIFU by leaving my reddit account signed in on ...
3152 TIFU by leaving the batteries in my vibrator..
2014, May
6645 TIFU by killing someone just by typing "4600" i...
4703 TIFU by drunk SnapChatting
3554 TIFU by jacking off under my skylight.
3096 TIFU by teabagging my wife.
3023 Tifu by letting my gf take me home after having...
2597 TIFU by using the Pornhub app too much
2596 TIFU by getting pissed on by my roommate while ...
2316 TIFU by dropping my pen: a $26,000 mistake
2289 TIFU by jerking off after not scoring at the bar
2061 TIFU by shitting myself in a final.
2014, April
13021 TIFU after applying for over 30 jobs.
11007 TIFU by trying to be funny.
5669 TIFU By kicking a kid with Down syndrome in the...
2446 TIFU by shitting my panties and cleaning myself...
2247 TIFU by farting on a girl I like
2144 TIFU by being a horny 16 year old.
2092 X:post from /r/funny TIFU How I had to switch s...
1988 TIFU by accidentally crushing a kid's prom hope...
1798 TIFU by eating two pounds of almonds.
1348 TIFU by botching an interview for an internship...
2014, March
5068 TIFU by showing my dick on Chatroulette
2660 TIFU by wiping my ass with hand sanitizer.
2333 TIFU by trying to dry my nuts
2232 TIFU at dental hygiene
2073 TIFU by touching my junk
1710 TIL / TIFU: Turns out I have a kid...
1629 TIFU by playing the piano at a senior's home.
1530 Today I fucked up by waking up early
1400 TIFU by telling a large African women that I wa...
1213 TIFU and knocked a Mormon down a hill
2014, February
3644 TIFU: I Accidentally Mocked My Fat Friend
3419 TIFU by stuffing shit covered toilet paper into...
2205 tifu by underestimating my typhoon vagina
2167 TIFU by accidentally telling the girl I have be...
1790 TIFU by having a Hitler mustache
1590 TIFU By Letting My GF Start the Car in the Garage
1566 TIFU by stranding my girlfriend in Paris
1544 TIFU by using bluetooth in class
1467 TIFU by blowing air on a spider.
1419 TIFU by torrenting shit from both ends.
2014, January
4001 TIFU by punching a tween girl
2739 TIFU by changing in front of my cat.
1942 TIFU by being a cheap, horny motherfucker. NSFW
1838 TIFU by watching a Disney movie
1717 TIFU by getting caught masturbating in a very e...
1642 TIFU by eating spaghetti
1614 TIFU by opening an envelope.
1512 TIFU by peeing in the shower.
1500 TIFU by having explosive diarrhea in my college...
1486 TIFU by grabbing a fat lady's boob.