/r/unpopularopinion - top ten submissions for each month of 2024

sfw subreddits | << unpopularopinion 2023
2024, November
Barbers need to chill out
20978 Barbers need to chill out
Fake syrup is superior to real maple syrup.
19540 Fake syrup is superior to real maple syrup.
Employees that fully work-from-home are becomin...
11569 Employees that fully work-from-home are becomin...
Cheese pizza is what real pizza aficianados ord...
10736 Cheese pizza is what real pizza aficianados ord...
McDonalds needs to ditch their breakfast menu
9643 McDonalds needs to ditch their breakfast menu
Most Blue-Collar Workers are very insecure abou...
8501 Most Blue-Collar Workers are very insecure abou...
Babish is doing less cooking and being exponent...
7529 Babish is doing less cooking and being exponent...
It’s ridiculous that people list every possible...
6650 It’s ridiculous that people list every possible...
We are at a point where people are way too asoc...
6526 We are at a point where people are way too asoc...
Break up texts are fine if you’re  not married
6317 Break up texts are fine if you’re not married
2024, October
Most people shouldnt have dogs
27002 Most people shouldnt have dogs
Most students don't REALLY hate MATH. What they...
20609 Most students don't REALLY hate MATH. What they...
They should ban the recline function on airplan...
14152 They should ban the recline function on airplan...
You are not in a relationship if you haven't se...
12917 You are not in a relationship if you haven't se...
No haircut needs to cost $50+
12044 No haircut needs to cost $50+
Playing the lottery is a worthwhile investment.
9667 Playing the lottery is a worthwhile investment.
12 am and 12 pm are wrong and should be switched.
9030 12 am and 12 pm are wrong and should be switched.
Adulthood should actually be considered at age 25+
8948 Adulthood should actually be considered at age 25+
Colonizing Mars is the stupidest thing I’ve eve...
8070 Colonizing Mars is the stupidest thing I’ve eve...
Criminal trials should be double blind
7028 Criminal trials should be double blind
2024, September
Everyday Cars Should Not Be Designed To Exceed ...
21706 Everyday Cars Should Not Be Designed To Exceed ...
If someone catches a ball at an mlb game with t...
19232 If someone catches a ball at an mlb game with t...
Movies just aren’t very good anymore.
14229 Movies just aren’t very good anymore.
Burger and fries shouldn't go together
12058 Burger and fries shouldn't go together
Tapatío deserves to be America’s table hot sauc...
11006 Tapatío deserves to be America’s table hot sauc...
Open casket funerals are traumatizing.
10879 Open casket funerals are traumatizing.
Universities should do away with “Greek Life”
9279 Universities should do away with “Greek Life”
Ice cream should be eaten with a fork
8307 Ice cream should be eaten with a fork
Sean Evans of Hot Ones isn't a good host
7552 Sean Evans of Hot Ones isn't a good host
It should be socially normal to have yellow teeth
6838 It should be socially normal to have yellow teeth
2024, August
Car manufacturers should go back to requiring t...
11378 Car manufacturers should go back to requiring t...
Pho is bland and not worth the hype
8319 Pho is bland and not worth the hype
Telling people "I'm not interested in what you ...
8012 Telling people "I'm not interested in what you ...
Small town life is better than city life.
6473 Small town life is better than city life.
Traveling to Africa for Safari Is Not for Backp...
5881 Traveling to Africa for Safari Is Not for Backp...
The true thing making dating nowadays toxic, is...
5158 The true thing making dating nowadays toxic, is...
The Olympics should use standardized gear
4742 The Olympics should use standardized gear
“American Idiot” is not a good Green Day album
4450 “American Idiot” is not a good Green Day album
Celebrities don’t look better than the average ...
4432 Celebrities don’t look better than the average ...
Flirting is the most fun thing in the world.
3990 Flirting is the most fun thing in the world.
2024, July
Calling people "unhoused" instead of "homeless"...
16041 Calling people "unhoused" instead of "homeless"...
Boneless wings are far superior to tradition wi...
14413 Boneless wings are far superior to tradition wi...
Starvation is the worst way to die
7548 Starvation is the worst way to die
The sound of the ocean is annoying
7343 The sound of the ocean is annoying
I don't think it is that bad being ugly
6629 I don't think it is that bad being ugly
Food in England - including English specific cu...
6467 Food in England - including English specific cu...
Short sex is better than long sex.
5447 Short sex is better than long sex.
Being In Your 30s And 40s Seems More Exciting T...
5284 Being In Your 30s And 40s Seems More Exciting T...
Minivans are an objectively better car for most...
5215 Minivans are an objectively better car for most...
Traveling for work is not a job perk
4859 Traveling for work is not a job perk
2024, June
The middle seat is the best seat on an airplane.
14852 The middle seat is the best seat on an airplane.
Too many people mistake explanations for excuses.
10218 Too many people mistake explanations for excuses.
People who live in apartments should not own dogs.
8275 People who live in apartments should not own dogs.
Vets these days take full advantage of the fact...
7360 Vets these days take full advantage of the fact...
Preggo is the worst word ever
7014 Preggo is the worst word ever
Tucked in shirts on men look really ugly unless...
6808 Tucked in shirts on men look really ugly unless...
Travel is not necessarily an attractive trait.
6613 Travel is not necessarily an attractive trait.
“You need to be happy single” is good advice fo...
5329 “You need to be happy single” is good advice fo...
Boarding an airplane last is better than being ...
5298 Boarding an airplane last is better than being ...
Going to bars is more depressing than fun
4058 Going to bars is more depressing than fun
2024, May
Marrying your high school sweetheart is probabl...
10503 Marrying your high school sweetheart is probabl...
Folks should start mixing raisins into their Ma...
10465 Folks should start mixing raisins into their Ma...
"Veggies" is a word that sounds unpleasant and ...
7260 "Veggies" is a word that sounds unpleasant and ...
A professor shouldn’t have to curve an exam
5425 A professor shouldn’t have to curve an exam
Epcot is incredibly outdated and doesn’t make s...
4484 Epcot is incredibly outdated and doesn’t make s...
Highschool sports are taken WAY too seriously.
4126 Highschool sports are taken WAY too seriously.
Most people would become a landlord given the o...
3311 Most people would become a landlord given the o...
Memorial Day Sales are incredibly disrespectful...
3156 Memorial Day Sales are incredibly disrespectful...
White collar job salaries have fallen the most ...
3098 White collar job salaries have fallen the most ...
Doughnuts are best eaten upside down
3038 Doughnuts are best eaten upside down
2024, April
Going dutch on a date should be the norm and an...
15439 Going dutch on a date should be the norm and an...
EVERYBODY should recline their seats on an airp...
7689 EVERYBODY should recline their seats on an airp...
People should get paid for interviews
7406 People should get paid for interviews
Higher education and sports should be separated.
6332 Higher education and sports should be separated.
Interviews are a terrible way to know if someon...
6277 Interviews are a terrible way to know if someon...
Most people at a wedding don’t give a fuck abou...
5337 Most people at a wedding don’t give a fuck abou...
Constant location sharing is weird
5322 Constant location sharing is weird
Identifying as "Intelligent but lazy" in most c...
4982 Identifying as "Intelligent but lazy" in most c...
It should be common practice to put cause of de...
4691 It should be common practice to put cause of de...
People who give up on new hobbies because ''the...
4534 People who give up on new hobbies because ''the...
2024, March
You are NOT missing out or wasting your 20's if...
16137 You are NOT missing out or wasting your 20's if...
Boba is f%&king disgusting.
13261 Boba is f%&king disgusting.
You are "from" where you were born and raised, ...
12270 You are "from" where you were born and raised, ...
Being married to your high school sweetheart is...
11909 Being married to your high school sweetheart is...
If you’re a “manager” at a job and you tell emp...
10239 If you’re a “manager” at a job and you tell emp...
Being a "short"  dude only sucks on dating apps...
9381 Being a "short" dude only sucks on dating apps...
Art school should be way more exclusive.
8723 Art school should be way more exclusive.
Saying you can't cook is basically saying that ...
8131 Saying you can't cook is basically saying that ...
Paper straws are objectively better than plastic
7837 Paper straws are objectively better than plastic
The elevation of pets to a near-human/ human st...
7477 The elevation of pets to a near-human/ human st...
2024, February
People who say “this could never be made today”...
9673 People who say “this could never be made today”...
Drinking water out of a bottle with your mouth ...
8366 Drinking water out of a bottle with your mouth ...
Banning straws made no sense when balloons are ...
7365 Banning straws made no sense when balloons are ...
Small business owners are the most insufferable...
7043 Small business owners are the most insufferable...
Married people splitting their finances is fool...
6911 Married people splitting their finances is fool...
Taco Bell can be relatively decent, wholesome a...
6535 Taco Bell can be relatively decent, wholesome a...
If you cheat on your husband/wife, assets shoul...
6449 If you cheat on your husband/wife, assets shoul...
People who say “don’t blame others for the prob...
6401 People who say “don’t blame others for the prob...
People who say "humans weren't meant to work" h...
5776 People who say "humans weren't meant to work" h...
Jacksepticeye was right about mrbeast
5360 Jacksepticeye was right about mrbeast
2024, January
Being chronically late all the time is 100% a c...
18132 Being chronically late all the time is 100% a c...
You shouldn't be allowed to recieve organs from...
11848 You shouldn't be allowed to recieve organs from...
Old men with their (arguably) "aggressive" nudi...
9730 Old men with their (arguably) "aggressive" nudi...
Gypsy Rose Blanchard shouldn’t be famous
7493 Gypsy Rose Blanchard shouldn’t be famous
Banks shouldn't need to "earn money." They shou...
7056 Banks shouldn't need to "earn money." They shou...
Rodents and pigeons don't deserve the cruel & i...
6925 Rodents and pigeons don't deserve the cruel & i...
Killing bugs is sad
6225 Killing bugs is sad
If you go fishing, it's more humane to eat the ...
5685 If you go fishing, it's more humane to eat the ...
Gryffindor house is full of assholes & bullies
5640 Gryffindor house is full of assholes & bullies
Working a 9-5 job isn’t the ‘hell on earth’ I’v...
5314 Working a 9-5 job isn’t the ‘hell on earth’ I’v...