/r/videos - top ten submissions for each month of 2015
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2015, December
48813 Taco shop near my house got robbed last week. T...
20652 Guy gets mattress into garbage truck only using...
24418 Two chiliheads eat the worlds strongest Chili P...
26115 Why we should go to Mars. Brilliant Answer
30653 How to Calm a Crying Baby - "Shake their little...
23487 Quentin Tarantino on Disney vs. 'The Hateful Ei...
21992 Girl films her progress learning the violin eve...
17022 A Fun Day in Roller Coaster Tycoon!
19989 Things you can't put in a 2015 James Bond movie
28738 Intense Car Chase and Gun Battle in Downtown Se...
2015, November
32136 Man released from prison after 44 years experie...
36912 How Facebook is Stealing Billions of View - In ...
19265 The Wind Catcher invention
13239 Oh god. The year 2000 was a very different place.
44347 UPS marks this guy's shipment as "lost". Months...
33713 An attempt at creating the world's largest Rubi...
16904 Guy who doesn't skateboard learns how to kickfl...
37316 We left candy on our porch and asked the trick-...
21232 A rocket just reached 100 km altitude and lande...
14640 Engineering Guy - NERF Blaster: Air Restriction...
2015, October
46537 This game has one player try to defuse a bomb w...
58789 Sorority Girls at a Baseball Game
41387 The dark secret behind those cute Slow Loris vi...
38397 Japanese Live Streamer accidentally burns his h...
33804 Tesla autopilot goes live. First impressions ar...
18270 A Shaolin kid teaching Jackie Chan a staff rout...
14121 Norwegian TV-show does a sketch in LA : Under 6...
24023 Norwegian bodybuilders have found a way to look...
17379 Austin's KVUE news anchors interview a man over...
19794 Egg Balance Prank
2015, September
12824 Dog owner pretends to suddenly collapse while w...
16002 Watch Disney Animation legend behind Aladdin an...
28498 1958, when Muslims laughed at the idea of impos...
40398 Super Dad cheers on daughter as she fishes up a...
25365 Boy takes down hate preacher in the most Scotti...
20813 News anchor laughs at the name of a pig
11739 Kung Fu Fighting Drills Don't Work
18230 Adobe CEO desperately tries to avoid a question...
21558 OSHA worker arrives at excavation site just in ...
10615 The Convincer convinces people to drive safely ...
2015, August
38834 Without question, the best video of the Tianjin...
32451 How "oldschool" graphics worked.
31247 Man lip syncs his heart out during a 7-hour roa...
25909 John Oliver: Televangalists
17986 The most unnecessary use of a ghillie suit
36074 Huge explosion in Tianjin, China
17703 Why wearing cone-shaped metal hats is a bad idea.
35298 TIL there is a instrument called a Chapman Stic...
34215 This brutally honest American commercial
25579 That time ESPN aired a ROCK PAPER SCISSORS Tour...
2015, July
42501 One-Minute Time Machine
18627 "We didn't even know how you vanished the mothe...
40275 News anchor offers his own theory as to how Ama...
13812 A Welshman teaches a seagull to dance.
46948 This is how quick it happens
25918 "Look at me son, I'm talking to you"
40229 1000 musicians play Learn to Fly by Foo Fighter...
22169 Wait for the drop...
17685 Smells Like Teen Shovel
23672 You will never be as confident as this kid danc...
2015, June
44038 Dude builds a pretty impressive shelter in the ...
39099 I turned the "Favorite Video >10 Seconds" AskRe...
18174 The guy who wrote & produced "Call Me Maybe" sa...
51162 Damn it, Shia LaBeouf
31504 I've been recording my golden retriever pups ru...
21189 How an Irish lad gets a round of drinks round t...
27920 GTA in real life
31486 My Homemade 40W LASER SHOTGUN!!!
10957 Ever wonder where the infamous Nokia ringtone c...
12217 'I play the saxophone different to anyone else'
2015, May
39060 So that's what the extra shoelace hole is for!
13000 The Backwards Brain Bicycle
38006 KUNG FURY has been released for free on YouTube!
20085 Nothing about this toy makes sense
24735 New drone that follows you around is the cooles...
19511 Two guys are delighted that their cardboard rc ...
24511 Rick and Morty Visit the Simpsons | Couch Gag f...
16768 The worst video game ending ever. Mortal Kombat 4
22737 The sharp-eyed bus passenger.
16812 Berlin in July 1945 (HD 1080p color footage)
2015, April
52707 Math professor pranks his class once again!
22995 [Bill the engineerguy] The Ingenious Design of ...
18834 Lars Andersen: Response videos to criticisms of...
18967 Dog demonstrates how to use your inside voice.
11540 The Leaked Contamination Of The Amazon Video
28295 Hit by Avalanche in Everest Basecamp 25.04.2015
20987 Puppy Doesn't Understand Hiccups
20931 Railroad assembly line? That is a seriously inc...
14819 WINCHESTER SXP Faulty Firing Pin. Crazy scary!
30643 I wore a GoPro to my boring office job. Decided...
2015, March
11368 A robot brought me room service at my hotel...
14860 Federer gets lobbed by a kid
14822 Unboxing my hibernating tortoise!
23564 Douchebag acting tough and then..
14428 Monkey meeting puppies
22320 Benny the Bull stalks a sideline reporter.
30445 Robert Downey Jr. presents a real bionic Iron M...
46132 A Father Of Four Hears Silence For The First Time
17193 I'm an Aerobatic Pilot. I also like to scare my...
14769 "Are they moving?"
2015, February
41168 Minnesota Timberwolves just released the best c...
42948 Airplane Snoring!
23060 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Tobacco
21915 Some guys build a huge Trojan Horse and take it...
19160 Ken Jennings takes on "Initials to Roman numera...
21520 Texas Sportscaster elegantly speaks his mind on...
20463 The best negotiation ever.
12208 The guy on the left could beat Lebron any day.
17080 Guy jokingly plays first chords of 'You Shook M...
13639 "Doesn't give a shit" Kitty original Video found!
2015, January
44305 Absolutely incredible archery skills
23655 This commercial won best commercial in the Neth...
32448 My friend plays a selfie-video joke on her brot...
40774 Damning evidence of how formulaic pop country h...
38298 Sex Ed teacher in Mississippi prohibited from d...
45309 "It's only f***ing snow, Alan." We don't get sn...
18875 Every News Report Ever
12703 My first day with my drone.. couldn't have gone...
24195 Lava spilling into the ocean
23243 Dog confused by squeaky toy