/r/writing - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
sfw subreddits
2024, November
2153 The Word You're Looking for is "Daydreaming"
1793 If you want to improve as a writer, you must re...
1112 How do I tell my mom not to read my book?
879 Lessons learned from 6 books, and ten years of ...
700 My book is coming out and now I'm scared
633 Why did so many classic authors die by suicide?
598 For anyone who needs to hear this, it's okay if...
523 Is being a full-time author only for rich kids?
482 Writing is much, much harder than I thought it ...
2024, October
1689 If you are a new writer passionate about fantas...
1564 Is it just me, or are people on this sub really...
1412 This sub is increasingly indistinguishable from...
1008 A plea to all writers
996 You don’t have to sh*t on romance readers (and ...
870 Why did people stopped naming chapters?
793 Honestly, I don't even care if my book ends up ...
777 Had no motivation to write this morning. Wrote ...
764 The secret to improvement: get off the internet.
728 I finally understand why some writers are surpr...
2024, September
4796 Understand that most of the advice you get on t...
1259 A tip for serial procrastinators and people dyi...
1144 Stop procrastinating. Just write.
1068 I finally gave myself the freedom to write shit...
984 For all you first time authors
854 Rereading Lord of the Rings, I'm surprised that...
839 Does people's lack of media literacy worry you
639 What is your writing hot take?
596 Why do so many writers here try to outsource th...
565 Got my first one-star review. I'm just glad som...
2024, August
1054 What are some obvious signs in a manuscript tha...
938 What words do you use in erotic scenes?
935 What's a not rude way to sign off a letter to s...
770 Just do it.
719 Beginning writers - please give women personali...
702 6 pages a day??
649 Am I simply fucked?
636 Proud of myself.
640 Why does most writing advice focus on high-leve...
635 Worst writing advice you’ve ever heard
2024, July
1964 Pro-tip for advanced authors and their audience...
1177 Is it necessary to write sex scenes?
683 What do you personally avoid in the first pages...
573 When your favorite author is not a good person
541 I am amazed by unpublished/lesser known authors
482 Hey! Quit lurking and procrastinating! Get to w...
464 How did the boys show succeed where the boys co...
451 A good lesson on writing that agonizing first d...
446 Do you partake in substance use when you write?
445 What tropes and clichés are we currently losing...
2024, June
1134 Portrayal Is Not Endorsement
1037 The book I want to write already exists
1032 Least Favorite "Trope-y" Language
1017 Reading about how little Sanderson made early o...
971 Do any of you have ADHD and if so, what tips do...
913 Favorite Songs to Write To
885 Emotion Wheel
798 The 2024 winners of the Lyttle Lytton contest, ...
710 Why you should handle the "Is it okay to write....
678 Today someone I vaguely knew told me that his f...
2024, May
1028 Do people really notice eye colors that often?
987 What are some tropes you can’t stand with immor...
933 Please tell me this is a joke and that there ar...
877 What’s one trope that you absolutely hate?
783 As a writer, what is something you've vowed nev...
722 Do you ever re-read something you wrote and go ...
696 What is the Darkest novel you have ever read?
686 What did Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey do so r...
684 What is the best book you ever read?
666 What do you think is an overrated character trope?
2024, April
1139 Boobs: A case for not mentioning them at all.
631 Accidentally named my secret villain "misfortun...
615 Sick of people asking if they're allowed to wri...
585 Marvel's Law: Any sufficiently long Scifi/fanta...
580 Just read Dune, same plot as the book i've been...
491 What's your advice for men who want to write fe...
481 Novice writers over-using vomiting, stomach ach...
476 Man, the rejection is real.
474 Adverbs: Why do people hate them now?
458 Are there clichés about women writing men?
2024, March
1472 It turns out, I’m very bad
1072 I am begging you all to get off Twitter and tum...
851 Is it bad that I don’t want to write “good” boo...
804 Man, it's so hard to actually make a plot move ...
709 Man, fuck writing advice. Anyone got some writi...
629 How to describe an attractive person's body wit...
599 My book is coming out this month and I'm becomi...
581 Is there really a noticeable difference between...
513 OK, fine, a bunch of ways of thinking about Sho...
461 I was told today not to double space between se...
2024, February
2881 Yes, I'm afraid reading books is required to be...
1057 Does the trend of “media illiteracy” worry you ...
956 Friend called my writing “not real work”
887 In a story with a male protagonist, what are so...
755 Science fiction authors were excluded from awar...
725 "Show don't tell" is a misunderstood term
651 What's the best first line you've ever written ...
604 Fanfiction is an EXCELLENT way to practice writ...
583 Are women written by men are unconvincing to wo...
545 Mark Dawson is a Plagiarist UPDATE
2024, January
1986 “Show, don’t tell” should be rephrased as “don’...
1822 So... I met a bunch of successful writers. They...
1314 If you're only okay with LGBTQ+ characters as l...
1036 PSA: Write whatever the hell you want. Yes, it'...
783 My child is not an honor student.
747 I haven’t been able to write since my family fo...
604 Why are people on this sub asking for permissio...
592 Cut the word “suddenly” as much as you can.
452 Male writer: my MC is a lesbian—help
444 It's okay to write what you want.