/r/yesyesyesyesno - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
sfw subreddits
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yesyesyesyesno 2023
2024, November
7965 Fool proof plan
7049 Doggy seems happy on a walk
4750 Good doggo
4233 Installing a new kitchen countertop
4119 Almost got her
3701 First day at work
3484 She should have known - read the sign in the ba...
3180 Yes Yes Yes Yes NOOOOOO
3079 YesYesYes No She's Gone
2891 The front fell off
2024, October
9193 Surprizorus
8662 Fun party game
7958 French woman learns English
7839 Gottem
6569 So close, yet so far away...
5970 You're so close
5902 Yes Yes Yes Yes No
5514 She said no gold medal for you old man!
5171 These are professional racers
4979 It’s all about the shoes
2024, September
11391 Safety first
7890 No one noticed
7890 The ending is crazy ? ?
6971 Did not know you can brake with that
6896 When you end up where you started
5698 True tho
5647 MeowwUaaaah ?
5408 "Mom look"
4928 They are enlightened now??
4620 Try harder …
2024, August
13906 What ???
11781 Bro was flabbergasted
10331 She was a fairy.
7218 100% sure the one behind the camera is the uncle
6894 They had better not.
5759 Female eras
5465 Funny grandma
4510 Look at those moves
3534 Poor Fly
3421 Trying to be the best husband.
2024, July
12709 They tried, but they didnt't fear her enough.
10462 Fish are friends - not food!
5410 Putting on the rizz
5391 Sometimes having a big belly is not bad
4801 Maybe
4388 Shot through the heart
4054 Lucky she was alive after that
4017 Judge me
3571 "yes!yes!yes!noo!" ahh mouse???
3252 Unexpected
2024, June
24576 Found this on TikTok
9043 Successfully taught their cat to use the toilet.
6584 Russian Cops Show Off Their Driving Skills
4514 Gladiators
4265 When you finally teach your dog a new trick
4192 Chili's tip jar
4031 I would have kept singing.
3888 Just like us
3721 Roll Out the Red Carpet
3536 yes yes yes yes
2024, May
5361 SpaceX Starship SN9 landing
3433 Yes yes yes…nooooo
2360 Celebrating a child's first birthday
2204 Let's wait for it
1494 The precision of the door clearing the wall
1453 It's cake baking time
1441 The rib grind - the sickest new skateboard trick
1372 Why is this so funny?
1221 Guy revs bike to flames
1104 The Kicker
2024, April
7384 Mexican news show plays a video of the eclipse
6849 Well that's embarrassing ?
3020 China. Rescued Woman gets dropped 50+ Meter
2956 so close
2831 Taking a cool video with an expensive Eagle
2398 You like the nuggets but you don't like to see ...
2366 Tax dollars put to good use
2052 Going for gold
1990 Paramotor Pilot and Youtuber Anthony Vella sudd...
1844 Straight out of Cartoon network programming
2024, March
7260 Hey there little guy. I'm here to help.
3905 A small miscalculation was made.
3739 Lamborghini rolling through water
3199 It's all fun and games until...
2730 Throw the whole baby out
2803 This isn't even my final form!!!
2783 Discord flirt
2370 Very steep, can he make it to the top?
2371 i just... ?
2099 Nice drive along the beach ruined
2024, February
16133 Not all heroes wear capes
13453 YYYYN
11767 No pain no gain
12825 2 seconds of joy
11387 A clever invention
10496 The almost perfect shot
9908 Top of the line gourmet presentation
6644 The stars that don't align
6489 Cake hearts
5719 Goal celebration gone wrong
2024, January
18100 Truth can never be hidden for long
12099 Safety fir... oh
8588 That escalated quickly
6880 Sometimes things just go awry
10991 How much to be an asshole?
6381 Use your time wisely - @joenunnink
6377 Playing a "fair" game of blackjack
6260 the setup vs the shot
11225 Must have felt nice
4644 0:22 I don’t know if this is real or not but I’...