/r/yoga - top ten submissions for each month of 2024
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yoga 2023
2024, November
3708 Shout out to Yoga With Adriene
2710 My Yoga space at home
1885 My nude yoga class almost all male
1440 “I don’t want to go to yoga, I want to have gon...
1229 [COMP] I can finally fly! Kakasana/crow pose
934 Why being the worst one in a yoga class is the ...
919 [COMP] pistol squat
836 [COMP] Slow lowers from handstand are my favori...
536 [COMP] Pincha to baby crow!
525 [COMP] Bridge pose & some wheel variations
2024, October
2080 Ladies I need help
1221 [COMP] Big guy practicing regularly for the fir...
884 Just wanted to show our halloween shirts I made :)
731 [COMP] Slowww lower to forward fold
718 [COMP] Finally getting some air time in eka has...
623 Og yoga pants worn by female yogis(yoginis)
563 I always feel so super amazing after yoga. So w...
559 [COMP] Update: Tuck handstand progress
382 [COMP] King cobra variations
376 Marijuana & Yoga experience
2024, September
1663 [COMP] first ever one leg crow to handstand
993 [COMP] Morning sunshine, yoga & the lovely comp...
832 Five years of daily yoga
815 Frustrated with the gymnastification of yoga
783 [COMP] Some camel pose variations I haven’t vis...
737 Judging others for not following yoga philosoph...
691 I was the only woman in my yoga class!
571 [COMP] side crow jump back into chaturanga
460 Trying new things is scary but can lead to some...
423 Got shamed in class for being too flexible
2024, August
1674 Joined yoga when I lied about it
835 [COMP] My backbending practice feels like an ev...
787 [COMP] Uttanasana on the balcony
715 [COMP] Natarajasana / King dancer pose
554 [COMP] Anjaneyasana ~ low crescent lunge
525 First time I'm seeing this "christian yoga" and...
461 I Cried In Yoga Today
429 Just sharing
289 [COMP] 1. Where should I be looking while in a ...
283 COMP - fix my mermaid
2024, July
712 I miss yoga being affordable
534 [COMP] Downward facing dog ? three-legged downd...
523 Just did slow yoga for the first time and had a...
522 Cultural appropriation?
506 How do you feel about late patrons to yoga class?
395 [COMP] I held my first crane!
373 Super cozy setup at the yoga studio I go to
330 [COMP] little snippet of at home practice
216 Doing My First Nude Yoga Class Saturday!
172 Yoga and cannabis?
2024, June
824 Why 'Yoga with Adriene' ?
715 [COMP] It’s not about touching your toes
473 Got shamed in a class today for having inflexib...
407 Why does this pose cause my hamstrings to have ...
398 The Cultural Sensitivity of Yoga - Sad experien...
363 I wish every sport had Savasana
343 Might seem kind of silly...but i did it
334 Locked out of Class?
327 [COMP] Early morning movement / Things I like t...
311 PSA - If you want to ask out someone from class...
2024, May
881 What’s Your Unpopular Yoga Opinion?
686 [COMP] after many face plants, I finally lifted...
658 [COMP] Everyone left the office so I’m practici...
481 Help to achieve this asana.
462 Wanting to expand on this.
408 Finally got around to waking up early and doing...
400 [comp] My first dropback!
391 [COMP] crow to handstand (and back)
326 To the instructors who give mini-scalp massages...
305 Farted in yoga class
2024, April
610 My sacrum popped into place after five years… t...
574 [COMP] One legged forward fold. So much harder ...
539 Stretches and poses to achieve this?
489 The ruthless replies to honest questions
475 I just accidentally flashed my whole class and ...
440 Just been filmed without my consent in a yoga c...
416 [COMP] new transition unlocked ? flying pigeon?...
368 I did a big dumb
322 Bridge orgasm - do other women experience this?
321 I taught my first class today!!
2024, March
261 [COMP] Pincha progress! I'm finally able to bal...
200 Help! How to approach harassment in studio
201 [COMP] Progressing on my crow to handstand.
173 [COMP] pike headstand into eagle legs
161 First time practicing in the studios since the ...
157 Just did yoga for the 1st time it was torture
161 Why is yin yoga so powerful?
156 Goal pose
157 [COMP] Standing forward fold variations ~ easin...
148 30 Day Yoga Journey Completion
2024, February
2470 A dude farted in class today getting into down ...
1265 Gentlemen, it’s time to stop being self conscio...
1243 [COMP] Everyone's LEAST favorite poses in one flow
1209 Almost daily 1hr yoga for roughly 3 months — my...
881 [ COMP] My attempt on trying to do all the arm ...
709 it happened. i queefed in class.
571 My “faithful” Christian brother wants me to sto...
565 [COMP] Downdog really does become a resting pos...
543 [COMP] Super Solider
534 You're not "broken"
2024, January
760 [COMP] Side Crow Split to Chin Stand
643 My yoga studio is getting ridiculous with overc...
576 How do I convince christian friends that doing ...
504 I'm so tired of hot classes
489 Feeling disappointed in my studio
385 Went to my first Yoga class and I think my etiq...
373 Student taking video in class
265 [COMP] I really love this little sequence ? Sph...
255 Sequencing has gone to shit
253 Feet on my mat!